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Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

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Yes, my SA is hard to reach sometimes, so I just called my local Tesla Store which directs to the general call center I believe to talk to someone. They require some sort of un-hold date, which I asked for January 31, 2022. You can always un-hold at any time through your account by clicking a button though, so I'd suggest to go out a little further and then have control of when to release. It took all but 5 minutes, as they had to put me on hold to request it and then I logged out and back into my account - then Bam, it's done. Only sad part, is you may or may not be at the back of the line when you come off hold, BUT you do keep the price of your OG order as long as no changes to the vehicle. It's likely Tesla will change prices again, of course not certain.

If people are waiting an extra couple weeks or month strictly for the EV rebate (pending if makes the final cut), then hopefully they are strategic enough to make a couple simple tax changes to take advantage of the $7500 back. Plus they would have all year to do so before filing in 2023. Couple thoughts on the supply/demand of Tesla coming into 2022 in my opinion: Austin Factory will be ramping up into Q1 2022 making wait times likely drastically reduce as the year goes on. Less wait times = people may not be urged to buy overpriced used cars, driving those prices down. In addition, if the EV credit does pass, and even if Tesla slightly increases costs, people likely still won't have to wait as long with factories running and they will get money back - driving used car prices down. Personally why I wouldn't want to play the shuffle game of buying a 2021 and then a 2022 trying to make money back or break even. I can wait a month or two and save the maybe.
Gonna hold out for a 2022 first Qtr date as well.
Really really hoping everyone holds their orders en masse so I can finally get my VIN. 😂

GOP is never voting for this IMHO. “We’re not subsidizing those latte drinking EV owners on the coasts!”
Anyone putting their order on hold for the tax credit, without a VIN, is jumping the gun.

If you have a VIN and are facing delivery, I get it, maybe you want to wait for the vote and final versions of the bill.

But if you have an EDD that’s even a few weeks out, just sit back and wait for the gov, you’re already waiting for the car anyway….You can push delivery even after you get a VIN.
I picked up my MYP today at the Tesla factory in Fremont, CA!!!

Pickup was contactless.
What a great experience not having to go into "the finance managers:" office to sign papers and deal with attempted add ons. I will never buy another car where I have to do that again.

Everything signed online. Got a text message right in the middle of my 11a-12pm window indicating what parking spot the car was in. Car was clean, no issues at all. No scratches / scuffs / misalignments / tears / fingerprints or other.

My 15yo son and I drove her home with a huge smile on our faces.

Order to delivery 31 days. 7 EDD changes (most in the same-ish range).

Things I liked:
  • Online ordering
  • Not haggling
  • Online ordering:
  • Showroom experience: I did test drive at a showroom. The showroom experience was unexpectedly nice! No pressure. High willingness to introduce me in a very pleasant way to a good product. Offers to test drive with zero of the typical, "What's it going to take to get you in one of these babies today?" type questions.
  • Contactless delivery (Love this)
  • Delivery appointment setup.
Things that could Improve:
  • EDD Stability: Though they did meet the promise of an October delivery from a Sept order, the "moving EDD" game kinda sucked. It could do with a bit of stability.
  • Signage to the delivery location when arriving at Tesla in Fremont could do with a bit of beefing up.

For those of you still waiting:
16 DAYS TILL THE Mid-Nov RAIN OF VINs EVENT!!! It's happening!!!
Tesla is going to clear out the backlog !! @Starway2001 I'm looking at you!


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This is what I’m basing my latest info off of. They’ve been all over it from the beginning and have the most detailed analysis I’ve seen.

Graphic is from their running updates.

View attachment 727614
Interesting chart, but it is not correct. The Senate didn’t pass any of that stuff. It might have made it through the finance committee, but the Republicans would filibuster if they tried to pass the EV credits without reconciliation. The August 10 date was the bipartisan infrastructure bill. In fact, a few days later the Senate Republicans passed a nonbinding amendment to limit the tax credit to people making under $100K, so I believe they are very much opposed to these credits. Story here in insideevs.
I picked up my MYP today at the Tesla factory in Fremont, CA!!!

Pickup was contactless.
What a great experience not having to go into "the finance managers:" office to sign papers and deal with attempted add ons. I will never buy another car where I have to do that again.

Everything signed online. Got a text message right in the middle of my 11a-12pm window indicating what parking spot the car was in. Car was clean, no issues at all. No scratches / scuffs / misalignments / tears / fingerprints or other.

My 15yo son and I drove her home with a huge smile on our faces.

Order to delivery 31 days. 7 EDD changes (most in the same-ish range).

Things I liked:
  • Online ordering
  • Not haggling
  • Online ordering:
  • Showroom experience: I did test drive at a showroom. The showroom experience was unexpectedly nice! No pressure. High willingness to introduce me in a very pleasant way to a good product. Offers to test drive with zero of the typical, "What's it going to take to get you in one of these babies today?" type questions.
  • Contactless delivery (Love this)
  • Delivery appointment setup.
Things that could Improve:
  • EDD Stability: Though they did meet the promise of an October delivery from a Sept order, the "moving EDD" game kinda sucked. It could do with a bit of stability.
  • Signage to the delivery location when arriving at Tesla in Fremont could do with a bit of beefing up.

For those of you still waiting:
16 DAYS TILL THE Mid-Nov RAIN OF VINs EVENT!!! It's happening!!!
Tesla is going to clear out the backlog !! @Starway2001 I'm looking at you!
Red/white is a great combo! Congrats.

Any issues with it that you need addressed?
  • Like
Reactions: Starway2001
I picked up my MYP today at the Tesla factory in Fremont, CA!!!

