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Tesla Model 3 in Australia

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Well I'm happy for you, but as a Livestream reservation holder and 31 May order, Cash no trade, and 4432XX VIN, its a bit annoying how Tesla seem to be randomly picking deliveries..

Just for fun and memories, here's my original deposit email from way back when. It says S and X owners get priority? I don't know that that came to fruition but I do seem to be towards the front of the queue with the early reservation and order without being a Tesla owner beforehand. Now I'm due Sep 9th but that date is nebulous I'm told and could be as late as Sep 13th.


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Just send Tesla an email, they can remove it for you, and that won't impact your delivery date (they may warn you that it may)

FWIW I dropped FSD two week’s ago from my P3- order. Tesla updates my order within a few hours, no drama, no warning about any adverse effects. My Vin did disappear a few days ago - was 488346, reappeared today as 488335, so hopefully still on track for Warrnambool and late September delivery.
Some news heading into the weekend.

I emailed Tesla to get an update on my order. Previously they had advised that no VIN has been assigned to my account so there is nothing they can do. Fair enough.

Because I could finally (and for the first time) see a hidden VIN on my end, I emailed them to ask if there had been any progress and when I could expect the car.

They confirmed the following:
- A VIN as been assigned to me;
- I will receive a call in the next week or 2; and
- I can expect to pick up at the end of September.
- I should keep my phone handy.

Firstly, hooray! Huge shout-out to the Tesla team. If you're reading this, thanks for all your efforts. Thanks also for giving me extremely helpful information. Knowing I have to wait a few weeks is way better than not knowing at all!

Secondly, this tells me a few things:

1) Most importantly, this is not a temporary VIN. I have a real life physical car physically assigned to me. An actual thing, made of steel and glass and tech and unicorn-infused win.
2) My car is scheduled to be in my hands as part of the commitment to get things done by the end of the quarter.
3) All the timing lines up with the car being on Brotonne. It docks today, I'll get a call next week (or maybe the week after if there are delays in the processing - quite possible due to the volume they are dealing with), and they will slot me in whenever they have a spare slot, but again, given the volume they wont commit to anything shorter than 'end of the month'.

VedaPrime, your work looks to be dead-on accurate. Grats dude.

Also, anyone with a Brotonne car or later, I would suggest you re-adjust your expectations to align with this. For your own sanity!
Got a call from delivery today and I've been hit with the dreaded 12v battery virus, pushing my delivery date by 11 days 2nd to 13th Sep at Richmond.
While I was very disappointed, I worked with him to get a new date that fitted.
He thanked me for being so understanding and flexible, he then commented that some were not as accommodating and quite angry.

Now I know we have waited a long time for these cars, and are very excited, but to take out your frustration on these people is very uncool.

Whether you agree with the 12v battery problem or not, if/when you get the delayed delivery call, show some maturity and backbone, and don't vent on the messenger.

Rant over
Got a call from delivery today and I've been hit with the dreaded 12v battery virus, pushing my delivery date by 11 days 2nd to 13th Sep at Richmond.
While I was very disappointed, I worked with him to get a new date that fitted.
He thanked me for being so understanding and flexible, he then commented that some were not as accommodating and quite angry.

Now I know we have waited a long time for these cars, and are very excited, but to take out your frustration on these people is very uncool.

Whether you agree with the 12v battery problem or not, if/when you get the delayed delivery call, show some maturity and backbone, and don't vent on the messenger.

Rant over
well done you! For being patient and not taking it out on some poor sod who had to make that dreaded call to customer
Got a call from delivery today and I've been hit with the dreaded 12v battery virus, pushing my delivery date by 11 days 2nd to 13th Sep at Richmond.
While I was very disappointed, I worked with him to get a new date that fitted.
He thanked me for being so understanding and flexible, he then commented that some were not as accommodating and quite angry.

Now I know we have waited a long time for these cars, and are very excited, but to take out your frustration on these people is very uncool.

Whether you agree with the 12v battery problem or not, if/when you get the delayed delivery call, show some maturity and backbone, and don't vent on the messenger.

