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Software update 2020.48.26.x update, font size problems

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This was NOT a Christmas present at all - hardly anything new/good for my 2016 MS w/FSD (bought 12/2016) and the font just plain sucks for older people. Wish I could go back. They do need a way to allow people to pick the size if this is what they think is 'better'. Very disappointed in what was rolled out / not rolled out (e.g. the promised FSD from a year ago).
I think the situation is hopeless because it's clear the UI thing is the hands of people that doesn't have a clue.

I think it's inevitable that the only way to get some proper basic screen it's an aftermarket side screen:




Model 3, Y Center Console Dashboard Touch Screen
I don't have the sight problems and I can live with the new layout but it's just not an efficient use of space.

It is just empty white space and some jittery lines 70% of the time. Maybe you can look at a jittery flashing truck next to you. It may flash into a car then truck then car then disappear lol. You guys know what I am talking about. It was fine at it's previous size.
All of us are getting older, I just turned an onary 76 years young. Someday all of youse guys will be there, even Elon. Then you will see what it is like as your vision and hearing deteriorate. I have new $5K hearing aids, and new glasses but Elon keeps making the font smaller and smaller. I can hardly hear and see the turn signal indicator in all that wasted space. Come on people we are not 20 something anymore.
I have complained and tweeted about the need to be able to increase the font size, so far without any luck or response. Those designing the user interface are likely younger and likely have much better vision than older Tesla drivers, like myself. My guess is that at some point Elon will have a hard time reading the time, or range due to deteriorating vision due to age and...the issue will be immediately fixed! This should be a very simple fix and very useful for many Tesla drivers.
One advantage to coming to this party a bit late is that I have been able to measure the before and after size of the Model 3 speed indicator. It is quite a bit smaller (about 3/4 of the original size i.e. 11mm vs 14.5mm). I need to do a test drive before deciding if this is a problem for me.
View attachment 621705
it's not readable
is this in preparation for FSD?

Probably the best spin you can put on it.

But given the state of FSD many may never have any inclination to even try it. And pre HW3 cars aren't really in the game any way, so they really have no need of squashing more onto the displays.

To me, there really was no need to change font sizes at least on the S / X instrument cluster. The 'new' layout has no benefits for me as it stands. Even with FSD I still need a minimum text / icon size to avoid having to squint.

Night view of small text & graphics can be really difficult.
Moderator note: Corrected original title...the software version being discussed is not software release V11.

Moderator note #2: The first 4-ish pages of this thread are a merge of four different threads on roughly the same topic.

I have a model s and did the update now The instrument cluster display writing so small it is hard if not impossible to read while driving.
Moderator note: Corrected original title...the software version being discussed is not software release V11.

Moderator note #2: The first 4-ish pages of this thread are a merge of four different threads on roughly the same topic.

I have a model s and did the update now The instrument cluster display writing so small it is hard if not impossible to read while driving.

I have a Model 3. The driving visualization has been ruined. Fonts way too small, and lots of white space. They have done this to accommodate for HW3.0 visualization (stop signs etc.). If you have 2.5 then the white space looks ridiculous. Major screw-up on their part.
One advantage to coming to this party a bit late is that I have been able to measure the before and after size of the Model 3 speed indicator. It is quite a bit smaller (about 3/4 of the original size i.e. 11mm vs 14.5mm). I need to do a test drive before deciding if this is a problem for me.
View attachment 621705
I'm old and it's very difficult to read the new font.
I have to add my voice to the growing throngs who are at the very least unimpressed with the latest update. Personally, I find the new display one of the absolute worst things I've ever seen on a computer screen. It was so bad that I was hesitant to drive because I didn't know if I was going to find the information I needed. Bad fonts, font sizes, colors - almost cartoonish - and above all the waste of screen space for the car's display.

Seriously, at the very least, GIVE US A CHOICE of how much screen space we wish to have for navigation vs. car visualization. How about the ability to toggle between the old layout and the new one at the swipe of a finger to the left?

I'm posting because I'm hoping that the more people complain, the quicker the Tesla powers that be who monitor this website will fix the problem that they created.

Bad Tesla, Bad bad bad Tesla!!
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