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Wiki MASTER THREAD: Actual FSD Beta downloads and experiences

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I agree, that's why I said "right logic in the wrong place type situation." I know a Model 3 owner without FSD who insists that the Model 3 stopped at a red light on its own one time and went when the light turned green. Never again and never since, but there was a passenger to corroborate the story. I've seen plenty of other odd one-off Tesla behavior myself prior to getting FSD beta. More to the original point regarding similar experiences, I had a 2006 vehicle with TACC & EBA stop for a small hazard in the road. That isn't what EBA or TACC are expected to do (especially in 2006), and I didn't touch the brakes. All I can figure is TACC hit the brakes and the EBA assisted with them. A 2006 vehicle isn't a computer on wheels, and one should expect it to have stable behavior that has been rigorously tested. Tesla's programming, is almost certainly far more complex and it doesn't seem unreasonable at all to believe that the wrong subroutine could be hit on rare occasion.

Just a wild guess, but maybe around the time the US dropped plans to switch over to metric? The term centigrade is clearly metric and may have had some political feelings tied to it accordingly.
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Yes, the definitions are identical, but only one of them has "centi" in the name. When I said "is clearly metric" I meant to the layperson who is not interested in your centimeter and will take their inch, thank you very much.
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10.4 is kind of a clunker for me.

On the upside it seems to see (but not always react to) speed bumps, which is neat. It also does fewer terrifying things.

But wow it does way more irritating stuff. Trying to pass vehicles it shouldn’t, stopping WAY behind intersection lines, etc.

It’s a bit of a mess.
Yea beta right now kinda reminds me of a crazy ex girlfriend that I kept getting back together with. Really want it to work out, and it does some things that I like so well but I just keep ending up angry and frustrated, and wondering if today is the day it's going to try to kill me. lol
Yea beta right now kinda reminds me of a crazy ex girlfriend that I kept getting back together with. Really want it to work out, and it does some things that I like so well but I just keep ending up angry and frustrated, and wondering if today is the day it's going to try to kill me. lol
Can’t fix stupid, can’t fix crazy - trust me, I’ve tried MANY times.
Here's my thoughts on 10.4:
  1. On 40 to 55 mph two lane highways, phantom breaking frequency was substantially reduced compared to 10.3.1 and the phantom speed reductions were much smaller.
  2. The car now tends to drive closer to the right hand edge of unlined residential roads instead of running down the center of the road. This is an improvement over behavior in 10.3.1 where the car would ride the centerline unless there was opposing traffic. It's still far from perfect.
  3. Left and right turns are generally smoother than in 10.3.1.
  4. Unprotected left turns and multilane roundabouts are still dangerous and I've yet to traverse a multilane roundabout without disengaging during even the lightest traffic.
  5. The car was finally able to do a left turn on a steep slope. This intersection which is nearby my house has stopped FSD beta dead in its tracks in previous versions.
All in all these are minor improvements, but with a two week update frequency, one can't expect miracles with each update.
I’ve been struggling with a bug for the last four hours here, wonder if anyone else sees this? Got the 10.4.x update a couple days ago, but only installed it yesterday. All has been fine, although no FSD testing the past day. What I WAS trying out was the Security Cam remote viewiNg. Since the car was at home in the garage, I had to turn ON Sentry Mode remotely with the app (ios). Find, it’s now on (Was on) then I check out the cameras, okay, they’re OK, but not great.. image quality is poor and color palette seems all washed out. No matter.. turn OFF sentry mode, test over.

then I get an alert that the communications with the car could not be completed. So I go back into the app and check and Sentry is STILL on. So, I hit the slider again and now it’s off. EasYpeasy Later, I’m out in the garage and the lights are flashing. I recalled that is something it will do when Sentry is no AND the remove cam view is enabled. So, I check in the app and sure enough ITS STILL ON! Inside the car, its on, so I tap the menu bar icon and it SEEMS to be off. Check the app again, and ITS STILL ON!.

Now I’m annoyed. So I just disable the whole thing in the car. To OFF.

Log out of the app, log back in, took FOREVER to authenticate and then get to the main page screen…foreEVER!. Now it’s off off, but I can’t tell if this is an app problem or a car problem or a LTE problem (at one point I switched away from WIFI to LTE just to make sure it wasn’t a problem with the home router.