Rant over

Yes when I got the same call yesterday, I got the impression he was dreading each call, poor guy. I agree, no need to be rude to them.
Looking at the Brisbane data, at least, there seems to be a decent correlation between ordering a P3- and getting a 488XXX series VIN (or later). Every SR+ and P+ has a lower 44XXXX series allocated.

Not directly replicated in other states, however does generally seem like SR+ gets an earlier vin than P3-.
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Hi Meowsers - You have white interior and a VIN?? You lucky beggar!!!!

I have reluctantly resigned myself to the thought that there is no chance for a September delivery date for my Blue 3P+ with white interior to Perth. Now working on the expectation (blind faith??) that it might be October if I am lucky. . As of today I, and no doubt many others, remain VINless until otherwise (v)indicated by Tesla!. The suspense is killing me.

When did you place your order? I placed mine in June but changed to the white interior the day after it was offered. October is looking more likely.

My thinking is because mine is being delivered on the back of a truck to ACT, their invoice/sales terms say that delivery occurs when it's handed to the shipping company. This might boost their end of quarter number if the invoice/settle these vehicles.
Fun fact: the original application of the title ‘Doctor’ was for those who had completed a PhD. It has since been (mis)appropriated by medical physicians, who only have a Bachelor’s degree
Doctor (title) - Wikipedia

Partly correct. This is what happens with some medical degrees in some countries. They are a combined Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery. However you will find that if you delve slightly outside UK/Australia/etc you will find some courses for medicine to be longer and actually award MDs (or Dr.Med.) instead of MBBS.

Doctor of Medicine - Wikipedia
Well I'm happy for you, but as a Livestream reservation holder and 31 May order, Cash no trade, and 4432XX VIN, its a bit annoying how Tesla seem to be randomly picking deliveries..
Where how what and why you ordered makes no difference and we’ve known this for quite some time. Tesla don’t reward Australian supporters.
Got a call from delivery today and I've been hit with the dreaded 12v battery virus, pushing my delivery date by 11 days 2nd to 13th Sep at Richmond.

Whether you agree with the 12v battery problem or not, if/when you get the delayed delivery call, show some maturity and backbone, and don't vent on the messenger.

Rant over

Well 11 days for a 12 volt battery replacement seems legit - not.
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Yep, but if you've got a few hundred vehicles that all need new batteries at once supply could be an issue.

The model 3 uses a pretty standard 12volt battery. You could walk down the road in Richmond and buy 50 of them. We know this is crap, seriously, it’s just an excuse which Tesla are great at. They couldnt make the date and this is an excuse close enough to the truth to try and make customers a bit happier. The cars will miss their August delivery dates. Late Sept for them all as expected.

For s#@s and giggles why don’t you ask to go have a look at your car while it sits for the delay. No driving required just a little sneak peek. If the car is there and simply waiting for a battery then there should be no issues right? I’ll put an expensive bottle of wine on the fact that I can predict the response and it won’t happen.

It’s a shame we’re being let down at this last leg of the long wait.
When did you place your order? I placed mine in June but changed to the white interior the day after it was offered. October is looking more likely.

My thinking is because mine is being delivered on the back of a truck to ACT, their invoice/sales terms say that delivery occurs when it's handed to the shipping company. This might boost their end of quarter number if the invoice/settle these vehicles.

I might have seen your car tonight!

We were having dinner at Spit Shack in Mitchell (highly recommended!) and the whole family got pretty excited as a truck full of Model 3s trundled down the street and turned the corner in front of us!

Truck was fully loaded, most cars appears to have the 20” rims, at least 2 MSMs and a White one. There was also a white one up front with the aero wheels (I wish it were mine! I only ordered a week ago...)

Sorry about the potato photo, it was long range with my iPhone.


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**** I hate the ATO. Not because they tax us, I happily pay my share, just their hypocrisy.

Driving an uber is considered a taxi service from this pov, but they released guidance earlier this year stating uber CANNOT be deducted for tax purposes, but taxis can.

And if you're right about this, and i do 20 troops a year, why the he'll should i register for gst. perfect example of red tape disincentivising work

ATO used to say no tax deduction unless income from rideshare/taxi was >$20,000 pa.