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Rumour: Model 3/Y to lose stalks in 2023 model year

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Reminds me of whenever Apple have “leaks”. Countless industry insiders proclaim that the next iPhone, MacBook etc will have XYZ, and invariably it doesn’t, or it’s different from the leak, etc.

This is just more speculation. Labelling it “what we know” doesn’t alter that.

There’s a refresh coming, that’s all we know for sure, even now.
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Yeah, load of bullcrap trying to spin an 'article' (if a spam storm of tweets is what passes as an article these days) out of all the rumours and speculation we've all heard before. Only things that stood out as new are steer by wire and a bumper cam, neither of which are happening (I'll bet my hat). Had to chuckle when they threw in the comment about robo-taxi in the following years. Lol, such fanboys! :)
Time will tell, but haven’t we been told lots of things over the years that turned out to have only a tiny element of truth with a lot of the gaps filled in by these sites incorrectly?

Steering by wire… fairly sure it’s not legal to only be steering by wire in many countries
RGB interior lights.. frankly if anyone gets excited by stuff other cars have had for years
Most extensive refresh… that’s purely subjective..
Looks more like the MS interior.. anyone think it wouldn’t follow the family progression?

What we don’t know…

- battery, probably just a tweak to the current design but nothing said
- motor changes, probably the same, the P models might get 2 of the 3 plaid motors
- range - no change, definitely kept below MS
- suspension differences - no real change, nothing adaptive
- seats - style make over but still no passenger lumbar support and not particularly different. Edit: just seen they now say this is going to happen to make them more comfortable.. have you ever seen a car company say they were changing seats to make them less comfortable, if if that’s how they actually end up?
- looks - you’ll only know the difference if you are well versed in the design of the headlights and rear bumper

- talk of removing more sensors and using gps more, assuming they’re mutually exclusive, what sensors are left? Get rid of the cabin temperature sensor and use the interior camera to gauge the aircon needs based on driver perspiration? (I wouldn’t actually put that past him).

Do I believe front bumper/headlight cameras? No, because why would you update the headlights on the MX to new matrix ones in the last few weeks, cars in HW4, and not do the same?

So what have we actually learnt?

I’ll give you two guesses I could claim..

New colours.. the new red and quicksilver from MY
New wheel designs
Sandy Munroes Tear downs show how much more complex and how many more parts the M3 has structurally compared to the MY. And I am not talking the mega casting structural battery just the one we have now
Maybe they have already addressed this to some degree but I have always assumed part of highland would be to address this to make the M3 cheaper to build. I have no evidence to support this but it just seemed like the Tesla thing to do?
Sandy Munroes Tear downs show how much more complex and how many more parts the M3 has structurally compared to the MY. And I am not talking the mega casting structural battery just the one we have now
Maybe they have already addressed this to some degree but I have always assumed part of highland would be to address this to make the M3 cheaper to build. I have no evidence to support this but it just seemed like the Tesla thing to do?
That doesn’t surprise me, my M3 felt like it had lots of little bodges along the way, bolt on mud flaps, then mud flaps stuck over those mud flaps that then bottom out, on later cars cutting away rubber trim to cater for the auto trunk opener etc, so it’s not hard to believe the same is out of sight. Does it make it cheaper if they fix this, I guess so but that translates to profit, no car dealer has ever priced stuff based on what it costs to build, they price it on what the market will stand.
Yeh, half of that stuff isn’t happening.

Elon himself said it was about making the Model 3 cheaper to build because it’s currently has a higher BOM cost than the Model Y.

For what we can see, I doubt it will be much more than a nose job and a but lift for the outside. Most of the real changes will be ‘under the hood’ to the way the chassis is put together.

The interior will get a pared down S/X treatment to the steering wheel, centre console and trim with one fixed screen.

I’m not expecting ventilated seats although that would be nice. Having seen Kim Java’s latest video, I’d certainly not be ordering white!

Steer by wire isn’t happening, it’s not legal in many markets Tesla operates in. I’m pretty sure that includes the U.K.
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Steer by wire isn't explicitly forbidden but it's hard to make work since the test for compliance the car must be able to do multiple figures of 8 after total electrical failure. I believe some manufacturers have even done it..

I'm not convinced Tesla would go to the effort.. if the US regulations are slacker they may just do it there.
I'm curious about removing stalks which really feels like penny pinching with very little ROI but potentially high satisfaction impact (negatively).

What are you curious about? You're exactly right - it is penny pinching, does have little ROI and does have high negative customer satisfaction impact. Tesla do it anyway :).
Also there was noticeable lag in the Lexus one. Granted it's still PoC but I can't see them completely removing it. I don't think I'd be a fan of steer by wire on any car.

Yeah it all looked quite good until I saw the lag in the video. That would feel horrible in spirited/track driving!

There is absolutely no way Tesla is doing steer-by-wire in Highland M3 this year! To give Teslascope the benefit of the doubt I'll just say it's lost in translation. All it'll be is what they have done with the S an X.