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8.0 Lost or Degraded Capabilities

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Pontificating the obvious
Jun 27, 2014
Casper WY
I've had 8.0 for several days now, and took it on a 250 mile (round trip) road trip Saturday. I've noticed several instances of lost or degraded capabilities from V7.1, and thought I would start a catalog. Anyone should feel free to add to this list with anything they've noticed. I don't need to suggest anyone dispute anything they think is listed mistakenly; I KNOW that will happen! :p

In no particular order:
  • Media Player
    • Lost - Jumping through a list of songs / albums / artists alphabetically (major since I have over 3000 songs / 350 artists / 300 albums on my USB stick)
    • Lost - All my favorites! I'll have to rebuild the list from scratch
    • Lost - All the album art. I didn't think I'd miss that, until now that it's gone
    • In all farness, I haven't had the skipping problem at all in V8
  • Navigator
    • Degraded - Anyone notice that the blue route line is coarser / blotchier than it was in V7.1?
    • Degraded - Route selection seems even worse than it was in 7.1. I know some folks had issues in 7.1, but the ones I experienced were relatively minor. Saturday and Sunday I saw two major ones:
      • Driving from Goose Creek SC to Aiken SC Saturday, the route displayed was fine until I got within about 50 miles of Aiken (heading to USA Aiken). Suddenly the route changed, adding about 15 miles and 15 minutes to the trip. I continued on the original route anyway, and got there with no issues and no delays. No indication of a traffic-based reroute either. It just changed for no reason.
      • Driving from Goose Creek to Moncks Corner on Sunday, route REALLY wanted me to take 17A. From my house it's a toss-up between 17A and US52, with 52 being 1-2 minutes faster. I took 52 since the traffic showed no major problems on that route, and there's construction on the side streets to 17A. Navigator kept trying to route me back to 17A. including U-turns to get back to roads connecting 52 and 17A. Also indicated I should take side streets rather than stay on the major roads, even though there were no problems ON the major roads.
  • Autopilot / TACC
    • Lost - When driving on a non-limited access highway, autopilot limits speed to limit + 5. Fine. Still does. But now it resets set speed to lower speed when it enters a speed zone. Used to be that you could set the TACC speed anywhere above the posted speed limit (up to about 90 mph, anyways), and A/P would limit the speed to limit + 5. So driving down a 55 mph road, A/P would go 60. Go through an area where limit reduced to 45, A/P would slow to 50. Speed limit rose back to 55, A/P would resume 60 mph without having to make any manual adjustment. (I would like to have seen an option added to have TACC do this even without A/P engaged). Now, once A/P slows to 50, it will not resume 60 when the speed limit goes back to 55. You have to manually reset the speed using the stalk.
      I suppose this prevents sudden and perhaps unexpected acceleration to the set speed if A/P is disengaged by jerking the wheel, bit should have been implemented that way, instead of just resetting the speed at limit +5. IMO, requiring more manual inputs is a big step backward in this case.
Anyone else want to play? :D
I've had 8.0 for several days now, and took it on a 250 mile (round trip) road trip Saturday. I've noticed several instances of lost or degraded capabilities from V7.1, and thought I would start a catalog. Anyone should feel free to add to this list with anything they've noticed. I don't need to suggest anyone dispute anything they think is listed mistakenly; I KNOW that will happen! :p