Pickup was contactless.
What a great experience not having to go into "the finance managers:" office to sign papers and deal with attempted add ons. I will never buy another car where I have to do that again.

Everything signed online. Got a text message right in the middle of my 11a-12pm window indicating what parking spot the car was in. Car was clean, no issues at all. No scratches / scuffs / misalignments / tears / fingerprints or other.

My 15yo son and I drove her home with a huge smile on our faces.

Order to delivery 31 days. 7 EDD changes (most in the same-ish range).

Things I liked:
  • Online ordering
  • Not haggling
  • Online ordering:
  • Showroom experience: I did test drive at a showroom. The showroom experience was unexpectedly nice! No pressure. High willingness to introduce me in a very pleasant way to a good product. Offers to test drive with zero of the typical, "What's it going to take to get you in one of these babies today?" type questions.
  • Contactless delivery (Love this)
  • Delivery appointment setup.
Things that could Improve:
  • EDD Stability: Though they did meet the promise of an October delivery from a Sept order, the "moving EDD" game kinda sucked. It could do with a bit of stability.
  • Signage to the delivery location when arriving at Tesla in Fremont could do with a bit of beefing up.

For those of you still waiting:
16 DAYS TILL THE Mid-Nov RAIN OF VINs EVENT!!! It's happening!!!
Tesla is going to clear out the backlog !! @Starway2001 I'm looking at you!
Dude! Congratulations! She’s gorgeous!!!!!
Interesting chart, but it is not correct. The Senate didn’t pass any of that stuff. It might have made it through the finance committee, but the Republicans would filibuster if they tried to pass the EV credits without reconciliation. The August 10 date was the bipartisan infrastructure bill. In fact, a few days later the Senate Republicans passed a nonbinding amendment to limit the tax credit to people making under $100K, so I believe they are very much opposed to these credits. Story here in insideevs.
Ain’t politics great? Not really. The Senate did pass the bill with the language as listed. The Senate ALSO passed a non-binding amendment that strips most of those benefits. Neither matters until the House passes something, then committees reconcile, including the non-binding amendment which could be thrown away or considered, and then when whatever completely different agreement comes out and gets approved we will finally know.

I personally don’t think the retroactive part will make it to the final bill. The House is driven by unions and large corporations like Ford. The ONLY company that benefits from the retroactive part is Tesla. It’s a logical and reasonable condition, but not important enough for anyone in the Senate to fight for it.
Ain’t politics great? Not really. The Senate did pass the bill with the language as listed. The Senate ALSO passed a non-binding amendment that strips most of those benefits. Neither matters until the House passes something, then committees reconcile, including the non-binding amendment which could be thrown away or considered, and then when whatever completely different agreement comes out and gets approved we will finally know.

I personally don’t think the retroactive part will make it to the final bill. The House is driven by unions and large corporations like Ford. The ONLY company that benefits from the retroactive part is Tesla. It’s a logical and reasonable condition, but not important enough for anyone in the Senate to fight for it.
Well, my hard hitting political analysis is, making it retroactive or not depends solely on how many congresspeople own Tesla Stock
The new EV credits will not make it in the final bill. So, calm down and get tournâtes la delivered now. When using between free hearing aids for seniors or cheap insuline on one Hand and EC credits for the upper-middle class on the other hand, it’s a no brained. Even Manchin will vote for the cheap insuline over EV credits.
Shush you. I need everyone to continue believing the tax credits are real so they’ll hold their orders!!!! You’re foiling my plan to get my VIN !!! ;)
I picked up my MYP today at the Tesla factory in Fremont, CA!!!

Pickup was contactless.
What a great experience not having to go into "the finance managers:" office to sign papers and deal with attempted add ons. I will never buy another car where I have to do that again.

Everything signed online. Got a text message right in the middle of my 11a-12pm window indicating what parking spot the car was in. Car was clean, no issues at all. No scratches / scuffs / misalignments / tears / fingerprints or other.

My 15yo son and I drove her home with a huge smile on our faces.

Order to delivery 31 days. 7 EDD changes (most in the same-ish range).

Things I liked:
  • Online ordering
  • Not haggling
  • Online ordering:
  • Showroom experience: I did test drive at a showroom. The showroom experience was unexpectedly nice! No pressure. High willingness to introduce me in a very pleasant way to a good product. Offers to test drive with zero of the typical, "What's it going to take to get you in one of these babies today?" type questions.
  • Contactless delivery (Love this)
  • Delivery appointment setup.
Things that could Improve:
  • EDD Stability: Though they did meet the promise of an October delivery from a Sept order, the "moving EDD" game kinda sucked. It could do with a bit of stability.
  • Signage to the delivery location when arriving at Tesla in Fremont could do with a bit of beefing up.

For those of you still waiting:
16 DAYS TILL THE Mid-Nov RAIN OF VINs EVENT!!! It's happening!!!
Tesla is going to clear out the backlog !! @Starway2001 I'm looking at you!
Great write up. Congrats. Inspiring to those of us still waiting.
ODD 9/16 MYP black/black no tow no fsd

EDD 10-4…10-24
Then switched to 10-30…11-19
Now this morning it switched too 11-15…12-12

Was told I would have my Model Y Performance in 6 weeks. Now it looks like it’ll be longer than 8 weeks just for a September order date. I’m in Tampa Florida.
Uhhhh. My EDD was updated from 11/12-12/10 to…. Forever away. Ordered 9/10 and was told I’d have the car in Nov, I know they can’t promise that.



But seriously, from what I’ve seen, most people that see this far out only have to wait a few days for it to move back…LOTS of EDD pushes today though. Curious to see if TesLike updates the estimates.

New orders for MYP still show December. Sounds like the system is screwing with us
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