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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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For anyone interested just search for Willian Chandler Delaware Court of Chancery. His decades of practice produced a reputation as pragmatic and consistent with essentially no intervention of personal views. He understands how important impartiality is and how irrelevant personal views should be when dealing with corporate law. He understands that Delaware gained it’s domiciliary success at the expense of New Jersey especially, when New Jersey began to treat corporate issues with a directly political lens.

Whether any other jurisdiction can deal with impartiality is an open question since much of debate today deals with applying partisan views to all walks of life. In my view, Former Chancellor Chandler is, sadly, a member of a threatened species.

Regardless of any views any of us hold on any given TSLA issue, we all should be able to agree that strict adherence to the law should be the ruling principle for judges. Agree we might, but we also no that throughout much of the world, not just the US, that principle is being eviscerated. Moving to Texas does not solve that problem, and may even exacerbate it.

Not to add another potential conspiracy theory to this thread, but ever since the pandemic, I've been inundated with having to join "Community" and partaking in "identifying" myself whenever go to a hobby/interest group. TSLA has a "community" even though it's just a stock in a company at the end of the day. Everything is a community. It was never like this pre-pandemic; there were so fewer communities whether online or offline, but everyone seems to have one now that has people doubling up on many (but with a different organizer).

Here's my theory: The internet platforms (largely social media) makes it so easy to get "involved with a community" via online and spread information (and misinformation) in relatively extremely low-cost ways (online posts). So many are reading and intercepting these posts with direct access to their minds than ever before (especially really important people like the folks that work at Chancery Court in Delaware). As AI data collection has becoming "mainstream" in recent years, it's entirely possible social media companies are leveraging their "communities of users" (and their postings) to enact actions and reactions to support their values and intentions. People are no doubt doing real world actions due to this, its not just funding. You can't escape these platforms anymore because they'll indirectly affect you and bring you into their world view whether you agree with them or not. In most cases, its great! Go speed of information! Go proliferation of information!

...Also, mitigate the the speed of information with slow thought. Also, mitigate the proliferation of information, like a virus, with ways to vaccinate, if its bad information.

I bring this up because of the bolded statement from @unk45 's post.
If you don't respond to him most of us wouldn't even know he was on this forum. It's a pretty simple solution really. Not sure why people can't figure this out.
I know that, and have mostly resisted, but like it or not this forum is seen as a reliable place to get informed analysis of the company from an investment POV. When some posters are very very obviously just full time trolls or shortsellers, its going to hugely impact the way causal investors perceive the company.
There are so many large organisations, institutions, companies and governments that are massively motivated to damage Tesla, that its inevitable that there will be concerted efforts to inject FUD everywhere, including this thread. If 95% of the thread becomes FUD, even if most long time posters have the perpetrators on ignore, then this is impactful.
I am just sick of it, to be honest. And I find the sheer predictability of the nonsense being spread to be extremely tiresome.
I know that, and have mostly resisted, but like it or not this forum is seen as a reliable place to get informed analysis of the company from an investment POV. When some posters are very very obviously just full time trolls or shortsellers, its going to hugely impact the way causal investors perceive the company.
There are so many large organisations, institutions, companies and governments that are massively motivated to damage Tesla, that its inevitable that there will be concerted efforts to inject FUD everywhere, including this thread. If 95% of the thread becomes FUD, even if most long time posters have the perpetrators on ignore, then this is impactful.
I am just sick of it, to be honest. And I find the sheer predictability of the nonsense being spread to be extremely tiresome.
In June 2019 SH meeting, sentiment was extremely low, this question about fighting FUD in the SH meeting resonated with so many investors that I knew, and is the exact same sentiment that I'm hearing today. A couple of quarters later, even though I couldn't remember anything special happening in particular with fighting FUD, only thing was that Tesla executed, and patient investors held on, and the stock took care of itself, and FUDsters got their assess handed to them.
There is an article in TheStreet saying that Polestar is on the deathwatch list. Volvo bailing out sales way down.
Polestar 2's are imported from China. The expansion of the South Carolina Volvo factory that will build Polestar 3's is nearing completion. But these will have higher price tags, and we'll see how long it takes to get production up to speed.
I had a Sunday thought thinking about Tesla a little bit:

The current method of how to organize markets and companies, especially, in the USA has helped to make going to Mars, building a sustainable civilization, and improve mortality incredibly the last 200 years probable rather than impossible.