In no particular order:
  • Media Player
    • Lost - Jumping through a list of songs / albums / artists alphabetically (major since I have over 3000 songs / 350 artists / 300 albums on my USB stick)
    • Lost - All my favorites! I'll have to rebuild the list from scratch
    • Lost - All the album art. I didn't think I'd miss that, until now that it's gone
    • In all farness, I haven't had the skipping problem at all in V8
  • Navigator
    • Degraded - Anyone notice that the blue route line is coarser / blotchier than it was in V7.1?
    • Degraded - Route selection seems even worse than it was in 7.1. I know some folks had issues in 7.1, but the ones I experienced were relatively minor. Saturday and Sunday I saw two major ones:
      • Driving from Goose Creek SC to Aiken SC Saturday, the route displayed was fine until I got within about 50 miles of Aiken (heading to USA Aiken). Suddenly the route changed, adding about 15 miles and 15 minutes to the trip. I continued on the original route anyway, and got there with no issues and no delays. No indication of a traffic-based reroute either. It just changed for no reason.
      • Driving from Goose Creek to Moncks Corner on Sunday, route REALLY wanted me to take 17A. From my house it's a toss-up between 17A and US52, with 52 being 1-2 minutes faster. I took 52 since the traffic showed no major problems on that route, and there's construction on the side streets to 17A. Navigator kept trying to route me back to 17A. including U-turns to get back to roads connecting 52 and 17A. Also indicated I should take side streets rather than stay on the major roads, even though there were no problems ON the major roads.
  • Autopilot / TACC
    • Lost - When driving on a non-limited access highway, autopilot limits speed to limit + 5. Fine. Still does. But now it resets set speed to lower speed when it enters a speed zone. Used to be that you could set the TACC speed anywhere above the posted speed limit (up to about 90 mph, anyways), and A/P would limit the speed to limit + 5. So driving down a 55 mph road, A/P would go 60. Go through an area where limit reduced to 45, A/P would slow to 50. Speed limit rose back to 55, A/P would resume 60 mph without having to make any manual adjustment. (I would like to have seen an option added to have TACC do this even without A/P engaged). Now, once A/P slows to 50, it will not resume 60 when the speed limit goes back to 55. You have to manually reset the speed using the stalk.
      I suppose this prevents sudden and perhaps unexpected acceleration to the set speed if A/P is disengaged by jerking the wheel, bit should have been implemented that way, instead of just resetting the speed at limit +5. IMO, requiring more manual inputs is a big step backward in this case.
Anyone else want to play? :D

Question: is there anyway of getting this info back to Tesla without resorting to a long-winded phone call or email? Do they have some other way of capturing problems, perhaps through a webpage?
Definitely agree on the speed not going back up (or down, I guess)...I missed that this weekend when driving on 8.0 for the first time. Guessing there was some type of liability issue with the car speeding up on its own again without direct driver input, though not 100% sure.
Definitely agree on the speed not going back up (or down, I guess)...I missed that this weekend when driving on 8.0 for the first time. Guessing there was some type of liability issue with the car speeding up on its own again without direct driver input, though not 100% sure.

In 7.1, people complained about two scenarios that might've resulted in this change. One was that if you're like me and set your AP speed to 90 in a 55, enter a restricted zone, then jerk the wheel to take control back, the car will rocket back from 60 to 90. The other is sometimes AP mis-reads Route 110 as speed limit 110mph and start going faster.

I presume this is a safety feature to never allow AP to increase the setpoint but allow it to decrease it. I wish it were selectable as a preference though.
Tesla gives us a hiding icon bar so we can see more of the map. WHO THE HELL CARES? We want waypoints and multiple routing selection and features that really matter. And Tesla gives us more map real estate, something nobody cared about or asked for? More evidence that the feature list is being defined by Talulah Riley more than owners. Musk credited Talulah with the calendar feature, so it would seem that his ex-wife/girlfriend/FWB/whatever has more say into what goes into our software than we do.

Of course I'm being sarcastic, but wtf?
touch the screen and the icons will reappear
Where do you touch the screen to get the icons to reappear? I downloaded 8.0 this morning and my wife is using the car today and she can't figure it out. She says she has touched the screen many times and nothing re-appears.

I'll save judgement until I play around with 8.0 myself but this seems like a major design fail, albeit easily fixable.
Where do you touch the screen to get the icons to reappear? I downloaded 8.0 this morning and my wife is using the car today and she can't figure it out. She says she has touched the screen many times and nothing re-appears.

I'll save judgement until I play around with 8.0 myself but this seems like a major design fail, albeit easily fixable.

Touch the very top.
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so far I am not a fan of 8.0.

MAINLY because i think Autopilot (auto steering) has taken a step back. my first drive with 8.0 had the car hugging the left side of the lane, almost going off the road completely a couple of spots. that never happened previously.

also, the new clean look of the interface is more confusing than it should be. especially the media player, which is a disaster now.
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My XM station now in my favorites do NOT show the name of the station. Just the number. Anybody else see this?
I noticed this too, except it's not consistent: one station (I won't subject myself to public ridicule by saying which one ;)) did show
the station name. Related: does anyone else find the "modern" media player to be UGLY and anything-but "modern"-looking? I mean,
it is basically loudly gray. That's my job ;)
I must be getting old but I had a serious WTF moment when trying to figure out what the new phone icon was supposed to be.

Yeah, it needs to be settable: wall-mounted crank phone, traditional Western Electric rotary, space-age corded push-button,
flip-phone w/ external antenna, flip-phone w/o antenna, small smart phone, gigantic smart phone. Which would be your choice,
Bruce? :)