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Model S Software/Firmware Updates

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I have SOP v4.0 now. Very cool! :biggrin:

The only problem I have is that I now have the buzzing ambient lights when the night screen setting is less than 100%. Didn't have this problem pre-v4.0. Tesla have passed it on to engineering and a Ranger is dropping by on Sunday to hear for himself whether it's actually coming from the lights or the speakers. I can survivs with the ambient lights turned off for a couple of nights.

Mine have been doing the same buzzing since delivery (had it for almost a month, so pre-4.0). Told it is faulty capacitors, its common, and that "Tesla is working on a fix." Just have had mine off since purchase, so haven't really noticed or missed it.
Mine have been doing the same buzzing since delivery (had it for almost a month, so pre-4.0). Told it is faulty capacitors, its common, and that "Tesla is working on a fix." Just have had mine off since purchase, so haven't really noticed or missed it.

That's good to hear, perhaps at the annual maintenance they'll be able to fix it...I really like the ambient lights but that buzz is annoying when I have the music quiet enough to hear it.
So I can't hear this ambient light buzzing of which you speak. I sat in our car last night in the garage so it was dead silent. Car was in night mode, ambient lights on (these are the lights under the armrests and such right?). I adjusted the screen brightness from 100 to 50 and listened. Nothing. Down to like 25, still nothing. Down to 0, still nothing. Does the car need to be moving? Is there something else I can do to trigger it?
So I can't hear this ambient light buzzing of which you speak. I sat in our car last night in the garage so it was dead silent. Car was in night mode, ambient lights on (these are the lights under the armrests and such right?). I adjusted the screen brightness from 100 to 50 and listened. Nothing. Down to like 25, still nothing. Down to 0, still nothing. Does the car need to be moving? Is there something else I can do to trigger it?

Consider yourself lucky?

My strong impression was that the sound was coming through the speaker system. Perhaps you need to have no music playing, but have the volume turned up somewhat (like 5-7 range)? So, for example, play something and pause it, then try the dance with the lights.

I heard it immediately. I promptly turned off ambient lighting.
So I can't hear this ambient light buzzing of which you speak. I sat in our car last night in the garage so it was dead silent. Car was in night mode, ambient lights on (these are the lights under the armrests and such right?). I adjusted the screen brightness from 100 to 50 and listened. Nothing. Down to like 25, still nothing. Down to 0, still nothing. Does the car need to be moving? Is there something else I can do to trigger it?

I, too, have always had the media on when I heard it, but haven't tried w/media off so can't confirm that that is a factor.

The other thing I'd recommend is to try turning the ambient off, then back on, then off again...you'll hear it for sure.

Evan, Via Tapatalk
Still can't hear it. Just went out, started playing a song on Tune-in, hit pause, turned up to 6 volume. Ambient on, tried w/ brightness at 50, 25, 100. Ambient on and off. Then tried NPR at a 5 volume and still nothing. also tried w/ climate control off and on. My car literally rolled off the line a week ago so maybe they found something recently or does it just affect certain cars?
Are current owners being auto updated? or getting a pop up asking them if they would like to update the firmware? My car has been auto-updating firmware and I would like to find out if it is possible to stop this from happening. 1.15.4 was rock solid for me and v4 has caused some functionality problems.
Page 52 seems broken (probably due to aggressive post rearranging + stale indexing again) so it might be a while before anyone sees this post but...

The walk-away door locking appears to have a longer range in v4.0 than previously. In v1.15.14, I knew exactly the distance in my parking garage at work where it would lock the vehicle -- to the point where it was a parlor trick to snap my fingers at the right moment while walking away.

The new distance appears to be at least twice as the pre 4.0 distance.
The walk-away door locking appears to have a longer range in v4.0 than previously. In v1.15.14, I knew exactly the distance in my parking garage at work where it would lock the vehicle -- to the point where it was a parlor trick to snap my fingers at the right moment while walking away.

The new distance appears to be at least twice as the pre 4.0 distance.

Are you sure it's the distance and not the time? I've had them recess when I'm right up next to it.
I read in Wired Magazine something I didn't realize. The software is apparently uploaded to the car while out driving around when the 3G signal is strong. Then when you plug in the car at home, it displays the clock which allows you to initiate the installation. If correct, the "bricking" process time should be independent of the 3G connection at the time of installation. Anyone have confirmation of this? Here is the article:
Exclusive: Hands-On With the Tesla Model S 4.0 | Autopia | Wired.com
Anothing thing I have noticed in the 4.0 firmware is that they have made it NOT wake up the screens and turn on the audio when you open the trunk or frunk. This is a nice fix. I hated that I could get out of the car and close the door (and everything would turn off) just to walk to the trunk and open it and hear the radio come on and the screens turn on again. It now doesn't do that. Like other's have suggested, it would be nice to have a "change list" available along with the feature upgrade list they provided in the about screen.
For what it's worth, I was just thinking last night that having the trunk or frunk open should keep the interior lights on and the handles extended with their lights on.

The scenario was that I came home late, and had to unload a bunch of stuff from the car in a dark driveway. Part way through that process, the car went dark except for the trunk/frunk lights. It would have been very welcome to have the remaining lights on to keep the area illuminated.
Anothing thing I have noticed in the 4.0 firmware is that they have made it NOT wake up the screens and turn on the audio when you open the trunk or frunk. This is a nice fix. I hated that I could get out of the car and close the door (and everything would turn off) just to walk to the trunk and open it and hear the radio come on and the screens turn on again. It now doesn't do that. Like other's have suggested, it would be nice to have a "change list" available along with the feature upgrade list they provided in the about screen.

That was one of the things that bugged me too. I'm glad they fixed it. Now, if I could just get the update pushed to my car...
Still can't hear it. Just went out, started playing a song on Tune-in, hit pause, turned up to 6 volume. Ambient on, tried w/ brightness at 50, 25, 100. Ambient on and off. Then tried NPR at a 5 volume and still nothing. also tried w/ climate control off and on. My car literally rolled off the line a week ago so maybe they found something recently or does it just affect certain cars?

No way you'll hear it with the volume at 6!! I can barely hear it at 3 or 4. And it's not associate with the audio being off or on. It may be a pitch that you can't hear or maybe you've got a specimen that doesn't exhibit the issue.
No way you'll hear it with the volume at 6!! I can barely hear it at 3 or 4. And it's not associate with the audio being off or on. It may be a pitch that you can't hear or maybe you've got a specimen that doesn't exhibit the issue.
Music was paused when I went to 6. I was curious if it was maybe coming in through the amplifier. Interesting. Maybe if I run into another owner I can try to hear it - or maybe wander by a store and see if their car does it. I'm just curious about it now.