Why would anyone want a different system that has no historical evidence to show a new methodology of non-government vehicles of societal progress like going to Mars, building a sustainable civilization, and improve mortality incredibly? Wouldn't we want to just make it more efficient? Why break what works? Why fear going to Mars?
Just finished a trip to MN. Nearly all 30+ family members are anti EV stuff, sans one cousin who has had a Model Y for a year (who is in data science and a proponent). Absolutely incredible amount of FUD from mainstream media and I heard it all. And I waited to "hear it all" prior to dropping the bomb (well someone did it for me who was giggling) that I'm former Google, Tesla and SpaceX. I hope a few more sales happen in the next few quarters!
Just finished a trip to MN. Nearly all 30+ family members are anti EV stuff, sans one cousin who has had a Model Y for a year (who is in data science and a proponent). Absolutely incredible amount of FUD from mainstream media and I heard it all. And I waited to "hear it all" prior to dropping the bomb (well someone did it for me who was giggling) that I'm former Google, Tesla and SpaceX. I hope a few more sales happen in the next few quarters!
Also shows you how effective FUD is until you get shown the difference and I bet even then some rather stick to their reinforced bias than see through the lies.

Whenever I go on Facebook there are 3-5 anti EV memes and ads plus the usual nationalist fear and hate mongering. Those must be targeted paid for content. It's disgusting.

Obviously reporting them does nothing on that platform.

Butts in seats in real life can undo some of this locally, but it feels overwhelming online.
Just finished a trip to MN. Nearly all 30+ family members are anti EV stuff, sans one cousin who has had a Model Y for a year (who is in data science and a proponent). Absolutely incredible amount of FUD from mainstream media and I heard it all. And I waited to "hear it all" prior to dropping the bomb (well someone did it for me who was giggling) that I'm former Google, Tesla and SpaceX. I hope a few more sales happen in the next few quarters!

Is this the first time you talked to your family in 15 years?
Also shows you how effective FUD is until you get shown the difference and I bet even then some rather stick to their reinforced bias than see through the lies.

Whenever I go on Facebook there are 3-5 anti EV memes and ads plus the usual nationalist fear and hate mongering. Those must be targeted paid for content. It's disgusting.

Obviously reporting them does nothing on that platform.

Butts in seats in real life can undo some of this locally, but it feels overwhelming online.
Got an interesting tidbit for you guys.

As it happens, the father of my son-in-law happens to like to read fact-based historical novels. He discovered that I like to read about history and, as #2 on the number of books he's sent my way, he sent me The Path Between The Seas, by a David McCulloch, published in 1977. So, well before Elon or any shenanigans with Tesla.

It's an interesting read about how the Panama Canal got built. As it happens, there was this crazed Frenchman, name of Vicomte Ferdinand de Lesseps. Not a man with an engineering degree of any type, but a really good diplomat who could move Heaven and Earth towards a dream he fancied. The first goal he fancied and actually Made Happen was the Suez Canal. I am not kidding: this fellow really appears to be the Musk-like figure of his day.

He, his backers, and with support of the then-current government of Egypt, raised money in the form of bonds. Which was mainly subscribed by the citizens of France. There was extensive press coverage that encouraged this. When the money ran a bit short, more bonds were issued at advantageous rates. The Suez Canal did get built; made ridiculous money; and the bonds-holders made out like bandits. Honestly, A show of Just What Capitalism Can Do.

The fact that Mr. de Lesseps didn't have any kind of serious technical acumen didn't really stop him and his helpers; civil engineers were hired like mad. And, despite various setbacks and such, the canal, a specimen of a sea level canal, with no locks, went on in. In retrospect, while insanely difficult to do this, it helped that the path of the canal went over pretty much flat terrain. And there weren't any serious plagues afflicting the workforce.

So, after finishing all this, it appears that Mr. de Lesseps looked about for His Next Big Thing and figured that a canal through the Isthmus of Panama would be Just the Thing.. to make his mark on the world (mainly) but also to collect a bag of serious cash on the way. This didn't work out so well, but it sure wasn't because of a lack of (serious) trying. If I had to put my finger on the Main Problem, it would be that de Lesseps figured that if One Sea-Level Canal Would Do, So Would A Second. And it wasn't until he (probably) had a serious case of dementia, brought on by old age, that other people realized that digging it on the flat Wasn't Working. Fine: The French attempt failed (but they kept the hardware they were using in good shape), the Americans eventually took over, and it Got Done.

