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  1. E

    Tesla belatedly tries to make their connector a North American standard

    I just looked at the docs and they appear to total 43 pages. I haven't done extensive review, only a skim, but it appears insufficient for manufacturing a matching port or to communicate with an existing Tesla port.
  2. E

    Tesla belatedly tries to make their connector a North American standard

    I've been saying for years they should have done this in, like 2014 or 2015. Now is too late, and designed to be a dog in the manger about open charging funding, not actually enable open charging networks.
  3. E

    CCS Adapter for North America

    If Elon had released it as a published open standard, free of limitations for a straightforward one-time fee for the documents sometime before about 2017, maybe it would have been But he didn't, and so it's not.
  4. E

    [Leak - Not Accurate] Tesla Launches Supercharger Membership for Non-Tesla Vehicles at $0.99/month

    My house is about 150 years old. When it was built, the US grid couldn't have handled one car. I doubt its current 200 amp service is anything like its first panel, either. The grid will adapt and be upgraded. The same is true of electric vehicle charging sites, both in locations and in stall...
  5. E

    How many will look into the F-150 Lightning?

    That's J1772 only, not CCS, but presumably Tesla will have to install something similar on their sites. They seem to be maybe considering some kind of "Magic Dock" with a built in adapter.
  6. E

    "New" Sources of Tesla 'OEM,' Tesla-like, and/or Third-Party CCS1 Adapters

    I believe @AlexUA is part of the EVHub team, and had mentioned that manufacturing was primarily "insourced" in Kyiv, with suppliers in Kharkiv and general war disruption being the main reason production for export had to stop.
  7. E

    CCS Adapter - ?

    And with the CCS network set to supposedly triple or so in the next three years with government funding, that's only going to be more true.
  8. E

    Electrify America general discussion

    If they're using them for their own delivery fleet, but also for effectively free advertising to road-tripping customers, then it definitely helps it make even more sense: they want delivery vehicles in and out. And IKEA does have food in their stores, which might work within a 30 minute window...
  9. E

    Electrify America general discussion

    I think it's less about "this is a thing that IKEA customers can use while they're here" and more like "a lot of people might stop to charge on a road-trip, and some might come in to buy some meatballs, and then think maybe they want to pick up a bookcase or something next week when they're home...
  10. E

    Electrify America general discussion

    Seems like it, which would be in line with EA's typical larger sites.
  11. E

    CCS - buy now or wait?

    At the moment, no, it's only DIY. That's because in theory, it's not really a feature they offer right now, it's just a thing some cars can do and some can't. Thus, if yours can't because it's too old or get a nerfed chip during a shortage, that's not Tesla failing, that's just you got unlucky...
  12. E

    Charging at Tesla at a Rivian charging station

    I must confess to being confused too, but looking for a place to start with the code being amended, which I think is this: 26 U.S. Code § 30C - Alternative fuel vehicle refueling property credit, the credit is only as a tax write-off for up to 30% capped at $30,000 in the current code if I...
  13. E

    Charging at Tesla at a Rivian charging station

    Do you have a reference for which portion of the IRA bill text you're referencing? I initially thought you meant the FHA rules coming out of the infrastructure bill, and don't see now any text about EV charging stations in the IRA. The FHA rule coming out of the infrastructure bill seems to have...
  14. E

    CCS Adapter - ?

    Full chargers are profitable chargers, and profitable chargers encourage installing more, which means a crunch of supply not meeting demand is a path to more chargers being built. As, of course, if $5b in federal money being spent in the next four years to something like triple to quadruple the...
  15. E

    New tweet from Tesla: will sell their own CCS adaptor “soon” in North America

    Good thing there's like another 50,000 plus CCS stalls coming in the next few years with the infrastructure bill money...
  16. E

    Retrofit CCS compatibility onto earlier (NA) Model 3 - DIY approach

    My apologies, I was actually trying to say that if there's going to be more discussion of that adapter and if/how well it works at all that it not take place here and go be someplace else, but if the preference is just "it shouldn't happen at all" I'll drop the topic of specific third-party...
  17. E

    CCS Adapter for North America

    https://a2zevshop.com/en-us/products/a2z-thunderstorm-plug There's supposedly now a US-based third-party adapter, which if it works would help provide another option. Someone here was part of testing it and said it worked OK, but...it'll have to be seen.
  18. E

    Retrofit CCS compatibility onto earlier (NA) Model 3 - DIY approach

    Should somebody make a thread for this adapter? The price is attractive if people who've taken the risk on preordering it want to report back, given the lockout of the Korean Harumio first-party route, and it might be good to be able to compare notes and speculation of details of function better?
  19. E

