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VIN Assignment

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Every now and then, it sucks to live on Maui. My car has been on Oahu since last week, but they are holding it there until they have more cars to ship to Maui at the same time. So, they just informed me that it will be at least two more weeks of waiting until my Model 3 will be delivered. Ughh!! (VIN 220xx, MC Red, LR, Aero, PUP, EAP)
Every now and then, it sucks to live on Maui. My car has been on Oahu since last week, but they are holding it there until they have more cars to ship to Maui at the same time. So, they just informed me that it will be at least two more weeks of waiting until my Model 3 will be delivered. Ughh!! (VIN 220xx, MC Red, LR, Aero, PUP, EAP)
Let me be the first to say poor you...living on Maui and driving a Model S for the last four years. Okay, I'm jealous but I'm sure that has helped ease the long wait!
Just today we picked up our similar M3 (no EAP) here in Costa Mesa, SoCal. There were three other reds and four whites in the "delivery room". Not one issue to report on ours. Next comes window tint and aftermarket wheels to help it stand out from the growing "crowd".
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The thought of our 3s on a truck making me giddy!!

Had to go back and look for the quote: $1600 for sub-panel in garage with dedicated 60A breaker, permit, etc. in case we decide to go solar eventually. Around $1200 for 50ft wires, breaker using the last slot available in my existing 200A panel, permit, socket and plate. Seemed a little high to me, I'm getting another quote this week for the NEMA 14-50 install.
Adding the sub panel will definitely add cost, good to have if you are going to add solar or finish the basement or something like that in the future. Did you look in Kudzu for a contractor? Guys that did my whole house are H&H Electrical: 770-735-1136.

My main panel had room for expansion. Still think you could find someone good for less. Electricians are smart and will play up the permitting and electrical code requirements (stuff most people are intimidated by). Since you want someone licensed, you might have to pay more. I just specified that I wanted a 60 amp disconnect in the panel with 240v to a NEMA 14-50 plug in the garage. Keeps the wall charger easy to move in case I move too.

Starting to feel giddy knowing the reality of having the car is finally getting close.
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How long between VIN assigned and call / email for you?

I was first contacted by my ISA on 5/22 to let me know my car would be delivered in 2-3 weeks. The VIN started showing up in the shopping cart the next day (I've never seen the VIN on my reservation details page). The email I got today was to let me know things were still on track for getting my car either this or next week but still no firm date.
From what I can tell from the posts on this forum there is no consistent pattern to when either a VIN is assigned or when your ISA first contacts you and when your car is delivered. It is frustrating but we've all been waiting for 2 years so another few weeks shouldn't make a difference (as long as the tax credits are still effective, that is)
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My VIN has now disappeared via HPWC hack. Was there yesterday after assignment, now... nothing! :eek:
Mine disappeared too. I’m not worried about it, glad I was able to get a bit of insight into the status of my car. I know it’s in process now so I haven’t been checking like I was.

Hopefully they didn’t remove it because people were calling the 800 number with questions about status citing that they saw a vin on the store hack (don’t ruin a good thing). I think they are trying to slow the relentless calls from reservation holders so more employees can focus on fulfilling orders and not answering the phone (see also the May 20 delay email - although that may have backfired and probably led to a lot of angry callers). Stinks for those still waiting for some sign of hope (vin) that they are getting close.

Being patient in this process is brutal though, but knowing how great the car is makes it easier.

Saw an interesting custom paint color on a M3 in my parking deck at work, thought I’d share.


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We will know more at the end of the month, but if they hit the 200k in early July the full tax incentive ($7500) will go through the end of the year, the half ($3750) will go until end of June 2019, and the last quarter ($1875) will go until the end of 2019. Move all those up 3 months if they hit the 200k U.S. deliveries this quarter.

Still no VIN for me. Configured 4/25 and nothing but the July email. :(
Considering I'm picking up in Fremont, how damn hard is it to roll it out the factory door July 1st! :p
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Still no VIN for me. Configured 4/25 and nothing but the July email. :(
Considering I'm picking up in Fremont, how damn hard is it to roll it out the factory door July 1st! :p

Don't worry, I configured 4/18 and still no VIN or contact..and I'm in the East Bay. I got the June email, so hoping any day now. I did change the color at one point, so I don't know if that put me to the back of the line..