But the reason I bring up all this is that during the French Attempt to fund the whole thing, another bond-funding party was planned. And there were.. bankers. The bankers wanted a piece of the pie. Notable amongst these bankers was Morgan (yes, that Morgan) who promptly started paying newspapers, mostly in France, but in lots of other places, to put out Negative Press about the chances of this canal succeeding. Mind you, Morgan and his cronies had No Technical Expertise Whatsoever; but they wanted money. The first attempt at raising funds through bond sales failed, in large part because of this FUD.

After a bit of a pause, it appears that de Lesseps and company figured out which way the wind was blowing, showed in NYC, met with Morgan, and got the backing of his bank. With a very healthy percentage of the monies raised going straight into J.P. Morgan & Co..

At which point all the various newspaper articles got very sunny about the prospects, people were swayed, and the bond-raising was oversubscribed. Less money to actually build the canal, of course, but the bankers were happy. (And, at the time, people really did believe that de Lesseps could pull it off. Except some experts who actually knew better.. but got overridden by a very, very, good diplomat.)

Interestingly, after the attempt failed (mainly due to disease killing off the workforce, including the engineers), there was a trial about Where All The Money Had Gone; by this time, de Lessips was moribund, but his son was tried. And, interestingly, the bribing of newspapers left and right did come out in the trial. None of those newspapers were brought to court, ever.

Yeah, yeah: one would look at all this fun in the late 1800's and early 1900's and think, "Jeez, financial reporting is better than that!". Except that.. FUD on Tesla. Funded by Parties Unknown (but probably oil and gas interests, as well as potential competitors), but putting out Huge Quantities of FUD on Tesla and Elon.

Don't get me wrong: Elon is, sometimes, his own worst enemy. But that bit about, "Those who don't know their history are doomed to repeat it." comes to mind.
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Don't you ever get bored of posting nothing but negative, downbeat hot-takes like this? Why don't you just sell your shares and find somewhere to discuss companies you actually like? Continuing like this, every day, day in and day out...is just very very strange, unless posting negativity here is weirdly a paid job. Probably not a well paid one.

Funny you think I post day in, day out. Or solely negative stories. But whatever narrative you want to believe, that's up to you.
I had a Sunday thought thinking about Tesla a little bit:

The current method of how to organize markets and companies, especially, in the USA has helped to make going to Mars, building a sustainable civilization, and improve mortality incredibly the last 200 years probable rather than impossible.

Why would anyone want a different system that has no historical evidence to show a new methodology of non-government vehicles of societal progress like going to Mars, building a sustainable civilization, and improve mortality incredibly? Wouldn't we want to just make it more efficient? Why break what works? Why fear going to Mars?
My Sunday thought was he said to buy the dip, he just didn’t say the dip would last for years. Getting tired of this *sugar*.
I had a Sunday thought thinking about Tesla a little bit:

The current method of how to organize markets and companies, especially, in the USA has helped to make going to Mars, building a sustainable civilization, and improve mortality incredibly the last 200 years probable rather than impossible.

Why would anyone want a different system that has no historical evidence to show a new methodology of non-government vehicles of societal progress like going to Mars, building a sustainable civilization, and improve mortality incredibly? Wouldn't we want to just make it more efficient? Why break what works? Why fear going to Mars?
I'm sorry man, but this is simply not true.
It's in fact this global system that has brought climate change upon us: it's ~50 years that we know the effect of CO2 emissions on the planet and the whole oil+energy+car industry has spent his tens of billions in lobbying and advocacy and media propaganda to maintain the status quo.
For a century we/they put CO2 in the atmosphere in teratonnes without paying a dime in externalities.
Only because a handful of capitalist companies are trying to solve the matter - and it's *not* solved, look at India right now - it doesn't mean the whole system is OK and good. In fact, those company are going against that system, at least regarding climate change.
We aren't a sustainable civilization and won't really be for decades: we aren't on Mars yet. I'll give you that we improved mortality incredibly.

I'm not even saying that socialism would've done better - but when people critique capitalism they have "a couple" of solid points.