    Petition for Tesla to replace CCS as standard in US

    We don't know what stipulations they've put in any negotiations over the TPC standard with Aptera or with other car manufacturers they're reported to have had some conversations with over the years (I think BMW has been mooted as a possibility a few times, including by Musk himself). Since it's...
  20. E

    Petition for Tesla to replace CCS as standard in US

    The person who seems to most want the Tesla proprietary connector to become a general standard isn't some conspiracy of car makers and charging companies...it's Elon and Tesla. If they have taken any single serious action in the last ten years to make it widely available without deal-killing...
  21. E

    Tesla Megachargers arrive at Frito-Lay facility ahead of January Semi deliveries

    The issue with using it as a sale factor is they don't have a four year lead in installing Megachargers, and it'd be Tesla vs every single other manufacturer and user and government spending...I don't think that's a walled garden that benefits Tesla. It's bad enough with CCS.
  22. E

    How many will look into the F-150 Lightning?

    It seems like an interesting test would be to take a trailer and test the same trailer loaded and unloaded to see the impact on range. Seems like the aero has almost more impact than the weight?
  23. E

    Retrofit CCS compatibility onto earlier (NA) Model 3 - DIY approach

    I think MCS uses CCS communication? I believe I saw that mentioned. If so, I think it'd just need a hardware adaptor
  24. E

    Biden administration wants to standardize electric vehicle charging, like gas stations

    Or they could have put the spec out publicly in, like, 2013 or 2015, or 2018, or 2020, or 2022, a site where you could download all the communications protocols and physical standards for a nominal fee of a few hundred or thousand dollars, the way you can with J1772/CCS...the situation in 2010...
  25. E

    Biden administration wants to standardize electric vehicle charging, like gas stations

    "One or more DCFC charging port(s) may also have a permanently attached proprietary connector."
  26. E

    Biden administration wants to standardize electric vehicle charging, like gas stations

    "Anything goes" but each funded DCFC must have a CCS cord. So if Tesla wanted to take money for all stations at a 10-stall Supercharger buildup, they'd have to have 10 dual-cord stations with CCS/TPC.
  27. E

    Biden administration wants to standardize electric vehicle charging, like gas stations

    (page 8-9) This cost/map data would be nice to have... p30 p67-68 So it sounds like the answer is "must have permanent CCS cords, may have other proprietary cords". If I'm reading it right, FY22 funds may go towards also installing Chademo or proprietary plugs after the minimum of 4...
  28. E

    Biden administration wants to standardize electric vehicle charging, like gas stations

    Basically everyone in the US but Tesla has. Nissan's switching over with the Ariya, though annoyingly not yet with the Leaf (though that's only selling like 15k units per year at this point).
  29. E

    should I not get the South Korean CCS1 combo adapter?

    The US version of CCS is CCS1, not CCS2. CCS2 is the European standard, and has different geometry but (as I understand it) the same signaling. Both South Korea and the US use CCS1. Thus, the South Korean Tesla CCS1 adapter is identical to what a US CCS1 adapter for Tesla will be functionally.
  30. E

    Article: Why the price of charging varies from free to 59 cents/kWh, or per minute, or everywhere else in between

    It also helps illustrate why Electrify America and others are talking about batteries for stalls and remote/underutilized sites. If you can buy an 80 kWh stationary battery and average the charging for the station in that last example you'd need about 25 kW average, maybe 50 kW peak if you get a...
  31. E

    CCS Adapter for North America

    There were apparently some kind of intermittent chip shortages with the ECU that has the hardware to "speak" CCS, so there's several periods where they were not installing the most current ECU in order to keep shipping cars. After all, it only cost a feature that they weren't advertising yet...
  32. E

    CCS Adapter for North America

    At 350 kW, which is doable at 800 or 900 volt architectures and the 400-500 amp capabilities of CCS1, a 75 kWh car could be charged from 10% to 80% in 9 minutes if it could take 350 kW the whole time. So I think it'll be a while before we need more than CCS1 can offer, and the limit is much more...
  33. E

    CCS Adapter for North America

    I mean, I'll readily admit to not owning a Tesla, and driving a CCS car. I joined TMC back in the days when I figured my next car would be a Tesla, seven years ago or so. The company's ongoing unwillingness to open up the TPC standard (alongside some design decisions in the Model 3, and...
  34. E

