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Tesla Unionization

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One recurring theme in the interview with the Tesla employee on strike was how Tesla already provides as well or better than the Collective Agreement would dictate on many, many points.

Again, I ask why focus on Tesla, a company that meets or exceeds the requirements?

Mostly, it seems to be IF Metall grandstanding, and riding on the coattails of the UAW strike in the popular media.

Instead, perhaps they should take half of their billion dollar war chest and distribute it among the membership, rather than use it to fund a baseless smear campaign in the public media.
Paywalled, so haven't read...

Allegedly a quote from this FT article:

"Disrupters are vital to economic dynamism; Musk has done more disrupting, and shown more dynamism, than most. But foreign investors need to respect the legal and social rules and the business cultures of the countries where they seek to do business; doing otherwise can harm their brands. It should be for Musk and his company to adapt to a Swedish model that has a record of working well, rather than for the Swedish model to adapt to Musk."
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Allegedly a quote from this FT article:

"Disrupters are vital to economic dynamism; Musk has done more disrupting, and shown more dynamism, than most. But foreign investors need to respect the legal and social rules and the business cultures of the countries where they seek to do business; doing otherwise can harm their brands. It should be for Musk and his company to adapt to a Swedish model that has a record of working well, rather than for the Swedish model to adapt to Musk."

Um, yeah, the Swedish model includes how Collective Agreements are voluntary, not required by law, correct?

So, to be factual, Tesla is completely on board with the Swedish model that allows companies to choose whether or not to participate.

IF Metall, on the other hand, employs dirty tricks to shape public opinion, and to extort companies into "volunteering" to participate.

Which of these approaches, when seen in the light of day would be the one most people would want to align with:
  1. voluntary choice to participate, or not.
  2. forced compliance to a "voluntary" system under threat that your business in Sweden will be disrupted!
Granted, this would be a completely different story if Tesla were in fact running a "sweat shop" business model that was unsavory to their employees. But, Tesla is exceeding the standards the union attacking them dictate to those who enter into the agreement.

The union (IF Metall) has been unable justify reasonable cause for the level of disruption they are attempting against Tesla and affecting other Tesla-related businesses in Sweden and in the neighboring nations joining into the extortion racket in "sympathy" for IF Metall.

Eventually the dust will settle and facts will come to light. What will be revealed?

^This article is misleading,
- The article connects collective agreements with work environment. False, because work environment is regulated by law and overseen by a government body.
- The article says employees can be let go from one day to another. False, because labor laws are regulated by law with 3 months notice etc.
- The article says the salary is set by Tesla. This is exactly the same as union shops, IF Metall has promoted individual salary levels for the last 20 years. Before that IF Metall promoted "The same salary for the same job" as a slogan and in practice.
- The article says you get salary after performance. This is the same as in a union shop.
- The rest is his personal issues, not anything to do with Tesla. And of course Tesla isn't allowing him to do IF Metall work on payed work hours (this is allowed in union shops).
Thank you for that. Most of that didn’t make sense to me or ring true.
The main thing I find strange from that article is that apparently he knew he was third place? Normally employee performance reviews are private.

Perhaps since he clearly doesn't understand the methodology, he misunderstood getting a '3' as being third?

Also weird the mention of people getting a 1 being likely to quit and how that causes uncertainty in the workplace, maybe that's just bad translation?

Usually in my experience low performers aren't likely to quit since they're also unlikely to be hunting a new job to quit for. They're more likely to get laid off and then try to maximize their unemployment benefits first. It's the high performing yet dissatisfied/ bored employees who are likely to quit after lining up a new job.

Of course my experience is all in the tech sector, so...
Yeah, there’s absolutely no way Tesla is ‘ranking’ people in a department 1-5 and then publicly announcing that ranking. It has to be a bad translation.

It’s a performance review. Would be done by a manager. What you’re doing well and where you need to improve would be scored and discussed. Yeah, sure there’s going to be a rating system (has to be some sort of clear scale/target) but that’s an internal rating system and meant for the individual to be rated against themselves and in different categories, not other workers. If after the fact workers share their review results, well that’s on them not Tesla.

For him and his performance being rated in the middle; he’s an ok employee, nothing wrong but nothing special either. Definitely has room for improvement and is replaceable.

