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Longer Lightning Connectors for dock?

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Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2013
Santa Monica, CA
I'm having a heck of a time trying to get our iPhones to fully seat on the lightning chargers in the 3's phone dock. We have cases on the phones, but they're not particularly large (I have a Mous case). The connectors are too short by just a millimeter or two.

Has anyone else found a right-angle lightning cable that would fit in the existing tray, but stick out just a little bit more to make docking easier?

It's hard to tell, but I think this one might be a touch longer?




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It's a shame Tesla didn't think this through and account for it in the design. It's a very predictable issue. They could've included a thin removable spacer/shim (or something like that) that would fit around the connector that could be removed for phones with cases when the connector isn't long enough. (Or any number of other ways to make it adjustable.)

Why not try a magnetic connector? The lightning tip stays firmly attached to your phone and the cable snaps to it as soon as you get within half an inch or so.


I believe you can't use just any cable. It's gotta have a specifically-shaped end to it (like this one) to fit into the dock, as shown here:

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Well, no luck with either of the products I mentioned at the very start of this thread.

The right-angle cable is the exact same length (and a little too thin to clip into the track to hold it stead), so it doesn't protrude any further. The little extender is too long (so the phone sits too high and can wobbly left/right), and also is a little clunky -- when I lifted my phone out it took the connector with it. So that'll be a bit annoying.

Anyone else find a solution yet?
I have the Olloclip case for my iPhone 7S Plus, which is a couple mm thick.

I was able to get it to charge by going in at a sharp angle and then in a “J” motion, lay the phone flat.

The problem is connector is so close to the angled platform, there’s little clearance.
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I got my 3 yesterday and while my iPhone in case would not connect, if you use a piece of toothpick you can slightly push the plug upward just enought to make it work.

Remove the trim piece that covers the plug (follow the video in the post above in this thread) and you will find that the lightning plug has a little play in it. I broke off a small piece of toothpick and inserted it right at the bottom left side of the plug on the driver’s side. It filled the gap and pushed the connector up enough to let me connect.

Because the play in the plug is on the left and it is snug on the right, using the toothpick will result in the connector being slightly on an angle and not perfectly square. This did not create any issue in connecting. I’ll try to upload an image. There may be more sophisticated ways to alter the plug or the console to give a more professional result, but this did the trick for me.
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Will try the toothpick and the adapter on the micro USB cable. Really frustrating.
For now I just ran a traditional usb iphone cable from the usb to the dock/tray. Not elegant at all, but at least can charge the phone (because if the phone runs out of charge, I lose the key to my car)
I purchased a "wallet" style case so that I can carry around my ID, credit card, and (hopefully soon) the model 3 key (as backup) and not have to carry around keys or a wallet. Test drove a Model 3 on Monday and confirmed that the case is too thick to use the supplied charging cable. So if anyone finds a better cable I am very interested in it!