    CCS Adapter for North America

    About once a week, I go to Plugshare, set up filters, and count how many stations meet a bunch of criteria based on their current ratings. So for instance, yesterday's EVGo data (>70 kW filter, then filtered by how many stations show at each Plugscore filter level): 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10...
  35. E

    CCS Adapter for North America

    I'll put out the call here: please rate stations on Plugshare as you're testing them. I track station rankings for EA, EVGo (>70 kW), Electrify Canada, and for other networks via Plugshare averages, and having more data available as Teslas start to be able to use the CCS networks will help align...
  36. E

    Electrify America general discussion

    EA probably doesn't have much IP around equipment because they buy their equipment from vendors like ABB. They're the ones who would have to license the specs to be able to have cables on the pedestals they sell to EA and others. They probably have more IP around things. However, the point is...
  37. E

    DIY Installing CCS Retrofit in US Model S

    It doesn't look like the same one. No locking pin, and the part where the other plug connects appears to be two sections, not just one. It may be a functional passthrough adapter, but it's not a copy of the official one. It looks more like the EVHub adapter. Indeed, from this angle it's hard to...
  38. E

    CCS Adapter for North America

    The thing is that the standard does allow a car to request less than a specific charger's peak limit. I have a Niro, which pulls a mere 77 kW when plugged into a 350 kW charger. With a pack voltage of about 400 V, that means it's pulling about 192 amps. How is it limited? The car is programmed...
  39. E

    CCS Adapter for North America

    If they have an actual safety concern, they should limit the amperage with the car's software, the way the protocol says to. If you take your friend to an all-you can eat buffet and he eats thirty spicy chicken wings, it's not really reasonable of him to spend the rest of the night complaining...
  40. E

    CCS Adapter for North America

    The car requests the current being sent to it from the station, even during DC charging. If Tesla believed it was truly unsafe to run 300 amps across their South Korean/US CCS1 adapter...they could simply stop any car which doesn't come from the factory with a CCS port on it from ever asking for...
  41. E

    CCS Adapter for North America

    I think the "pilot" current is the current on the communications pins, used for the car and station to handshake AC/DC available and desired, voltage available and desired, and then amperage available and desired continuously during the charge, hence why it's a relatively low current.
  42. E

    CCS Adapter for North America

    There's been a number of people trying the adapter on "350 kW" cabinets and pulling >170 kW, even up to 190 or 200 kW, and I don't think any have reported the adapter even getting much more than warm. I suspect the 300 amp rating is precautionary, conservative, and possibly a "continuous" rating...
  43. E

    CCS Adapter for North America

    "Nerfed" in the gaming sense of "they took away an ability or made it less good" (as in "suddenly they made my barbarian's axe like it's made by nerf"/"they nerfed that, yeah"). They were making Gen4 cars with CCS, then they had some kind of chip issue and started shipping Gen 4 cars with either...
  44. E

    How many will look into the F-150 Lightning?

    I don't have a cite to a specific video because I watched a bunch of these last night, but one video mentioned that the pack drops out with 8 bolts, and then can be serviced at the cell level, apparently. Dunno what the cost of that service would be.
  45. E

    CCS Adapter for North America

    I'm doing a little set arithmetic. Basically, if there's A that have Chademo, B that have CCS, and C that have at least one or the other (all of which I can filter for), then the overlap of "both" (D) = A+B - C, and then the only-Chademo is A - D and the CCS-only is B - D. The data looks like...
  46. E

    CCS Adapter for North America

    It looks like from the Alternative Fuels Data Center information there's only about 436 locations and ~1,400 stalls that have solely Chademo, while nearly 5000 locations and ~6,500 stalls have both, and 579 locations and ~4,000 stalls have CCS only. There's a lot more dual or even CCS-only...
  47. E

    Biden meeting with Musk and other CEOs notes "broad consensus" on charging interoperability

    When I was looking at this like last week in the J1772 standard, the only reference in that spec was for a 400 amp limit on the DC pins over the span of hours, if anyone was going to be plugging in a CCS1 for hours. For shorter periods, the J1772 incorporation of the IEC-62196 CCS1 spec at least...
  48. E

    CCS Adapter for North America

    A lot of Chademo stalls have both Chademo and CCS plugs, so just because you have a Chademo mostly wouldn't mean you have a stall to yourself protected from CCS users. It looks like from the Alternative Fuels Data Center information there's only about 436 locations and ~1,400 stalls that have...
  49. E

    How many will look into the F-150 Lightning?

    There's apparently a driving review embargo until the 11th. I guess they wanted to give people a week for testing without being scooped by a day one "just started driving for five minutes and here's my thoughts!" type thing.