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Tesla’s FSD Beta 10.3 Coming This Friday 10-22-2021

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Took 10.3 on an autopilot freeway drive this morning. Smooth as silk on the freeway. Won’t trust 10.3 on the street after last night / early this morning.

On my way back tonight I drive the same freeway drive back. 10.3 was throwing warning messages so much I had to shut FSD off on the way back. Didn’t make a difference. I was getting FCW literally every 5 seconds the entire 30 min back.

I would revert back to 10.2 but the option seems to have disappeared. I got a notification while I was out; but it was gone from car and app by the time I got home.

So what’s the word? Leaving everyone around n 10.3, reverting everyone back to 10.2, waiting for 10.4 now ? ? ?
Took 10.3 on an autopilot freeway drive this morning. Smooth as silk on the freeway. Won’t trust 10.3 on the street after last night / early this morning.

On my way back tonight I drive the same freeway drive back. 10.3 was throwing warning messages so much I had to shut FSD off on the way back. Didn’t make a difference. I was getting FCW literally every 5 seconds the entire 30 min back.

I would revert back to 10.2 but the option seems to have disappeared. I got a notification while I was out; but it was gone from car and app by the time I got home.

So what’s the word? Leaving everyone around n 10.3, reverting everyone back to 10.2, waiting for 10.4 now ? ? ?
oh man once you get your safety score back its gonna be like fcw 200+
Sure I do.

When it's ready.

It'd be insane to use any other date for delivery.

Because it doesn't support your actual claim.

At all.

If they can release a working L4 system in many other US states right now- which, again they can, right now then the fact they can't do that in CA doesn't create a "get out of jail" card to just not deliver it at all to anybody.

So your original claim that "regulators" is going to be an excuse to never deliver such a system to anyone, ever, is factually untrue.

Not sure how you keep being confused about it.

It's not ready so even if the coast was clear to release right now they wouldn't be able to. You're well aware that legislation on autonomous driving is shifting, and you know it won't be the same environment in a couple years as now.

The regulatory get of jail free card was never a factual claim to begin with it as it hasn't happened yet. Instead its a prediction on what they might do. We've already seen regulatory crack down on the functionality of AP because that's what happened in Europe.

Did Tesla immediately give them refunds? Not that I'm aware of, but I haven't kept up with what is happening in Europe.

Tesla's current strategy is keep pushing things out by promising things to come. So far its been working, but cracks are starting to appear now that its been 5 years since the announcement. Apparently not all Tesla customers are of the "when its ready" type.

We won't really see what Tesla does until the self driving HW deviates extensively from HW3.
Took 10.3 on an autopilot freeway drive this morning. Smooth as silk on the freeway. Won’t trust 10.3 on the street after last night / early this morning.

On my way back tonight I drive the same freeway drive back. 10.3 was throwing warning messages so much I had to shut FSD off on the way back. Didn’t make a difference. I was getting FCW literally every 5 seconds the entire 30 min back.

I would revert back to 10.2 but the option seems to have disappeared. I got a notification while I was out; but it was gone from car and app by the time I got home.

So what’s the word? Leaving everyone around n 10.3, reverting everyone back to 10.2, waiting for 10.4 now ? ? ?
I wasn't able to use FSD on my way, and it kept throwing FCW.

My understanding is their reverting everyone back to 10.2

It seems to taking a long time.
Here comes 10.3.1!


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I've got 10.3 and did not get the rollback to 10.2.

Everything is working as it should. I took a long drive this morning, about 55 miles, including long stretches on the highway.

I don't know if this helps, but I have kept the cameras very clean. Maybe that's a consideration.
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It's not ready so even if the coast was clear to release right now they wouldn't be able to.

never said otherwise.

You're the one who made up OTHER reasons they couldn't release it to anybody once it WAS ready, reasons which simply aren't true.

You're well aware that legislation on autonomous driving is shifting, and you know it won't be the same environment in a couple years as now.

But you DO know what it'll look like?

Again, multiple states have ALREADY passed regulations around this- such that they could roll it out THE DAY IT IS READY with no additional "regulation" needed.

Those states are "done"

Other states have only done half the work (CA for example where they have some laws around testing and reporting, but consumer rollout is still restricted)

Other states haven't done any of the work and have nothing on the books either way.

None of those situations adds up to a get out of jail free card for Tesla wherein they could claim it's done but they can't roll it to anybody because REGULATIONS.

So your insistance that's what they'll do is unsupported by any available facts.

