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Awesome iOS App called Stats

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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2018
I am not associated with this at all. I was seriously thinking of signing up for Teslafi.com but I just could not swallow the $50/yr subscription fee.

I swear I looked for apps before on iPhone and didn't find much. I looked again today and found this and bought it immediately. It's $14.99 (I hate apps that do in app purchases because you can't share them across family).

Any way, this thing looks awesome !! It looks extremely well done.

I did do a search but the term "stats" is so generic it's hard to see if this is old news on this site. My apologies if it was. I've been reading the forum regularly for a couple months and I've seen no mention of this app but many references to teslafi.com (which understandably has been around a lot longer and has been a great service). But competition is a good thing.

Feel free to add a link to any prior discussions.
I am not associated with this at all. I was seriously thinking of signing up for Teslafi.com but I just could not swallow the $50/yr subscription fee.

I swear I looked for apps before on iPhone and didn't find much. I looked again today and found this and bought it immediately. It's $9.99 (I hate apps that do in app purchases because you can't share them across family).

Any this thing looks awesome !! It looks extremely well done.

I did do a search but the term "stats" is so generic it's hard to see if this is old news on this site. My apologies if it was. I've been reading the forum regularly for a couple months and I've seen no mention of this app but many references to teslafi.com (which understandably has been around a lot longer and has been a great service). But competition is a good thing.

‎Stats: For Tesla Model S/X/3

Feel free to add a link to any prior discussions.
. Thanks for posting. I’ve purchased the app and like it so far!
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It's a great app. Need more users for improved fleet statistics. Everyone go buy it!

More is always better. But it looks like it’s pretty good stats now. It has 400 reviews and being an iOS developer I know what the typical ratio is on reviews vs customers. I’m sure he has 1000’s of users.

Also someone mentioned firmware 46.1 yesterday and it immediately showed up in the firmware chart. And not all users will submit anonymous data.

Everything is in % so there is no way to tell exactly how many users are there. But it looks pretty good to me.
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AFAIK only Remote S has a watch app for our cars.

And what might one do on their watch with such an app.

Lot's of apps are watch compatible but they don't necessary improve the user experience and often make it worse.

I just had a look at Remote S. There is no comparison to the Stats app.

Remote S gives you a "Dialog Box of Text" -> Stats app gives you Charts !!
Remote S doesn't appear to give you any comparative stats.
Stats will track phantom drain.
Stats will track data (Efficiency, Phantom, eMPG, etc.) over the long term (e.g. Teslafi.com).
As far as I can tell Remote S only does a trip.

Remote S doesn't do much more than the Tesla factory app, which is why I never bothered with it. It does a few tricks.

I wanted long term Statistics, that's what Stats does.
And what might one do on their watch with such an app.

Lot's of apps are watch compatible but they don't necessary improve the user experience and often make it worse.

I just had a look at Remote S. There is no comparison to the Stats app.

Remote S gives you a "Dialog Box of Text" -> Stats app gives you Charts !!
Remote S doesn't appear to give you any comparative stats.
Stats will track phantom drain.
Stats will track data (Efficiency, Phantom, eMPG, etc.) over the long term (e.g. Teslafi.com).
As far as I can tell Remote S only does a trip.

Remote S doesn't do much more than the Tesla factory app, which is why I never bothered with it. It does a few tricks.

I wanted long term Statistics, that's what Stats does.
To be honest I don’t wear my Apple Watch much so I dunno what it can do. I see Remote S as the Tesla app replacement. There is no reason why Stats can’t replace TeslaFi. There is API data that could be integrated into Stats. Like is charge door open. Are we preconditioning? Is the battery heater on?
Can someone go into detail on how it talks to your car? I am still weary about giving a 3rd party access to my car for security as well as vampire drain issues...

I admit I hesitated a bit doing that. It's a good question.

I think you'd have to talk to a developer. I think only Tesla may really know what all the risks are through the API.

One thing I do like about the Stats app is, I believe (I don't know 100%) is, it's the app itself that communicates with your car (not some server with your stored credentials). It's no different than the Tesla App. But we are trusting the developers that they do the right thing with our data, store credentials, encryption practices etc. I would also expect the API itself is also "secure" in things like your credentials are not sent as clear text etc. I'm sure if there were security weaknesses in the API the Techie Tesla crowd would be all over it.

Also keep in mind, to my understanding, a lot of the API that 3rd parties are using has been reverse engineered. There are open source projects on that work. But I didn't dig deep enough to see if later Tesla published the API's being used today and what I saw was old or not.

Also separately, you have the option to submit your own anonymous stats into the Stats borg (which is probably on a server for all clients to download and compare with their own stats within the app).

For most of us Model 3 owners, if your phone is stolen, they have your car key (without even unlocking your phone).

I sent a suggestion to the developer of the Stats app to add a FAQ entry in his app discussing some of this topic. He also has some excellent FAQ entries now.

As far as I'm concerned, the worst that could happen is they could unlock my car and take something out. I rarely ever have anything worth taking in it. The stats themselves are not very critical/private data. And if someone stole my phone, they already have my key to unlock and drive away.

So basically I think it uses the same API the Tesla App does. *Likely* stores it locally on your phone. But you are trusting the developer has only good intentions and is competent enough to store credentials appropriately. To some Level all Apps have some level of security on iOS. One App cannot get access to another apps data.
Can someone go into detail on how it talks to your car? I am still weary about giving a 3rd party access to my car for security as well as vampire drain issues...