So, give it a try? Turn on Sentry remotely and see if you can easily turn it off. Maybe after checking a few cam views.
Would really like to know how well the front camera sees to the left since the B pillar probably could not see the car with the tree partially obstructing the view. I always have to lean way forward to see past the tree. And at an intersection like this with poor visibility I always steer the car slightly to the right before stopping. Turning slightly right allows for greater visibility without the nose of the car too far into the intersection. FSD has to stay perpendicular to the road otherwise the front camera sees less down the road to the left. Another reminder how important camera location is and where FSD falls short. I wonder if Tesla will be forced in the future to revisit the number and location of cameras?
Yeah, that. I've only had FSD for a few days, but I've already started wondering about cameras in both the front and rear bumpers, looking left and right. That is, four more cameras. The front ones would help in situations like you described (I had one just like that too). The rear ones would be great when backing out from being parked between big trucks and such.
10.4 is pretty bad. In fact so.was 10.2 and 10.3.1. I see no improvement in at all. I feel we are being duped with these new versions. There doesn't seem to be anything new except for a few visualization improvements, namely speed bumps on this version and a chill/aggressive switch that doesn't seem to do anything on the last version. The important promised improvement with unprotected left turns on 10.4 for me has been a regression. It fails at least half of the time, jumping imto oncoming cross traffic it doesn’t see or jerking right into another lane of traffic just before it turns left. I see no reason to continue using 10.4 beta. It's a big disappointment. I am turning it off, for now.

Will 10.5 be any better?
I am beginning to doubt it. Thousands of beta testers with little to nothing to show for all the data they have collected, so far.
Here's my thoughts on 10.4:
  1. On 40 to 55 mph two lane highways, phantom breaking frequency was substantially reduced compared to 10.3.1 and the phantom speed reductions were much smaller.
  2. The car now tends to drive closer to the right hand edge of unlined residential roads instead of running down the center of the road. This is an improvement over behavior in 10.3.1 where the car would ride the centerline unless there was opposing traffic. It's still far from perfect.
  3. Left and right turns are generally smoother than in 10.3.1.
  4. Unprotected left turns and multilane roundabouts are still dangerous and I've yet to traverse a multilane roundabout without disengaging during even the lightest traffic.
  5. The car was finally able to do a left turn on a steep slope. This intersection which is nearby my house has stopped FSD beta dead in its tracks in previous versions.
All in all these are minor improvements, but with a two week update frequency, one can't expect miracles with each update.

I've seen zero improvement for #2. When unmarked roads wind left, the car goes completely into the left side of the road, setting up for a nice blind head-on collision. When the road is straight, the left-side wheels are on the left side of the road. Sometimes the car will dive to the right when it thinks the crease in the asphalt is a double-yellow marking.
OK, so after reading everyone's experiences here with 10.4, my expectations for 10.4 were low... to say the least.

Up until now, the Hive Mind's FSD opinion here on the forums pretty much matched my own, so I wasn't expecting much, if any, improvement.

Boy, was I surprised.

Just a quick recap before continuing... FSD has been nearly unusable here. I've posted before about how FSD seems to do better/worse in areas that have more/fewer testers. Elon even stated words to that effect. Anyway, FSD has been so bad here that I don't use it with anyone else in the car, as it makes everyone in my family car sick. Just coming to a stop at a traffic light is a nausea inducing experience. Not to mention the frequent dangerous crap it constantly does.

So I was more than a bit surprised when it repeatedly made acceptably smooth decelerations/stops at traffic lights. Stop signs are still a jerky mess, and not all traffic light stops were smooth, but the improvement is enough that the wife drove with me for 50 miles with FSD in use.

The follow distance bug appears to be fixed, accelerating away from a stop at a traffic light is better, handling of road cones is improved, and it no longer takes its half out of the middle on unpainted roads. It has also stopped playing with the blinker like a toy... for the most part. Also showed some improvement with turns and lane selection.

