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Roadster on Top Gear

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What they say ("calculated", "brakes failed", etc) vs what they show (car slowing down with exaggerated engine failure noises, pushed into hanger, etc) are two completely different things. I saw this show when it came out and came away with the impression that the car had ran out of power.

Whatever the outcome, it will be interesting to see what a jury makes of this. UK vs US law is very different on this.
I don't know JRP...reputation is certainly of value and TG would stand to take a hit from their casual viewing base...they will not be as forgiving to TG as TG's regular viewing base...less overall viewers = less advertising revenue...

Since potential monetary damages are so low they have no reason to settle. I can only assume that Tesla really wants to go to court by setting such a low figure.
Remember strider that TM's objections here come due to the continuing & repeated airing of this episode...sales of TG's DVDs, continued exposure on youtube and / or TG's website.
Yes, but it's an OLD show. In my mind this is like someone airing a poor review of Windows 2000 which contained some errors and/or was biased. Then MSFT comes along 3+ years later and sues them for it as if a poor review of Windows 2000 from 3+ years ago would affect sales of Windows XP? Of course we're all arm-chair quarterbacking here but in the end I think the potential for negative publicity is greater than for positive. Like I said, I'd have given TG another chance (w/ a Model S or Roadster 2.5 - TG does tons of "and now they've made a new one" reviews) and if that review was also distorted then by all means sue the crap out of them.
Top Gear would have the exact problems with a Roadster 2.5 that they did in the review though. You can still push a 2.5 into the hanger to make it look like it ran out of power and it's still just as expensive which they now say was their main issue. If the new review was simply negative, I don't think there is anything they could do about it. They could simply say 'it's too expensive, doesn't go fast enough and takes too long to recharge...don't buy one' and that would simply be their opinion. Easier for Tesla to stay away from them. They can always buy one if they want to review it.
Yes, but it's an OLD show. In my mind this is like someone airing a poor review of Windows 2000 which contained some errors and/or was biased. Then MSFT comes along 3+ years later and sues them for it as if a poor review of Windows 2000 from 3+ years ago would affect sales of Windows XP?

That'd be different if Windows 2000 was Windows' first product. The difference being that when the first product is given a poor review there's a greater chance that people will distrust the brand rather than the product.

Also, by that time, everyone had Windows of some sort, so everyone already knew the brand name. If that poor review of Windows was the first time they or their friends had ever heard of "Windows", then maybe they'd simply steer clear.

...But... I see the point you're trying to make. Hopefully this ends up doing more good than harm.
I really don't think the age of the episode matters to a casual viewer strider.

The home computer industry is now 30 some odd years old...the electric car industry, for all practical intents, is nascent...I'm not sure it's the best analogy.

If I were TM, I'd certainly do everything in my power to not let TG review the Model S until TG / BBC apologizes for their scripting transgressions AND properly amends the mission statement of TG to be a factual, credible reviewer of automobiles...without a change in format, TG will be at it again with the S...

Yes, but it's an OLD show. In my mind this is like someone airing a poor review of Windows 2000 which contained some errors and/or was biased. Then MSFT comes along 3+ years later and sues them for it as if a poor review of Windows 2000 from 3+ years ago would affect sales of Windows XP? Of course we're all arm-chair quarterbacking here but in the end I think the potential for negative publicity is greater than for positive. Like I said, I'd have given TG another chance (w/ a Model S or Roadster 2.5 - TG does tons of "and now they've made a new one" reviews) and if that review was also distorted then by all means sue the crap out of them.
If Top Gear get their hands on a Model S, the review WILL be terrible. Look at how they dealt with the Mexican issue, they just do not let it go once a complaint has been made about them, and I imagine since Tesla are suing they are going to be crapped all over by TG.
Yes, but it's an OLD show. .... Like I said, I'd have given TG another chance (w/ a Model S or Roadster 2.5 - TG does tons of "and now they've made a new one" reviews) and if that review was also distorted then by all means sue the crap out of them.

I think your are missing the bigger picture Strider. TG has a history of attacking electric transportation altogether. Tesla is fighting not only for the Roadster but all electric cars. TG was very clever and subtle in their derision on coal plants and wind power and their "it-does-not-matter-because- hydrogen-is-better" message.

With this lawsuit out there, win or loose, the public will know about TG's unfounded anti EV bias and the attention might even make them think twice about how much they try and squash the LEAF or coming Model S since the patten has been exposed.
Top Gear would have the exact problems with a Roadster 2.5 that they did in the review though. You can still push a 2.5 into the hanger to make it look like it ran out of power and it's still just as expensive which they now say was their main issue. If the new review was simply negative, I don't think there is anything they could do about it. They could simply say 'it's too expensive, doesn't go fast enough and takes too long to recharge...don't buy one' and that would simply be their opinion. Easier for Tesla to stay away from them. They can always buy one if they want to review it.
I agree but I'm struggling to see how this lawsuit will change anything? As has been explained here, TG could get a 2.5 or Model S w/o Tesla's permission and do the exact review you say above and then where will we be?

Anyway, I hope you all are right - I just rarely see justice done in the court system.
I agree but I'm struggling to see how this lawsuit will change anything? As has been explained here, TG could get a 2.5 or Model S w/o Tesla's permission and do the exact review you say above and then where will we be?

As I said (hopefully) above, if you are playing a game and one player call the other a cheat right away and make valid points then the audience is more aware of that possibility in the second round.
For the Model S, Tesla can restrict who reviews it until it's available to the general public of course. That could mean months of hopefully positive reviews before Top Gear buys one and discovers it doesn't go 1,000 miles on a charge.
I believe that the majority of TG's viewers want them to crap all over EVs. It fits with the worldview and comfort zone that those viewers desperately want to remain within. There's still very few people like us that are strongly pro-EV, and only a few percent more that are considering buying an EV ... eventually, maybe. That majority of viewers that want EVs to fail on TG, will rationalize, excuse, ignore, defend, etc., everything dishonest that TG does in regards to EVs.
I believe that the majority of TG's viewers want them to crap all over EVs. It fits with the worldview and comfort zone that those viewers desperately want to remain within. There's still very few people like us that are strongly pro-EV, and only a few percent more that are considering buying an EV ... eventually, maybe. That majority of viewers that want EVs to fail on TG, will rationalize, excuse, ignore, defend, etc., everything dishonest that TG does in regards to EVs.

Totally agree. I am constantly amazed at the effort some people put forth to convince me that EVs are just a temporary flash. I shouldn't be so surprised - people resist change (even I've had my moments of digging my heels in -smile-). But I am disappointed in the arguments that seemingly intelligent people put forth.

I hope TG gets a Model S for an early review - either their bias will be completely exposed (and viewers are aware of the pending lawsuit) OR they will fall all over themselves loving the S to prove that their words about the Roadster were not unfair, that they don't have a bias. Either way, Tesla wins.