I’m replying again to this with the privacy info that the developer sent me. It looks like it’s faily thorough and my guesstimate wasn't to far off.

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I found the app through reddit and bought it last night. It seems other than Siri Shortcuts to lock and unlock the car, it can do everything Remote S can and more.
Thanks for using the app. I'm the author of the app. I did not duplicate lock/unlock Siri shortcuts because the Tesla app supports it already and having duplicates causes Siri to ask the user to choose one which adds another tap.
And what might one do on their watch with such an app.

Lot's of apps are watch compatible but they don't necessary improve the user experience and often make it worse.

I just had a look at Remote S. There is no comparison to the Stats app.

Remote S gives you a "Dialog Box of Text" -> Stats app gives you Charts !!
Remote S doesn't appear to give you any comparative stats.
Stats will track phantom drain.
Stats will track data (Efficiency, Phantom, eMPG, etc.) over the long term (e.g. Teslafi.com).
As far as I can tell Remote S only does a trip.

Remote S doesn't do much more than the Tesla factory app, which is why I never bothered with it. It does a few tricks.

I wanted long term Statistics, that's what Stats does.

Thanks. Other features of the app include:

- Sends a notification if you

o A graph that shows your battery health
o A graph that shows your efficiency vs. others
o A graph that shows firmware distribution across users
o A graph that shows miles driven per day/week/month
o A graph that shows stats related to your charging sessions
o A graph that shows your driving efficiency history
o A graph that shows you phantom drain stats per day/week/month
and location of each phantom drain
o Export your stats to a spreadsheet to analyze on
your desktop computer
o Sends notification if you arrive somewhere and leave one of
the doors or trunk(s) open (which prevents the car to lock itself)
o Receive a notification (after a few minutes) if climate was tuned on
remotely and you are not in the car. This helps prevent depleting
the car battery if you turn the climate on remotely and then forget
about it.
o Send addresses from your iOS device to your car

- Charging reminder notifies you if the car's battery level is low and it is parked at home and it is unplugged

- Use the Widget to do all this without launching any apps:
o check status of all doors
o battery level
o time to complete charge (when charging)

- Displays driving efficiency over past 30 miles
- Supports Model-S and Model-X
- Supports multiple vehicles under the same account
- Displays several detailed information related to charging the car
- Simple, clean, modern user interface
- Supports metric as well as imperial units
- App reminds you if the battery level is low (user specified) and the car is at home (user specified location) and it's not plugged in. Of course, the feature is optional and can be disabled, if desired.
- You can change the cost for a charging session by
tap-and-hold on the cost bar-chart
- User can specify the unit of currency
- Integrated several forums and new sites
To be honest I don’t wear my Apple Watch much so I dunno what it can do. I see Remote S as the Tesla app replacement. There is no reason why Stats can’t replace TeslaFi. There is API data that could be integrated into Stats. Like is charge door open. Are we preconditioning? Is the battery heater on?
I have written Watch apps for a few of my apps, but even I don't use them anymore because apps on Apple Watch are still slow. Even Apple Watch 4 is not fast enough to provide a good user-experience.

Complications on the Watch are useful. That's why I like "EV Watch" app for Tesla.
I’m replying again to this with the privacy info that the developer sent me. It looks like it’s faily thorough and my guesstimate wasn't to far off.

Thanks. It makes a lot of sense to be careful with entering your credentials in a third-party app. You can read the details in the privacy policy link of the app provided above (also in the App Store). the short version is that your credentials stay in the app and is sent to Tesla only over an encrypted link (using TLS). Also, we never sell user data.
As a rule of thumb, remember than nothing is free. So, if you see a free app that collects data, chances are that they sell your data to offset the cost of developing and maintaining the app.
I am an independent developer and writing apps is a hobby of mine. I developed this app for myself when I bought my Model S in 2016.
Thanks. It makes a lot of sense to be careful with entering your credentials in a third-party app. You can read the details in the privacy policy link of the app provided above (also in the App Store). the short version is that your credentials stay in the app and is sent to Tesla only over an encrypted link (using TLS). Also, we never sell user data.
As a rule of thumb, remember than nothing is free. So, if you see a free app that collects data, chances are that they sell your data to offset the cost of developing and maintaining the app.
I am an independent developer and writing apps is a hobby of mine. I developed this app for myself when I bought my Model S in 2016.

Thanks. If you choose to not submit data anonymously (I do submit it), does your own collected statistical data remain only on your phone?
Also my understanding is, it's the phone directly communicating with the car (API), not some server (of yours)? The API itself might go through some sort of server of Tesla's and this app doesn't differ from the Tesla App in that regard.

Another way of saying it, if I deleted the app on my phone, all collected statistical data of mine is gone with it and nothing else has my credentials or data kept elsewhere (except perhaps my own iCloud backups). Again, this is in the context that I didn't submit my statistical data anonymously.

And for others curious minds, the app does NOT automatically submit anonymous stats and prompts you if you want to contribute or not.

For the record, the Teslafi.com model is uncomfortable to me. Like if something went wrong (say a bug or site was hacked) I don't like a 3rd entity independent access to my car. If something goes wrong in this model (your Stats app) I can turn off my phone, kill the app or delete the app. MY phone keeps control. This assumes the answer to my question above is that only the phone communicates to the API :). If a bug or hack happened on Teslafi.com I might not be able to "disable it" because the site has a bug or has been hacked to lock me out.
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