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Firmware 6.0

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Really?? Okay that might explain why I felt like there was less bass the other day listening to this

I will say, the regen may feel a little less aggressive... but the go pedal feels more... powerful? I don't know how to describe it... I like the accelerator changes when I put my foot down... but the regen feels a little more mild taking my foot off the pedal.. I too would love to see Tesla offer a more aggressive regen profile...
Regarding regen: After almost 2 weeks of 6.0, it is almost 50/50 between members who insist regen has been tweaked (same peak, slower onset), and those who insist it has not. So, rather than either insisting it has or hasn't, I wish we could just agree that it may or may not have been tweaked, but regardless it is not material change. Unless you are a princess who sleeps on a pea!

Then, there are a few outliers who are reporting that regen no longer even peaks at 60 kW, just goes to 45 kW. For those, I strongly suggest you do the following:
1) Set to "low", reboot. Reset to "standard", reboot. A few releases ago, quite a number of people felt regen was reduced... turned out the update had reset it to "low" even though toggle still showed standard.
2) IF THAT DOESN'T WORK. Please take your car to service center, demonstrate the reduced regen, and ask them to fix. Let us know what they say!
I got to drive my car on 6.0 and a loaner on 5.14 back to back yesterday. There was no difference between the rate of regen, possibly an almost imperceptable smoothing of the 'plunge' from being on the throttle to completely off - but certainly not an obvious difference.

The regen depth has not changed -- still 60kW from spends above 45mph, but the attack (or "plunge" as you call it) is certainly softer. And I've tried flipping back and forth between low and standard, and it's not that. Both settings perform quite differently, and correctly. I've had my car for less than 6 weeks, mostly on 5.12, and I was still getting used to the aggressive regen attack on backing off. After upgrade to 6.0, the attack is certainly less aggressive, but the regen still reaches the same peak value. It's small but perceptible. The standard regen is still aggressive, but with a small but perceptible reduction in the "jolt" from backing off.

- - - Updated - - -

Regarding regen: After almost 2 weeks of 6.0, it is almost 50/50 between members who insist regen has been tweaked (same peak, slower onset), and those who insist it has not. So, rather than either insisting it has or hasn't, I wish we could just agree that it may or may not have been tweaked, but regardless it is not material change. Unless you are a princess who sleeps on a pea!

I agree it's not material. The effect is slight, would not be a safety issue in any way, and have virtually no impact on the amount of energy recovered.
I can see the look on the service people's faces right now ... :confused: WTF!?!?!

Agree, but if it can be demonstrated by side-by-side comparison to demo car, then they've gotta take it seriously.
And, they are better equipped to address than anyone on this forum! Talking it to death might produce some lovely incantations, but they won't change the car@!
I am also experiencing a slight tweak of both accelerator pedal response and regen on 6.0. A bit more subtle regen and a bit more aggressive acceleration (I'm in a P85). I'm still routing for complete user tweakable pedal mapping, maybe in Firmware 11.0 or in one of the first custom firmwares made by enthusiats in the future? Without explaining in detail here please check this post if you're interested in the details of this theoretical feature:
Feature idea: Custom Driving Modes
I got to drive my car on 6.0 and a loaner on 5.14 back to back yesterday. There was no difference between the rate of regen, possibly an almost imperceptable smoothing of the 'plunge' from being on the throttle to completely off - but certainly not an obvious difference.

Thank you for confirming what I have also posted: regen is unchanged in 6.0.

If Tesla officially announces that V6 includes modifications to regen that some drivers may notice, then I'll believe it.
For the first time in ages - possibly a year - I had a lockup of the touchscreen today. Was completely unresponsive until I rebooted it. Guessing a V6 bug?

For the first time in ages - possibly a year - I had a lockup of the touchscreen today. Was completely unresponsive until I rebooted it. Guessing a V6 bug?

It may not be 6.0-specific. I had the same happen to me with 5.9 not too long ago, complete with the Car Needs Service banner. A few weeks before that it failed to wake from sleep and had to be rebooted on the same OS. It appears that sometimes you just get unlucky and something fails to initialize properly on waking.

Two weeks into the 6.0 rollout, and no sign here. VIN 2844, for those still looking for patterns.
It is 100% unchanged. Placebo effect.

I have to agree with this. What convinces me is I got the update before I read all this talk about changing the regen. When I first read it I realized the car hadn't felt any different since I got 6.0 and I'm sure I would have noticed if it had, I'm pretty used to how my car feels, but after reading about it days after getting the update I suddenly felt a change! If that's not the placebo effect in action I don't know what is :p
For those talking about changes in regen, remember that the amount of regen you get is dependent on a lot of things. Pack temperature, charge state, and perhaps other things we don't know. I often would get relatively minor variations in regen behavior depending on conditions.

If Tesla "smoothed" the regen profile, I'm not sure why they wouldn't announce it in the What's New. After all, an update from 1.5 years ago mentioned "improved throttle mapping" as a new feature.

Not arguing it one way or another, but something to think about.
Well, they added sensors and camera for blind spot detection, acc, speed limit notifications and lane assist, and I have still not seen a public announcement of that... So slight changes in regen-algorithms and cc-sensitivity is nothing compared to those changes that we know for sure has happened.
I just hope that Tesla never pulls an Apple IOS 8.0.1 that ends up bricking all the cars. Each release they've made initially contained a number of bugs. They came close with 6.0 with the two user reports that their car couldn't be started....Tesla needs to step up their quality control to make sure their releases are completely bug free. Unlike a phone, a car is basically a weapon. One wrong line of code could send this company to the grave. It's just too risky for Tesla not to improve the quality of their software releases.