He clearly states he knew before he took the job there was no collective agreement, and now wants to change the company. 🙄 Bad move, sir, and hate to break it to you but you’ll never work for Tesla under a collective agreement. Enjoy your current paid holiday.

He’s clearly stated that he gets more than the union would require on all fronts so he’s actually better off. Color me confused.

He most certainly can ‘negotiate’ for a higher salary, he simply needs to be a better employee and do better on his performance review then he can ‘ask’ for a raise and get it. Like, duh. WTH!? You need a union to negotiate a raise in salary on your behalf? Grow up. Do an exceptional job and you’ll get paid exceptionally. How hard is that to understand? Your pay is commensurate with the grade of work you do. That right there is what’s wrong with unions, even apparently in Sweden. People want the union to tell companies what they have to pay employees regardless of their work quality. 🙄
Swedish court rules against Tesla in dispute with postal service over deliveries

STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Tesla lost a legal battle with Sweden's postal service on Thursday as a fight with Nordic trade unions escalates.

A Swedish court said PostNord does not for the time being need to deliver licence plates to Tesla that are being blocked by the postal service's workers, in the latest twist in a fight over collective bargaining agreements.


PensionDanmark, Copenhagen, has dropped Elon Musk's Tesla from its investment portfolio over social and labor issues.

"PensionDanmark's approach to responsible investments is founded on international conventions and agreements, including the ILO conventions," the pension fund said in a statement provided by a spokesperson. The ILO conventions cover social and labor issues, including basic human rights, minimum wages and employment policy, according to the International Labour Organization.
@Krugerrand: Thinking about your dad the diesel mechanic...

A second Tesla mech. in Sweden has come forward with full name and photo. According to him and/or Stockholm's biggest paper that isn't a tabloid there are nine mechanics on strike just at the shop in Umeå in northern Sweden.

This is a Google translate. It won't be perfect and I haven't proof read or corrected anything, but it's one out of a total of two testimonials from a non-anonymous mechanic in this conflict.

EDIT: @heltok beat me to it. But his translation is missing the last sentence (maybe more – haven't checked...).

Here's the original source in Swedish. Don't know if it's paywalled or not:


Tesla employee: "No one knows the work environment law"

Updated 09:02 Published at 06:00

Olof Sjöström from Umeå is an electric car technician at Tesla. He has been on strike for just over a month. Photo: Erik Abel

When he got the job at Tesla, he was proud to work at a company that stood for the future and development. Now Olof Sjöström has been on strike for just over a month. For DN, he talks about his conditions at the company.
- We have no salary negotiations, instead you are assessed on a scale of 1-5.

Electric car technician Olof Sjöström in Umeå takes the call in his electric car, a five-year-old Hyundai Ioniq. Actually, he wants to drive a Tesla, but inflation and interest have put an end to the purchase. A few years ago he worked at a workshop where he renovated and serviced Scania trucks. Olof Sjöström, who likes the development towards a fossil-free society, thought that electrification in the truck industry was moving too slowly.

- I am interested in electric cars and new technology. Tesla is at the forefront. I chose to bet and see how it goes, he says.

But at first he was a little hesitant . His union involvement within IF Metall made him think extra about the lack of a collective agreement. A headache which is now the reason why he and other IF Metall members have gone on strike against the electric car giant.

Olof Sjöström has several union assignments within IF Metall. Every week a digital meeting is held for all strikers. Photo: Erik Abel

Olof Sjöström emphasizes the deep knowledge of electric cars that he gained during his three years at Tesla. As a technician, he has been able to participate in the entire process during troubleshooting. And development is constantly moving forward.

- What was true yesterday need not be true today, says Olof Sjöström.

However, the work environment work does not work.

- No one knows the working hours act or the work environment act. Managers do not have a clue of which chemicals we work with and no risk assessments are made.

- But the biggest problem is that no one dares to highlight the shortcomings in the work environment, says Olof Sjöström.

Precisely the silence at the workplace is something he returns to. The lack of security that the collective agreement provides, he believes, means that many do not dare to express themselves or have an opinion about what is less good.

