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Wiki Model 3 Order Tracking Spreadsheet

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Jun 28, 2012
El Lay
Here are the links to @Troy's (aka /u/Teslike) Model 3 Order Tracker Spreadsheet Project. There are a few identical sheets to avoid overcrowding.

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@smartypnz - I still see your info on the Delivery sheet. I took the data from each of the input sheets and combined them into one sheet (on my own file - not on the shared file) and then pivoted the data for the following information that people may find useful:

Invited date # Invited # Configured # Delivered
2017-11-21 40 26 19
2017-11-22 43 33 15
2017-12-07 36 19 8
2017-12-08 28 17 4
2017-12-11 1 1 0
2017-12-14 21 11 3
2017-12-15 24 14 11
2017-12-16 5 3 1
2017-12-17 4 0 0
2017-12-18 4 0 0
2017-12-22 18 14 3
2017-12-23 3 3 1
Grand Total 227 141 65

Forgive my formatting as I am unsure how to post items from a spreadsheet here yet.
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Thanks for taking the relay on this spreadsheet @RubberToe! Certainly improved as well. I like it! I see no new invites since 2017/12/25. Just lack of data, or did they stop the invitation process while working through the backlog of outstanding orders? I am still concerned for a repeat the Model X where the was a burst of activity just before the year end which made us assume production was under control, only to find out later that was a mirage and it really only started flowing a few months later.
Just saw a post under the Community Forums/Florida from a member who just got his invite. He said he passed for later production but was excited to get it. No idea if he listed California as the delivery point or Florida. Thought worth mentioning. Wish more people who I see posting on the forum in different areas about their invites would participate in the spreadsheet.
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The four invites in the spreadsheet today (1-4-2018) were non-CA. It seems like Tesla is moving east from now on.:)
The spate of new invites this morning to non-CA owners is extremely good news for me. It means that Tesla is serious about ramping production for the model 3 and it means as a CA non-owner that my delivery time is drawing nigh, maybe February (my estimator currently says Jan/Mar)! It took a month to clear out MOST of the CA owners. I hope they can clear out non-CA owners in a month.

Now DW and I have to negotiate............will our first model 3 be white or red and have a black or white interior. Our second one will be white interior, AWD, and SAS and 'P' when available. Roll the dice, take your chances.
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The spate of new invites this morning to non-CA owners is extremely good news for me. It means that Tesla is serious about ramping production for the model 3 and it means as a CA non-owner that my delivery time is drawing nigh, maybe February (my estimator currently says Jan/Mar)! It took a month to clear out MOST of the CA owners. Now DW and I have to negotiate............will our first model 3 be white or red and have a black or white interior. Our second one will be white interior, AWD, and SAS and 'P' when available. Roll the dice, take your chances.

Maybe a typo on your part but only black interior for First LR production. We're CA current owners but with a summer reservation so thinking we'll get our invite in February for delivery in March (typical CA pattern for end of quarter) figuring they are also following by earliest reservation date first. Our timeframe for First production is Dec-February.
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Maybe a typo on your part but only black interior for First LR production. We're CA current owners but with a summer reservation so thinking we'll get our invite in February for delivery in March (typical CA pattern for end of quarter) figuring they are also following by earliest reservation date first. Our timeframe for First production is Dec-February.
Yeah, not a typo, either take the first production black interior or roll the dice for dog knows how long and wait for white interior. Although we don't want or need LR, I think DW will get her way with Red first production, but by dog I am going to get my way with the 18" aero wheels! ;)

We are a 3/31/16 online, pre-reveal non-owner reservationist. You are a CA owner with a summer '17 online reservation. I think we will both get our invitations about the same time but I would not be upset if you got yours a month before me. We will all get our cars in due time and I expect the vast majority will be wearing that Tesla grin for years to come!
Just ordered mine today. Silver on sport wheels :) I received my invite a few days ago. I can't access the spreadsheet, but if someone wants to do so please do. Tesla owner, first day first minute reservation holder, and Portland delivery. My original estimate was Dec-Feb, then changed to Jan-Mar a couple months back. Btw how accurate has Tesla been with their 4 week delivery estimate after configuration?
Just ordered mine today. Silver on sport wheels :) I received my invite a few days ago. I can't access the spreadsheet, but if someone wants to do so please do. Tesla owner, first day first minute reservation holder, and Portland delivery. My original estimate was Dec-Feb, then changed to Jan-Mar a couple months back. Btw how accurate has Tesla been with their 4 week delivery estimate after configuration?

Your delivery estimator window was Jan - Mar and you already received the email to configure?

I'm a GA owner with a Dec - Feb delivery window. Patiently waiting for my invite.
Just ordered mine today. Silver on sport wheels :) I received my invite a few days ago. I can't access the spreadsheet, but if someone wants to do so please do. Tesla owner, first day first minute reservation holder, and Portland delivery. My original estimate was Dec-Feb, then changed to Jan-Mar a couple months back. Btw how accurate has Tesla been with their 4 week delivery estimate after configuration?

I added your entry to the spreadsheet, do edit any info I may have gotten wrong.

Just curious about the problem accessing the spreadsheet. Just a firewall issue?

PS. If anyone have not seen the spreadsheet lately, Troy has made some major revisions over the last few days. Looking pretty sweet.

Model 3 invites spreadsheet