Rather than admit you didn't know it was legal in many states today you seem to be moving the goalposts to speculating that, somehow, for some reason, there'll be some FUTURE regulation that somehow manages to support your original, not-true-today, claim, because.... REASONS.

The regulatory get of jail free card was never a factual claim to begin with it as it hasn't happened yet. Instead its a prediction on what they might do.

And I pointed out they literally can not do that based on what we know about regulations today

Yet you initially insisted that wasn't correct and that it wasn't legal anywhere-- and even after I corrected you on this you keep doubling down.
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People keep confusing different concepts. 10.2 was absolutely safe. If you’re taking part in the EARLY ACCESS FSD Beta, then you are accepting a number of liabilities and personal responsibilities. It even says so clearly in the email and agreement you clicked yes to on your vehicle’s screen.

That being said, you are NOT obligated to drive city streets on FSD beta. You can drive as you do with any production firmware release. I’m not sure how people don’t understand this. If you don’t like FSD beta, either opt out entirely, or simply don’t drive on city FSD AP. Simple.
Here’s the issue. I was on the highway in Chicago with ALL FSD items disabled and still was experiencing FCW followed by emergency braking. I don’t think you understand that — 10.3 made the car dangerous to drive with either highway or city driving.

I pulled over and waiting the 30 minutes to install the update. As an early adopter I accept the fsd beta is going to be buggy, but this was alpha level software… it can’t be dangerous, and HERES THE KEY unable to be turned off or disabled.

I had every safety feature disabled (FCW, Braking, lane assist, etc), autosteer disabled, (see another persons picture above), FSD beta and visualizations disabled and it still performed multiple emergency braking and FCWs while on I90 in 70mph traffic in Chicago. It’s a miracle I wasn’t in a wreck.

We are all interested in helping pioneer the technology (and getting our $ worth) and I have had situations in the past with Autopilot on the highway that required me to be fully engaged or it might have resulted in an accident — mostly caused by other idiots, but never to this level.

10.3 was alpha software at best and anyone that didn’t install the rollback needs to be very aware of this.
Gotcha. Not having this issue on either of our vehicles, which are still in 10.3. Would encourage anyone that had such a terrible experience to opt out of early access FSD beta. I’m more than prepared and accepting of the fact this is beta in name and much closer to alpha+.
Here’s the issue. I was on the highway in Chicago with ALL FSD items disabled and still was experiencing FCW followed by emergency braking. I don’t think you understand that — 10.3 made the car dangerous to drive with either highway or city driving.

I pulled over and waiting the 30 minutes to install the update. As an early adopter I accept the fsd beta is going to be buggy, but this was alpha level software… it can’t be dangerous, and HERES THE KEY unable to be turned off or disabled.

I had every safety feature disabled (FCW, Braking, lane assist, etc), autosteer disabled, (see another persons picture above), FSD beta and visualizations disabled and it still performed multiple emergency braking and FCWs while on I90 in 70mph traffic in Chicago. It’s a miracle I wasn’t in a wreck.

We are all interested in helping pioneer the technology (and getting our $ worth) and I have had situations in the past with Autopilot on the highway that required me to be fully engaged or it might have resulted in an accident — mostly caused by other idiots, but never to this level.

10.3 was alpha software at best and anyone that didn’t install the rollback needs to be very aware of this.
Whole-heartedly agree because I had the same experience. There is certainly a difference between potentially dangerous software running on the vehicles due to the driver becoming complacent and not hyper-aware of what the vehicle is trying to do and definitely dangerous phantom hard braking that the driver cannot react to or influence. Another key detail of yesterday's issue was that when the vehicle phantom emergency braked, depressing the accelerator had no change until the vehicle gave back control (for me it was around 10mph). So the brake followed by loss of acceleration control is really where the danger was.

I'm excited to give 10.3.1 a try today, assuming it gets pushed to me now that my safety score is an 84 due to all the erroneous fcw - but I think I'll wait a few hours this time to see how its going.
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I think the hyperbole about being dangerous is overblown. I know a few people claimed to go full FCW and brakes on the highway, but honestly, that is their own fault to rely on technology from Tesla that still can't seem to perfect like other makers. ROFL

I have always disabled FCW, AEB and Lane keep the day I bought the car, every time after a few updates I tried to turn it back on, it was squawking, slamming the brakes for no apparent reason anyway, this is without Beta..just regular AP and then FSD...the systems are bad compared to other auto makers. They've only caused me grief, stress and nearly getting rear ended multiple times how they react. See Elon, this is what happens when you don't use Radar/Lidar.