- My dream is to work on a Tesla with a collective agreement. Foreign companies should not be allowed to come here and do whatever the hell they want, says Olof Sjöström, who is on strike to put pressure on Tesla. Photo: Erik Abel

- The basic security does not exist, people can quit from one day to the next. It is not impossible that they fire everyone who goes on strike to avoid signing an agreement, he says.

Olof Sjöström is one of nine strikers at Tesla's workshop in Umeå, one of the places where the union has managed to mobilize the most members to the conflict.

Tesla's representatives are clear that they are not interested in signing a collective agreement, neither in Sweden nor in any other country. So far, the negotiations with IF Metall have not brought the parties closer together.

The electric car giant has claimed that the company offers equivalent or better contracts than the collective agreement.

- We earn decently, I estimate that the average salary for us is around SEK 35,000 a month. But in the end it is the manager who sets the salary, we have no influence, says Olof Sjöström.

He explains that the system on which salaries are set is based on a five-point scale where those who end up at three are talented employees who perform well.

- It is not a negotiation, but you are summoned and told what score you get. Last time I ended up in third place and got a two percent salary increase.

According to Olof Sjöström, a one means in principle that the person may quit Tesla. Those who end up on level two must also be out of favor and have their eyes on them from the boss.

- Those who end up high as on fours have done something really well or perhaps have been diligent. To get up to a fifth, I don't know what you have to have invented, he says.

- But a big problem is that nobody really understands the arbitrary salary system.

What does the pension look like at Tesla?

- From the age of 25, an occupational pension is paid in, 4.5 percent of income. The collective agreement also means 4.5 percent, but there is also a part-time pension that gives another 2.1 percent, we don't have that.

- We don't have any shortened working hours either.

The overtime pay?

- It is good, we get more than the collective agreement because it is calculated as a percentage based on the monthly salary, says Olof Sjöström.

Are you being offered shares in the company?

- I got $8,000 in shares when I started which was paid out over four years. But it's enough for Elon Musk to tweet something strange and the share price dives.

- If you have done a good job, you can get something called a Performance award, last time I got 500 kroner. You can choose to get that in shares. I haven't gotten rich from the shares, but those who have worked longer have probably made a fortune.

Sounds like Tesla is offering decent terms?

- Of course, if you work a lot of overtime, there is money. But the problem is a lack of security and influence. People do not dare to express themselves critically.

You choose to talk openly about your strike. Are you risking your future on Tesla?

- I take that risk, it can certainly backfire on me. It is entirely possible that they put pressure on me, but I want to be able to tell the truth without risking anything, says Olof Sjöström.

- My dream is to work on a Tesla with a collective agreement. Foreign companies should not be allowed to come here and do whatever the hell they want.

Dagens Nyheter has applied for Tesla.
Yes, I read it already. Didn’t see anything that my father would have found interesting, better, or to his advantage.

My father worked hard and he was exceptional at his trade. He wasn’t a ‘technician’, whatever that means. He was a fully licensed class A diesel mechanic. He only had a grade 8 education, got an apprenticeship, took night school classes, put in his apprenticeship hours, and passed an exhaustive government test to become licensed.

He then ran the mechanic shop with a single apprentice for a very well known footwear company and was responsible for all company cars as well their fleet of semis. He took pride in no truck driver and no executive ever breaking down on the side of the road for over the three decades he worked there. This Tesla employee wouldn’t have lasted a week working for my father. Too soft and spoiled is how my father would describe him. But take heart, there were many an apprentice back in the day that also didn’t last long or were told to go take up a different profession.

Are you aware of the story parents tell their kids? The one that goes; I had to walk five miles to school in two feet of snow, barefoot, uphill…. Well, my father actually had to do something pretty close to that as a child. I am my father’s child.
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Allegedly a quote from this FT article:

"Disrupters are vital to economic dynamism; Musk has done more disrupting, and shown more dynamism, than most. But foreign investors need to respect the legal and social rules and the business cultures of the countries where they seek to do business; doing otherwise can harm their brands. It should be for Musk and his company to adapt to a Swedish model that has a record of working well, rather than for the Swedish model to adapt to Musk."
Ok. So what exactly is Tesla doing that doesn’t respect business culture of Sweden?

Hint: you can’t say not having a collective agreement because there is no law saying one is required AND there are many other businesses that don’t have one including your country’s own Spotify. What even is that about!? 🤣😂 Additionally, Tesla is compensating its employees BETTER than the collective agreement says they’d have to!