An impressive amount of progress for two weeks, IMO, but of course still far from perfect.
can't remember if I'd posted this before
Has anyone else seen crazily inaccurate location during an FSD drive.
I had one drive last week on 10.3.1 that was several miles off - it kept trying to turn onto roads that were on the other side of town, which also meant all the speed limits were wrong.
This Friday on 10.4 it was only a few 100 feet off, but it started to turn into somebody's driveway before correcting and driving to the actual road.
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I've seen zero improvement for #2. When unmarked roads wind left, the car goes completely into the left side of the road, setting up for a nice blind head-on collision. When the road is straight, the left-side wheels are on the left side of the road. Sometimes the car will dive to the right when it thinks the crease in the asphalt is a double-yellow marking.

10.4 has moved my car over to the right on unpainted roads substantially. I wonder if the total road width influences this, as in my case the roads are pretty wide.
I've seen zero improvement for #2. When unmarked roads wind left, the car goes completely into the left side of the road, setting up for a nice blind head-on collision. When the road is straight, the left-side wheels are on the left side of the road. Sometimes the car will dive to the right when it thinks the crease in the asphalt is a double-yellow marking.
On my very windy 1.5 lane road, the lane keeping is much better around corners and in general it wants to stay to the correct right side more, but not all the time. I am fine with driving in the middle with high visibility, but I want it to shift to the correct side of the road when approaching blind and narrow corners.

This morning 10.4 successfully completed a turn that it has failed with every other try, and managed to mostly keep in its lane around a sharp narrow and blind corner. Previously in this place it would veer over the line by 36" or more. This morning it was just a 6 or 12" veer over the line where the road gets narrow.
I created a few signs last night and chose this one as the best of the 3 for my 3.

It uses magnets to stick to the trunk, and I put a layer of PPF down under the placard before I applied it.

As in you tapped the go pedal, and it didn't want to continue by itself? I've never experienced the car overriding my pedal presses to not budge, but I do keep it depressed if it feels like the car won't continue accelerating. I believe typically actual continued pedal presses are only overridden during automatic emergency braking and pedal misapplication mitigation -- both to avoid crashing or running off the road.

A note that if you do just keep pressing instead of disengaging, there is a chance that FSD Beta will suddenly decide on a different path.
I have pressed the pedal with the lead car very far in front of me and the car just clunks with emergency braking until I disengage.

Other strangeness:
- Changing to a lane on the left to pass slow traffic just as a right turn is coming up.

- Taking a turn too wide or too narrow so that it would head-on oncoming traffic.

- Stopping at my street again for a left turn. It seemed to “learn” after multiple drives with 10.3 then forgot again.

- Moving right to collide with a concrete divider between the right traffic lane and bike lane.

- Aiming straight for the gore points at a highway exit.

- No left turn signal when entering a highway and merging.
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can't remember if I'd posted this before
Has anyone else seen crazily inaccurate location during an FSD drive.
I had one drive last week on 10.3.1 that was several miles off - it kept trying to turn onto roads that were on the other side of town, which also meant all the speed limits were wrong.
This Friday on 10.4 it was only a few 100 feet off, but it started to turn into somebody's driveway before correcting and driving to the actual road.
Is it really only during and FSD drive or is the GPS location off all the time? I’ve had this bug appear a couple times over the past ~1.5 years where it would even show the car traveling on a different parallel road and sometimes a non parallel road. certainly FSD doesn’t use GPS only for its vision based driving, but a “get lucky” drive to a random destination won’t work. I can’t remember if a reboot helped or if I had to wait for a SW update.
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can't remember if I'd posted this before
Has anyone else seen crazily inaccurate location during an FSD drive.
I had one drive last week on 10.3.1 that was several miles off - it kept trying to turn onto roads that were on the other side of town, which also meant all the speed limits were wrong.
This Friday on 10.4 it was only a few 100 feet off, but it started to turn into somebody's driveway before correcting and driving to the actual road.
Yes I have this same location issue. In fact, it tried to crash directly into another car coming off a side street to "get back on the road". I mean it turned directly towards it and accelerated. I was one second away from a crash if I didn't have both hands on the wheel to disengage. Scary stuff. (It's done that twice now) In the attached photo I was on Wilshire Blvd. at the time it was taken. I have done resets which sometimes works or doesn't work to get it back on track. Tesla sent me the software again to reinstall fresh. It works, but then I notice sometimes it slides back into improper location again. It's not reliable and I am constantly watching it.


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