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random chitchat

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AR, I doubt cgiGuy was out to bully you regardless of who chimed in and how quickly he responded to you.

So, let me get this straight: What was his - a guy I don't recall ever even conversing with - purpose of addressing the crowd with a reference to my thread: "I'll summarize that thread for everyone" and then posting 20 copies of a picture I had labored for quite a bit?

Of course he knew what he was doing, or should have known. He was making fun of me to the crowd. Were we old colleagues, maybe it could have been a roast. Strangers, it is bullying. But do tell, what was his purpose if not bullying?

In case your answer is his joke was based on reality, most bullying is. People who are somehow different are of course often the target of bullying.

Harping on about it in other threads is unnecessary though. Let's let it go and get back to granular dissection of our former forum-mate's words, shall we?

I didn't harp about it. I explained to another poster that I had retired my analysis threads and referred to cgiGuy because his communications were pertinent to my decision to do so, in addition to the closeness of the Model X launch.

bonnie decided to come to cgiGuy's defence and hence the subsequent discussion.

Most of my long-winded discussions actually seem to be related to a few posters having to reply to every comment I make. ;)
I'm not the only one saying you're actions are becoming tiresome, but sure, we're all just over-reacting.

Sure, and other people say other things: I got my sixth rep bar thanks to today's discussion, which is ironic considering cgiGuy got rep for his joke on me in the case we were discussing. ;)

Some people actually prefer it when bullying is called out and confronted, go figure. Others give rep to the guy making fun of another member.
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I like my car too.

I used to love it. I'm hoping some day soon I'll love it again.

I only found this thread a few minutes ago. I had been planning on making a post along the lines of the above, and letting all the references to the whiners, etc. just go, without comment. But since the letter was brought up specifically, and used to try to prove that "the overwhelming majority" of P85D owners are more than satisfied, I feel like I have to comment.

Why?....the overwhelming majority of P85D owners are more than satisfied with the performance of their cars....in a quarter mile, it beats the crap outta practically all other vehicles...

If you're going to assert, please post backing data.

Self explanatory Brian...look at the number of folks who signed the letter, vs. those who haven't...not even close!

Wow. I'm not even sure the entire TMC membership is large enough to make that assertion about anything.

Also, there are many reasons not to sign the letter even if unsatisfied. At best you could only prove support for discontent from such a letter, rather than the reverse.

First of all, as Brian points out, the P85D owners who actively read TMC is a tiny subset of all P85D owners. Also I made little effort to even make sure all P85D owners here knew about the letter once news of it was picked up outside of TMC, deciding instead that it would be better to try to keep a low profile. My original plan was to wait a day or two for a few people to indicate support in the signature thread, and then add links to the two threads in just a few appropriate threads, like the original P85D delivery tracking thread, for example. I never did that. I expect a lot more P85D owners would have signed the letter if I had.

We can be happy with the performance of our cars, or with most aspects of the performance of our cars, but still expect to get what we paid for. Here's an analogy I used in another thread:

I also have another analogy for those here who don't think it's appropriate for us to ask Tesla to make this right to think about.

You are in charge of taking a few people from your company, and several clients, out to dinner. You select a very expensive restaurant, and order four bottles of expensive wine for the table. You happen to be away from the table for a couple of minutes when the wine is served, so the bottles are not actually presented to you, for your approval. You're not a great wine connoisseur anyway, so perhaps even if they had been shown to you, you wouldn't have remembered the exact name and vintage of the french wine that you ordered. Everyone is enjoying their meal, and their wine, but part way through the meal one of your staff, who happens to know a great deal about wine, tells you quietly that he thinks the wine brought to the table is not the wine that you ordered, but actually a somewhat significantly less expensive wine. All other aspects of the meal were fantastic! Everyone had a great time, and couldn't stop talking about how great the food was. Some even said how much they enjoyed the wine. Later the bill is presented, and you see that it includes charges for the more expensive wine that you ordered. You inquire, quietly, so as not to let any of the clients know anything is wrong, as to which wine was actually served. The waiter goes away, comes back a couple of minutes later, and says he is very sorry, but you are correct, and the wine served was actually the less expensive wine. However, since the bill has already been prepared, there is really nothing he can do: you'll have to pay the higher amount, for the more expensive wine you did not actually receive, even though there is a simple and obvious solution to the problem readily available.

