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Tesla promoting self-driving video was staged

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Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2012
Today, Reuters reported the deposition from Ashok Elluswamy, Director of Autopilot software, that the 2016 video was staged and it did collide with the fence while auto parking.

Today, Reuters reported the deposition from Ashok Elluswamy, Director of Autopilot software, that the 2016 video was staged and it did collide with the fence while auto parking.

I always thought that video is green screen 🤣
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Don't an older Model S was involved in the recent San Francisco Bay Bridge incident? \
Any details about which Autopilot version was used?
No idea, but one person speculated that the driver was not paying attention and when they did not respond to multiple warnings to put their hands on the wheel AP kicked off. and pulled off the side of the road, which was not there. Does anyone know if this the behavior in this situation?
...one person speculated that the driver was not paying attention and when they did not respond to multiple warnings to put their hands on the wheel AP kicked off. and pulled off the side of the road, which was not there. Does anyone know if this the behavior in this situation?
Not correct.

Tesla does not Auto Lane Change if the system does not get a response from the driver repeatedly. It would stop in the same lane and turn on the 4-way flashers.
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Reading through the article, it doesn't seem necessarily as "bad" as the headline makes it. A few points I'd love others to refute if they have more info/data:

  1. "Staged" meaning faked/fraudulent or just a controlled and monitored environment? The testimony provided in the article seems to fit the latter.
  2. "Deployed" meaning "production vehicle" feature (that the public has access to) or just company owned test vehicles?
  3. "Drivers intervened" meaning humans essentially drove the vehicle or humans intervened only when necessary?
  4. "The route had been mapped in advance" meaning the car was just following a navigation route or.. what else could it mean and why would it be negative? This is essentially what autonomous driving means. Like, should you expect to get in a Waymo without giving it a destination and it should... do what?
  5. Like the article says, Tesla always said the publicly available features "do not make the vehicle autonomous". But the article contradicts itself by also saying Tesla claimed in 2021 that "its electric vehicles can drive themselves"?
There's a lot of conflating test vehicle features with production vehicle features happening. Should other AV companies be prevented from posting demo videos of software not available to the public?
The deposition information is readily available and reported. Just have to remember the prosecution's leading questions are intended (as they are obligated to do) to paint Tesla in the most negative light; that's their job. That said, having used Autopilot a bit in my new 2023 MY, I have no doubt how significantly worse it and FSD would have been in 2016.
As an aside, I hope the code merge of the FSD with highway AP flows down to the people who only have AP.