Anyway, I still have 10.3, it downloaded the 5.1, but then Tesla used their noggins and a genius finally said, hey, just turn off FCW and EAB remotely, problem solved, then send an update out tomorrow or two!!! Hey, good thinking Tesla! Then the wrong version was sent out..which was a panic button press by one of the Devs or IT people.

I never downgraded since I ignored the download, then it vanished....plus as I said, I already turn off what Tesla did remotely always anyway...they should hire me. I will work for about $5M/yr plus stock options worth maybe $10M...otherwise, they can must flounder and keep acting like amateurs for the next 10yrs....ROFL

Mine is fine still....well, except that initial AP can't engage after one drive, but that is working now.

If I can only get my telescoping steering wheel working now...that broke/stopped after the 10.3 Beta update...odd bug!! Service opened...will see. More dangerous having my seat all the way up now and steering wheel stuck full forward than the FCW/AEB issue which is an easy fix until an update. But th eTilt works fine. It's just logically stuck full forward now. I push the wheel which works fine for everything...and the profile Save senses my telescoping request...just nothing. Annoying.

Ok...that's it for me, time to work....haha...FLAME ON!!! Thumbs down to you too!!! I have a strange sense of humor...sorry.
Here comes 10.3.1!
They sent it over the air not via WiFi.. the cellular data costs I’m sure were nuts… the car was ususable on 10
Whole-heartedly agree because I had the same experience. There is certainly a difference between potentially dangerous software running on the vehicles due to the driver becoming complacent and not hyper-aware of what the vehicle is trying to do and definitely dangerous phantom hard braking that the driver cannot react to or influence. Another key detail of yesterday's issue was that when the vehicle phantom emergency braked, depressing the accelerator had no change until the vehicle gave back control (for me it was around 10mph). So the brake followed by loss of acceleration control is really where the danger was.

I'm excited to give 10.3.1 a try today, assuming it gets pushed to me now that my safety score is an 84 due to all the erroneous fcw - but I think I'll wait a few hours this time to see how its going.
I went through the trick to remove the safety score (opt out of the beta) wait a few hours and drive over 100 miles. Now my safety score is at 100, it was at 94 prior.

Not sure here if I will get 10.3.1 or not maybe musk will clarify who will get this update?
I think the hyperbole about being dangerous is overblown. I know a few people claimed to go full FCW and brakes on the highway, but honestly, that is their own fault to rely on technology from Tesla that still can't seem to perfect like other makers. ROFL

I have always disabled FCW, AEB and Lane keep the day I bought the car, every time after a few updates I tried to turn it back on, it was squawking, slamming the brakes for no apparent reason anyway, this is without Beta..just regular AP and then FSD...the systems are bad compared to other auto makers. They've only caused me grief, stress and nearly getting rear ended multiple times how they react. See Elon, this is what happens when you don't use Radar/Lidar.

Anyway, I still have 10.3, it downloaded the 5.1, but then Tesla used their noggins and a genius finally said, hey, just turn off FCW and EAB remotely, problem solved, then send an update out tomorrow or two!!! Hey, good thinking Tesla! Then the wrong version was sent out..which was a panic button press by one of the Devs or IT people.

I never downgraded since I ignored the download, then it vanished....plus as I said, I already turn off what Tesla did remotely always anyway...they should hire me. I will work for about $5M/yr plus stock options worth maybe $10M...otherwise, they can must flounder and keep acting like amateurs for the next 10yrs....ROFL

Mine is fine still....well, except that initial AP can't engage after one drive, but that is working now.

If I can only get my telescoping steering wheel working now...that broke/stopped after the 10.3 Beta update...odd bug!! Service opened...will see. More dangerous having my seat all the way up now and steering wheel stuck full forward than the FCW/AEB issue which is an easy fix until an update. But th eTilt works fine. It's just logically stuck full forward now. I push the wheel which works fine for everything...and the profile Save senses my telescoping request...just nothing. Annoying.

Ok...that's it for me, time to work....haha
Wow. Brave driver.. I agree with the statement above, I just didn’t have the ability to wait it out since I was 3 hours from home — and couldn’t get mine to shut off.

IT dude here too and I get this is very very complicated. I guess I just expect when I turn off something — actually everything safety and FSDBeta related that the car should still be usable. As a regular car. 10.3 this was not the case. :-(