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Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2013

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Sure it may be false, but I wouldn't doubt it being staged.
Here are the questions in my mind:
There were about 30+ cars in traffic at that time, everyone has a smart phone that can take photos/videos now a days, yet there is only a single video of the incident? Is that really possible?
How did the guy know the car was new (I have watched the video a dozen times, and I see 0 indication of it being new from the front)? And he was very quick to identify it as a TSLA (the video seems to be taken from the drivers side, so he doesn't care about phone operating rules to take the video, up to something?). I know TSLA has become very popular recently, but 80%+ people still don't know what TSLA is...
They say it hit a large metallic object, what was it? We don't know. The highway was single (maybe 2 lanes) wide.... If there was something that big in the middle of the road, how come no one else hit it except a TSLA, and why didn't the driver move out of the way when he noticed the cars in front of him moving to avoid the obsticale?

Are we to assume that when shorts are loosing billions of dollars, someone out there won't do something like this to re-coup some losses?
It just all seems to perfect, the video, the fire, the timing (in terms of the US economy as a whole)...

Maybe I'm just a conspirocy theorist, but still, even if it was real, everyone is slowly recognizing that TSLA is better/safer than a ICE would be in this situation. SO I'm going ahead and buying some short term OTM lottery tickets...
OK, there is already well too much speculation going on, but just let me add $0.02 more. Not in possession of all facts.

Single lane highway with a dedicated commuter (HOV?) lane? Naah.

Why couldn't there have been debris on the road? I sure see a lot every time I drive any distance. Hey, maybe it just fell off a truck? (Or maybe it was just a veeery small, slow car? ;-) )

Has it been established that the footage was taken with a phone and not some other device? How is that important?
Anyway, why couldn't some guy in a pickup truck have been already fidgeting with his phone when he saw the fire, or quickly pulled it up?
And aren't you contradicting yourself here - ONE movie is suspect, and the ABSENCE of several movies even more so?

As a European I am not familiar with all U.S. legislation, but at least I'm aware of the fact that laws differ in the various States of America, and so does enforcement of some of them. Like for instance, in Cal. it is not completely unknown for cars to run without a front number plate. In other states, this may be enforced more vigorously. Maybe in WA only (or nearly so) brand-new cars appear without one? That would be a telling sign it was a new car. And the guy recognized it as a Tesla from the side; it is more distinctive in that perspective, certainly when obscured from the front ;-)

Why not avoid obstacle? Ever heard of road kill? Maybe HE was fidgeting with his phone?

Obstacle not yet found? Reports say the car signalled a serious condition and instructed driver to safely pull over and exit. It seems he took the next exit ramp, still in full control. Anyone know how far after impact? Anyone? Object hit with a 2-ton car doing >50 mph (come on, it's a new Tesla on an empty hiway!) remains stationary to be easily located by hiway patrol?

Etc, etc.

Yes I think many people over-react on the negative and ignore the positives: 1. Nobody got hurt, even if car burnt. 2. Fire never got near cabin. 3. Firefighters first took a lethal risk spraying water upon high voltage and lithium; yet live to tell the tale on TV. 4. Battery construction contained even severe damage to one section, the rest seem unaffected.

Etc, etc.
I agree with you lessmog.

I've looked at that video a dozen times and, at the point the "commentator" says it's brand new, there's no way you can see if there's a licence plate on the front of that car.
And, as you suggest, many states, including mine, Illinois, while they may "require" front plates, few Tesla, let 'lone other brands, use them. After 30 years of living here and no front plates, and being stopped a few times, never been cited for them. Only if I park on the street in Chicago.

None of this adds up to me and I am not a conspiracy theorist.

I just know, as we all do, that "they" will do anything to discredit the "message" that we all proudly bring to the table.

And I do not feel ashamed one bit to admit that I took advantage of the dip. Go Tesla!
I give my impression on watching the video:

On the first 10 secs the "man holding the camera" is not talking to ANYBODY and nobody is talking to him. Why was he holding, traffic lights or others as well producing footage?

my excuse, he was holding on a red light same as the opposite traffic.

Then he starts talking loud. Whom did he talk to, why is no one responding to what he is talking?
In my opinion he is pronouncing specific words to often and well taken and at the end he tells us

under giggling laughs

what make the "brand new car" is.

in plain german:

Ein schelm, wer dabei böses denkt.

mods may move it to the other thread, sorry.

i bought shares yesterday and today!
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@Mods, please keep the conspiracy theory stuff around as it directly affects how quickly & how much the stock will rebound if true..

I'm not sure why having/not having a front licence plate matters so much? Regardless of whether or not it was there, the fire was too bright/too big to tell... I sure can't tell it's new car if the guy hadn't spoken up, would anyone else here be able to tell? If so, how?

@Fast Laner, seems like he crossed some sort of stop light when he got moving, so I'm guessing he was recording b/c it was red & he was stopped.. It's quite clear the driver had plenty of time while waiting to take the video & comment on the car being new, so why did no one else do the same out of the 30 or so cars around the area at that time?

As for the 1 lane road, I'm not sure if the guy hit something and took an exit of the highway, or if that was the highway itself. It only had 2 lanes according to the best of my knowledge, so I agree, there wouldn't be a HOV lane on the highway.... But why would the guy drive all the way through the exit & take the ramp down after the crash instead of just pulling into the shoulder/grass? Seems stupid to me.
@Mods, please keep the conspiracy theory stuff around as it directly affects how quickly & how much the stock will rebound if true..

First, having "conspiracy theory stuff" around here is not going to affect the market. Second, you'll lose track of it in here and it's better kept in one place and much easier to follow; quite honestly I'm trying to be helpful, if you're only following the bits and pieces here and not looking at the main thread you're only getting a fraction of the information.
Dont mean to spread paranoia. But what do you guys think the odds are that there will be a massive/expensive recall?
I'm more likely to get struck by lightning while bedding a supermodel than this happening.

It would be a helluva way to go though....

[And I really gotta stop watching Numb3rs on Netflix.]

- - - Updated - - -

Benzinga saying Tesla Spokesperson Discounting Tweets Saying Police Believe Car Fire Was Staged. Again, it's Benzinga so...
B said S said T said P believe ...

If this is how you get your news, then you're likely to have bad information often.
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