Is this acceptable? Would the people suggesting we give Tesla a pass also give the restaurant a pass? If not, why do you think we should let Tesla give us less than we paid for?
I like my car too.

I used to love it. I'm hoping some day soon I'll love it again.

I only found this thread a few minutes ago. I had been planning on making a post along the lines of the above, and letting all the references to the whiners, etc. just go, without comment. But since the letter was brought up specifically, and used to try to prove that "the overwhelming majority" of P85D owners are more than satisfied, I feel like I have to comment.

First of all, as Brian points out, the P85D owners who actively read TMC is a tiny subset of all P85D owners. Also I made little effort to even make sure all P85D owners here knew about the letter once news of it was picked up outside of TMC, deciding instead that it would be better to try to keep a low profile. My original plan was to wait a day or two for a few people to indicate support in the signature thread, and then add links to the two threads in just a few appropriate threads, like the original P85D delivery tracking thread, for example. I never did that. I expect a lot more P85D owners would have signed the letter if I had.

We can be happy with the performance of our cars, or with most aspects of the performance of our cars, but still expect to get what we paid for. Here's an analogy I used in another thread:


I understand your position as do most forum members. However, with all due respect this is the "I like my car.." thread, not the "I didn't get my money's worth" thread. You have at least two other threads expressly devoted to that latter position.

I'm sure the original poster meant this is an upbeat, "feel good" thread. Your first sentence or two was on-topic, everything following, including other posters' previous remarks about the P85D issue, in my opinion are off-topic to this thread and should be discussed elsewhere.



I understand your position as do most forum members. However, with all due respect this is the "I like my car.." thread, not the "I didn't get my money's worth" thread. You have at least two other threads expressly devoted to that latter position.

I'm sure the original poster meant this is an upbeat, "feel good" thread. Your first sentence or two was on-topic, everything following, including other posters' previous remarks about the P85D issue, in my opinion are off-topic to this thread and should be discussed elsewhere.




I explained that originally, as I read through the thread, I wasn't planning to post anything beyond the first couple of sentences.

But I'm also not going to allow another poster to make ridiculous inferences about the letter without pointing out why they were ridiculous. If everyone posting in this thread was just posting about why their cars were great, or how much they like their cars, this wouldn't be an issue. People didn't do that. They started attacking "the whiners." And even that I wasn't going to respond to. But once the letter itself was brought into the discussion, I'm sorry, but I'm not going to be silenced at that point.
I've actually never had or driven a car that didn't have at least one "bottle of cheap wine". Some had electrical design problems, some had just-died-on-the-highway-due-to-design problems. Even the mighty DS-21 had a poorly designed weather seal so the trunk smelled rather musty after awhile, and no labels on any controls meant the new driver had to really study the manual. Probably the vehicle with the least amount of design problems was the Land-Rover, but it needed very regular maintenance (and it didn't hurt that the basic design hadn't really changed since 1946. In 25 years you can fix a lot of things). I'm pretty sure that if you waited until 3001 miles to perform the service, the Land-Rover would start falling apart.
Firmware 7.0 Beta Discussion

Bonnie, have you already configured your Model X for delivery in late September?
I do not know why you are asking her that question, and in a thread about the next firmware version. If she has configured and has been told by Tesla to keep quiet about it, she will keep quiet. If she has configured and been told by Tesla it's okay to tell people then she will tell us when she decides to tell us, not when you ask her publicly.
Moderators, AR's post and my response should be moved to a relevant thread.
Why does you poll not have an option for "this poll should have a poll?"
Well, this is embarrassing!

I did have a poll with nonsense choices, but thought I had cancelled the post. It was not intended do anything but let me see how poll creation worked, then get rid of it.

But it ½ posted, unbeknownst to me, and without the choices.

Since its first of the thread, I can't delete it!

Mods-would you please delete this thread for me? Thanks.
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