Changed my mind. Tesla should sign one and then immediately reduce all salaries and benefits to the minimum the union requires, take away performance bonuses, no shares and then publicly announce; Be careful what you wish for. I give this guy 30 seconds before he’s back on the picket line yelling how unfair Tesla is.
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PensionDanmark, Copenhagen, has dropped Elon Musk's Tesla from its investment portfolio over social and labor issues.

"PensionDanmark's approach to responsible investments is founded on international conventions and agreements, including the ILO conventions," the pension fund said in a statement provided by a spokesperson. The ILO conventions cover social and labor issues, including basic human rights, minimum wages and employment policy, according to the International Labour Organization.

Them dropping Tesla from their portfolio won't have much affect on the long term prospects of the SP. But it may have on their portfolio.

It amuses me when organizations make statements to justify their actions regarding
social and labor issues, including basic human rights, minimum wages and employment policy
while not actually checking to see if the targeted company has actually violated any of these policies.

This looks to me like Scandinavia in general has a "guilty until proven innocent" attitude toward these things.
Another Google-translation:

This gov.agency found six shortcomings at a Tesla workshop in Gothenburg. If you click the link you should get to the English version of their site:

Original source in Swedish:

In the middle of the battle – Tesla gets reprimanded for shortcomings

Published 7 Dec 2023 at 17:07

Tesla's battle with the trade union IF Metall continues.

At the same time, the electric car giant is being reprimanded by the Swedish Work Environment Authority - which found six deficiencies at a workshop in Gothenburg.

"If you do not remedy the deficiencies and risks, we may decide on an injunction or ban," the report states.

By: Sofia Clason

Several unions have gone on strike in sympathy with the union IF Metall, which demands that Tesla introduce a collective agreement. Union-affiliated workers refuse to work at the electric car giant's workplaces around Sweden - including at workshops that service the cars.

While the conflict continues, Tesla has been reprimanded for deficiencies and risks at its showroom and workshop at Hisingen in Gothenburg, which the news agency Siren was the first to report.

During an inspection on November 20, a total of six deficiencies were found. Now the Swedish Work Environment Agency demands measures - otherwise Tesla risks being fined.

Deficiencies around risks and chemical substance

On site at Tesla's premises in Hisingen, it was discovered that there was no control sign at the device for pressurization, signs at an escape route and that an employee driving a truck did not have a written permit. It was also judged that there was no risk assessment when using the chemical hazard substance betaseal and that employees who used it had neither been allowed to undergo appropriate medical examinations nor had certificates of training on it.

The Swedish Work Environment Authority requires Tesla to remedy the deficiencies and reconnect by the end of January next year at the latest.

According to the Siren news agency, an inspection was also carried out at a Tesla workshop and store in Mölndal last week. Even after it, measures were required around a compressed air container.
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Them dropping Tesla from their portfolio won't have much affect on the long term prospects of the SP. But it may have on their portfolio.

It amuses me when organizations make statements to justify their actions regarding

while not actually checking to see if the targeted company has actually violated any of these policies.

This looks to me like Scandinavia in general has a "guilty until proven innocent" attitude toward these things.
Exactly what Elon just discussed; the perception of doing and being good outweighs actions. This is a ‘save face’ perception move, and I hope it costs them and their clients dearly.

I’ll say this whole drama has certainly been enlightening. No matter where you go on this planet, somebody, some entity, is trying to control and hold humanity back, for their own benefit and anybody, any entity, that threatens the status quo gets labeled the bad guy.
Looks to me that the Swedish Unions are running what we used to call in America, a Protection racket. Mercants were told that if they did not pay a protection fee to the mobsters, their shops would be burnt out and the shopkeeper beat up or murdered. The poor merchants had no choice, but to pay the ransom. Salvation came from the Government, who busted up and imprisoned the racketeers.

Sweden is looking the other way when Union Thugs conspire with other Unions to make Tesla's life miserable if they do not Unionize their workforce.
In a free country, the workers could freely decide for themselves if they wish to join a Union or not. Workers are free to chose to work in a Union or non-Union shop. They can easily quit at Tesla and hire on at Volvo if they wish.

