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2020 Shipping Movements

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Does tracking work all the way or will it go out of range? I’m very hopeful to have a car on that ship!
I will track it all the way and post a daily update on progress or otherwise.
The ship will go out of range from land based receivers off Mexico and from then on its satellite tracking (apart from the canal transit)
Yes it's expensive but I hope to recoup some of the expense, or even all of it, by folk using my Octopus referral ;)

Thanks to some fantastic generosity from @Medved_77 I more or less broke even last month :)
Friday night has become my traditional research night where, with the aid of some claret (tonight was a delight - 2007 Lynch Bages), I attempt to identify future ships that will load at Pier 80, or Shanghai.
What we know:
RCC ANTWERP to EU Presently loading at Pier 80
GRAND DOLPHIN see below. Due to load 24 Oct
TRITON ACE to EU Due to load 26 Oct

On the shortlist:

So those are the ships that I will be keeping a special eye on in the next week.

GRAND DOLPHIN, which is due to load at Pier 80 next Thursday after RCC ANTWERP, was originally scheduled to operate in Europe next month however her Euro tour appears to have been cancelled and so I expect that she will now be heading (west) to the Far East. She will also not be alongside Pier 80 long enough to load fully - another indicator of a Far East departure.

I'm not sure of the ramifications of DONINGTON's cancelled visit - I have been looking for a possible replacement but have not spotted anything yet. In any case, the Pier is pretty well booked solid for the remainder of the month.

I'm still watching Shanghai and trying to identify possibles however the proximity of S Korea and its abundance of ships means a ship can appear very quickly.

Overall it's been a very slow start to Q4 and the vibe I'm getting is that Q4 will not be a stellar one in terms of EU deliveries. As far as UK is concerned we may only be looking at 3 or 4 ships.

Hic! :oops:
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First of all this is incredibly fascinating.
I have a car on its way to me in Leeds U.K.

Thanks for the updates and info. Who knew global shipping was so interesting!?

Anyway I think Q4 is slow for Tesla due to the model refresh. There’s absolutely no inventory in the U.K. now, and any orders are saying November (and anecdotally December on the phone for some orders now)

I suspect there’s going to be a fair amount shipped over in the mid to late part of the Q ahead of year end.
Mr Miserable...thanks for all the updates when I was waiting for my car (arrived in September!)!

I've used your Octopus referral code when it was doubled earlier this month, not sure when you see it added to you account (my switch doesn't happen until late Nov)...but hopefully soon!
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Sales advisors from Tesla in the Netherlands seem to indicate that all Q4 SR+ models will be the old model, while LR and P will be the refreshed model. I find this confidence a bit strange as we've seen the refreshed models come off the line since start of Q4 production afaik, which leads some of us to believe the SR+ might be shipped from China? Tesla is also saying there are "2 boats on the way currently", but I haven't heard of any VIN assignments yet. Will post in this thread once that happens.
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Model S/X Europe shipping schedule - Houston to Rotterdam. These are the ships I will be checking for vins. I will be getting all Model S/X vins on each of the ships and able to track the cars arrival at Rotterdam. Once I have this, I can know when the car clears the port and goes to Tilburg.

I will also know in Rotterdam arrival - all of the dates and times of the times from Fremont, load times on to the train to Houston, unload times from the train, road transport times from the train to the port, load times on to the ship at Houston, unload times at Rotterdam and port exit time.

Maersk Idaho 12/10 - 27/10 (unlikely)
Maersk Ohio 19/10 - 2/11
Safmarine Mafadi 25/10 - 9/11
Maersk Montana 1/11 - 16/11
Maersk Hartford 8/11 - 23/11
Maersk Idaho 15/11 - 30/11
Maersk Ohio 22/11 - 7/12
Safmarine Madadi 30/11 - 14/12

i can only track vins on container ships. I cannot track Model 3 by vin to Europe.
Sales advisors from Tesla in the Netherlands seem to indicate that all Q4 SR+ models will be the old model, while LR and P will be the refreshed model. I find this confidence a bit strange as we've seen the refreshed models come off the line since start of Q4 production afaik, which leads some of us to believe the SR+ might be shipped from China? Tesla is also saying there are "2 boats on the way currently", but I haven't heard of any VIN assignments yet. Will post in this thread once that happens.


I ordered a Model 3 SR+ at the end of September.

Yesterday, I received an email stating the order had been modified to the updated Model 3.

Tesla Newcastle have confirmed that I receive the updated version and that it should be available by the end of November.
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Sales advisors from Tesla in the Netherlands seem to indicate that all Q4 SR+ models will be the old model, while LR and P will be the refreshed model. I find this confidence a bit strange as we've seen the refreshed models come off the line since start of Q4 production afaik, which leads some of us to believe the SR+ might be shipped from China? Tesla is also saying there are "2 boats on the way currently", but I haven't heard of any VIN assignments yet. Will post in this thread once that happens.

Any luck you're willing to expand your tracking knowledge to trains to Europe, Mr. Miserable? ;)
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