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All I'm saying is that death is a thing. We're all going to die. I hope we all live very long lives. I hope your mom lives many more years. Our chances of dying of corona are very low. You have to 1) contract it, 2) get deathly ill from it. For the avg person the chances of that happening are so low that it's not worth switching up your life much.

You sound like a great son! Your mom is lucky. 91 is long! My grandma died at 92.

So does she see the grandkids now? Will she have to wait until a vaccine? What if one never comes or takes years?
I mean, isn't life about living? If I were a grandparent I'd rather hug/play with my grandkids and risk getting Corona. Quality of life matters imo.
She saw the grandkids at Xmas. Now, it's via FaceTime. You assume a vaccine or treatment may never come or take too long. I think it's impossible to say so soon. Research is happening so fast, I wouldn't bet against the researchers. We may not get a vaccine, but at least a treatment, as we better understand the virus. Rather than rush into getting infected, why not wait a few months and see how the research is going. If it looks then like there's no hope for a vaccine in the next few years, then by all means, one can change one's approach, but I think it's far too soon to think a vaccine or treatment might never come or take too long.

For myself, I'm alot like you, I've always been pretty fearless. But it's like climbing Everest, I'm sure I could do it, and I'd love to do it, but I have others to think about, so I don't.
Tennessee's Secret To Plentiful Coronavirus Testing? Picking Up The Tab

Tennessee stands out for its aggressive approach to testing. In Tennessee, anyone who wants a test can get one, and the state will pick up the tab. The guidance has evolved to "when in doubt, get a test," and the state started picking up the tab in April.

Tennessee's commitment to testing so broadly has helped it pull ahead of most other states in its rate of testing. According to NPR's analysis, Tennessee is doing more than double the minimum number of tests needed to control its outbreak.

Tennessee officials said they're banking on being reimbursed by the federal government at some point.

A low rate of positives is seen as a sign that a community is doing enough testing. But it's possible to be missing pockets of infection among people who might not have the awareness or resources to get tested.

"We can't draw conclusions about what's going on in the whole community based on this self-selected group of people who are so motivated they come out to get tested," Moore says.
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There is much i dont know

But i always had a question as why in the bus studies or the restaurant studies the virus seemed to jump, to infect some and not others.

This is one possible explanation, that a siginificant % of the population have either a different level of initial viral dosing required to become infected, kinda like a partial immunity. Or an immune response that keeps the virus in check anyway.
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Further wild ass speculation.

If so, its like we are dealing with 2 intermingled human populations. 1 set responds to the virus as if R0 is much lower than 2.5 and the other set responds to the virus as if the R0 is much higher than 2.5. Both in the same bus, restaurant, hospital or choir.
Big news
(Or at least confirmation bias for my perspective)

'Importantly, we detected SARS-CoV-2−reactive CD4+ T cells in ∼40-60% of unexposed individuals, suggesting cross-reactive T cell recognition between circulating ‘common cold’ coronaviruses and SARS-CoV-2.'


definitely massive news if this holds. Would go some way towards exposing why kids are not getting infected as much
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Testing News: 3 weeks ago, the Fed supplied funds for 182,000,000 tests ($25B / $137).
Los Angeles has had a surplus of tests available for 2 weeks now. (AP)

LA # of cases climbs even with vastly more testing. It climbs even with masks. It climbs even with Shelter In Place. It climbs even with 90°F days.

So... Let go to boarding up people's doors, setting up roadblocks, and burning people we find to be infected?

I'm so glad we shut everything down before there was a significant number of cases.

In other news, Latino cases reported continue to climb in California, now breaching 53% of C19 known victims. Nothing is being done to address it.

We are earnestly working towards keeping the lawn wet while watch the house burn.

Race Ethnicity
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definitely massive news if this holds. Would go some way towards exposing why kids are not getting infected as much
It is interesting and it matches my earlier conjectures but I should point out that those findings do not directly translate into Covid-19 defense because the CoronaVirus family have a variety of receptors. It is the same reason we speak of neutralizing antibodies rather than just antibodies to CoronaVirus per se.

There are also technical reasons to be cautious in interpreting the T cell data related to limited TCR diversity compared to B cells. That must sound vague so it can be read as saying it is difficult to identify clonality with confidence. Back in the day, I tried (and failed) to develop a molecular diagnostic test for T cell malignancy. The failure was in part related to limited diversity of the T Cell receptor.
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I find the nightclub outbreak in SK to be fascinating reading. One super spreader infected ~ 90 people and that lead to another ~ 80 secondary infections. It looks like SK has managed to contain the outbreak at one generation but it takes SK level TTQ.

The details are available at KCDC

I'm wondering what makes a super spreader.

Is it virus production or behavior ?

IE a person who covers one nostril and blows. Then repeats with second nostril.

Any follow up after super spreader is identified ?
I'm wondering what makes a super spreader.

Is it virus production or behavior ?

IE a person who covers one nostril and blows. Then repeats with second nostril.

Any follow up after super spreader is identified ?

It's both. Evidence suggests that people shed varying amounts of virus and of course some of that depends on the stage of their illness with early symptomatic maybe being the highest shedding, and that is interacting of course with risky Behavior. So you have somebody who's ill and shedding a lot of virus and behaving badly, in with a group of other people who are not taking precautions and you have a super spreader event
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definitely massive news if this holds. Would go some way towards exposing why kids are not getting infected as much

May help to explain why there's such a large spectrum in covid-19 infection from quite non-symptomatic to minimally symptomatic to moderately symptomatic to severely ill to lethally ill. It's a huge Continuum and of course partial recognition of some of the viral proteins by the immune system would give that individual a huge advantage in beating the virus. If you have that variable interacting with various levels of age-related immune-compromise and pre-existing conditions (that may index high levels of background inflammation from the innate immune system or proxies for that), putting all of those together you might get towards a comprehensive explanation for this huge Spectrum of illness
May help to explain why there's such a large spectrum in covid-19 infection from quite non-symptomatic to minimally symptomatic to moderately symptomatic to severely ill to lethally ill. It's a huge Continuum and of course partial recognition of some of the viral proteins by the immune system would give that individual a huge advantage in beating the virus. If you have that variable interacting with various levels of age-related immune-compromise and pre-existing conditions (that may index high levels of background inflammation from the innate immune system or proxies for that), putting all of those together you might get towards a comprehensive explanation for this huge Spectrum of illness
As follow-up to my earlier suggestion that olde farts spend a day at a pre-school, I'm thinking of selling packets of kiddie approved (pre-used) sandbox contents. Instructions will include how to play and eat a small portion.
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With no lockdown, the USA would likely be about where it is now. Not much difference.
NYC metro area would be "about where it is now"? Boston? Detroit? New Orleans? Miami? Seriously???
In the end, we will have caused trillions in economic harm ....
Which countries have the best economies right now? Brave Brazil, staring down the virus without fear? Smart Sweden? No, it's China, South Korea, Taiwan, etc. The ones that aggressively test and trace. But it's difficult, and we're lazy. Not to mention grossly incompetent.
LA # of cases climbs even with vastly more testing.
What do you mean "even with"?

What would you expect to happen with # of cases if you expand testing enough to catch 25% of all cases instead of just 15%?