In support of a free and open workforce, I would not be surprised if Tesla did not choose to close off Sweded to their cars. Tesla has the power to be a disruptive company for the elimination of coercion in that Country.
Another Google-translation:

This gov.agency found six shortcomings at a Tesla workshop in Gothenburg. If you click the link you should get to the English version of their site:

Original source in Swedish:

In the middle of the battle – Tesla gets reprimanded for shortcomings

Published 7 Dec 2023 at 17:07

Tesla's battle with the trade union IF Metall continues.

At the same time, the electric car giant is being reprimanded by the Swedish Work Environment Authority - which found six deficiencies at a workshop in Gothenburg.

"If you do not remedy the deficiencies and risks, we may decide on an injunction or ban," the report states.

By: Sofia Clason

Several unions have gone on strike in sympathy with the union IF Metall, which demands that Tesla introduce a collective agreement. Union-affiliated workers refuse to work at the electric car giant's workplaces around Sweden - including at workshops that service the cars.

While the conflict continues, Tesla has been reprimanded for deficiencies and risks at its showroom and workshop at Hisingen in Gothenburg, which the news agency Siren was the first to report.

During an inspection on November 20, a total of six deficiencies were found. Now the Swedish Work Environment Agency demands measures - otherwise Tesla risks being fined.

Deficiencies around risks and chemical substance

On site at Tesla's premises in Hisingen, it was discovered that there was no control sign at the device for pressurization, signs at an escape route and that an employee driving a truck did not have a written permit. It was also judged that there was no risk assessment when using the chemical hazard substance betaseal and that employees who used it had neither been allowed to undergo appropriate medical examinations nor had certificates of training on it.

The Swedish Work Environment Authority requires Tesla to remedy the deficiencies and reconnect by the end of January next year at the latest.

According to the Siren news agency, an inspection was also carried out at a Tesla workshop and store in Mölndal last week. Even after it, measures were required around a compressed air container.
Rather benign. So benign Tesla has TWO MONTHS to correct. Put up some idiot signs. Make sure employees handling a chemical are trained and get medical testing. None of that requires a collective agreement to make it happen.
Another Google-translation:

This gov.agency found six shortcomings at a Tesla workshop in Gothenburg. If you click the link you should get to the English version of their site:

Original source in Swedish:

In the middle of the battle – Tesla gets reprimanded for shortcomings

Published 7 Dec 2023 at 17:07

Tesla's battle with the trade union IF Metall continues.

At the same time, the electric car giant is being reprimanded by the Swedish Work Environment Authority - which found six deficiencies at a workshop in Gothenburg.

"If you do not remedy the deficiencies and risks, we may decide on an injunction or ban," the report states.

By: Sofia Clason

Several unions have gone on strike in sympathy with the union IF Metall, which demands that Tesla introduce a collective agreement. Union-affiliated workers refuse to work at the electric car giant's workplaces around Sweden - including at workshops that service the cars.

While the conflict continues, Tesla has been reprimanded for deficiencies and risks at its showroom and workshop at Hisingen in Gothenburg, which the news agency Siren was the first to report.

During an inspection on November 20, a total of six deficiencies were found. Now the Swedish Work Environment Agency demands measures - otherwise Tesla risks being fined.

Deficiencies around risks and chemical substance

On site at Tesla's premises in Hisingen, it was discovered that there was no control sign at the device for pressurization, signs at an escape route and that an employee driving a truck did not have a written permit. It was also judged that there was no risk assessment when using the chemical hazard substance betaseal and that employees who used it had neither been allowed to undergo appropriate medical examinations nor had certificates of training on it.

The Swedish Work Environment Authority requires Tesla to remedy the deficiencies and reconnect by the end of January next year at the latest.

According to the Siren news agency, an inspection was also carried out at a Tesla workshop and store in Mölndal last week. Even after it, measures were required around a compressed air container.
So you're saying we won't find deficiencies around risks and chemical substances at union workshops?
As an additional countermeasure, Tesla could refuse to continue sending Swedish satelites into space via SpaceX rockets and black out Starlink from that Country as well.
It could close down the Swedish Supercharger network and ban all those with Swedish passports from employment at any Tesla facility.

Elon would say to have an open and fair election and see which way the current employees would choose...Let the chips fall as they may.
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