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35% of fleet has spring update now, how many got it in this thread?
Where are you seeing it that high? On TeslaFi, I'm seeing ~23% of similar vehicles to mine so more in line with N.A. numbers and 28.7% of the worldwide fleet.
FWIW I don't have it. Only one of my friends was offered 14.6, didn't install it and Tesla took it away and hasn't given him anything since. And they didn't take it away during the most recent stoppage, it was taken away before the main rush of 14.6.
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Where are you seeing it that high? On TeslaFi, I'm seeing ~23% of similar vehicles to mine so more in line with N.A. numbers and 28.7% of the worldwide fleet.
FWIW I don't have it. Only one of my friends was offered 14.6, didn't install it and Tesla took it away and hasn't given him anything since. And they didn't take it away during the most recent stoppage, it was taken away before the main rush of 14.6.
Where are you seeing it that high? On TeslaFi, I'm seeing ~23% of similar vehicles to mine so more in line with N.A. numbers and 28.7% of the worldwide fleet.
FWIW I don't have it. Only one of my friends was offered 14.6, didn't install it and Tesla took it away and hasn't given him anything since. And they didn't take it away during the most recent stoppage, it was taken away before the main rush of 14.6.
They took it away because of a bug that’s why he lost it
They took it away because of a bug that’s why he lost it
No, they took it away before they even did the 3-4 day huge push of installs so it wasn't for a bug because they hadn't even done the big push yet. They took it away because he didn't install it for 2 days as he was waiting to get home from out of town work.

He had the update 14.6 downloaded to the car on May 11 and Tesla took it off the car on May 13th. Well before the big rush of updates a few days later.
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Nice Post !! ... I got on with the original 100% safety scores testers in October 2021. Less than 1000 people in the USA were able to get that mystical 100%. (someone is not going to believe the less than 1000 number, there are many links, here is one: Tesla FSD Beta 10.2 Release Date: Oct. 8; Perfect 100% Safety Scores Required - TeslaNorth.com

I sat on 99% for the entire time and couldn't get to 100%. Then on a random Thursday, I had to pick up my daughter 20 miles away on a 4 lane divided highway, and one of the criteria at the time was keeping a safe following distance. This was hard to do, since you had to (from memory) keep around 3 seconds of distance and be at 50 or 60 mph for it to be counting towards the safe following distance metric. Well, I picked her up and then drove home. Woke up the next day and checked my app, and my score was now 100%. I said to myself, "I am not driving 1 foot until they end the scoring phase". Little did I know that day (Friday) that the safety scores all disappeared from the apps of certain users. It freaked me out at first, and then realized that I happened to get to 100% less than 24 hours before Tesla scraped the data and granted Version 10.2 to the first safety score testers.
Here is their original email and yes, the misspelling at the end is the way it came from Tesla. (Thank instead of Thanks!) The Quality Assurance folks with FSD apparently also were also the ones sending emails.

We will be pushing FSD Beta Version 10.2 to your vehicle shortly!

Full Self-Driving is in limited early access Beta and must be used with additional caution. It may do the wrong thing at the worst time, so you must always keep your hands on the wheel and pay extra attention to the road. Do not become complacent. When Full Self-Driving Beta is enabled, your vehicle will make lane changes off highway, select forks to follow your navigation route, navigate around other vehicles and objects, and make left and right turns. Use Full Self-Driving Beta only if you will pay constant attention to the road, and be prepared to act immediately, especially around blind corners, crossing intersections, and in narrow driving situations. Every driver is responsible for remaining alert and active when using Autopilot and must be prepared to take action at any time.

As part of receiving FSD Beta, your vehicle has automatically opted into VIN associated telemetry sharing with Tesla, including Autopilot usage data, images and/or video. If you wish to be removed from the limited early access FSD Beta please email [email protected]

Your vehicle is running on Tesla Vision! Note that Tesla Vision also includes some temporary limitations, as noted below:

  • Follow distance is limited to 2-7.
  • Autopilot top speed is 80 mph.
How to provide feedback:

  • Press the "Video Record" button on the top bar UI to send an Autopilot Snapshot video clip.
    • Clips are automatically sent to the engineering team. You will not be able to view the clip.
  • You can email your feedback to [email protected].
    • In your email please include date, time, location, and if you took an Autopilot Snapshot. This helps us investigate issues, and better understand your feedback.


The Tesla Team
so would it annoy you too much if I told you I got FSD in Nov or December of 2021 by just driving my car a bit more conservatively than normal and having a 9x% safety score?
"How to provide feedback:

Press the "Video Record" button on the top bar UI to send an Autopilot Snapshot video clip."

Only the OG can see that button?
I had the video button for a while. Can't remember when it went away...
Nice Post !! ... I got on with the original 100% safety scores testers in October 2021. Less than 1000 people in the USA were able to get that mystical 100%. (someone is not going to believe the less than 1000 number, there are many links, here is one: Tesla FSD Beta 10.2 Release Date: Oct. 8; Perfect 100% Safety Scores Required - TeslaNorth.com
Ah! Thanks for that link and the story!

We had bought FSD with our car in Dec of 2020, so when those FSD announcements came, I was all set to go. I found all the tricks and managed to get my "Safety Score" right up there by Oct 21, when we drove out to Yosemite, a perfect trip to polish a perfect score. That is till a deer jumped in front of a car coming the opposite direction ahead of us, and was hit and thrown right in front of us. (No warning came from the collision avoidance system - I suppose the car didn't recognize a deer flying in a backward super-man pose, screen cap below.) I managed to swerve some, but thump-thump, we rolled over the deer. Sigh. Checking the car, there was mostly cosmetic damage, but also some fluid leaking - I guess the deer kicked a hole in the low slung radiator. So we got the car towed back to the Berkeley service center, where it sat for months waiting for parts. By the time we got the car back, the Beta program was full, so we didn't get in till June 2022, version 2022.12.3.20, FSD 10.12.2.

I guess that deer really didn't want me to get into FSD β before you.

Screen Shot 2023-07-25 at 10.42.29 AM.jpg

Screen Shot 2023-07-25 at 10.43.22 AM.jpg
Nice Post !! ... I got on with the original 100% safety scores testers in October 2021. Less than 1000 people in the USA were able to get that mystical 100%. (someone is not going to believe the less than 1000 number, there are many links, here is one: Tesla FSD Beta 10.2 Release Date: Oct. 8; Perfect 100% Safety Scores Required - TeslaNorth.com

I sat on 99% for the entire time and couldn't get to 100%. Then on a random Thursday, I had to pick up my daughter 20 miles away on a 4 lane divided highway, and one of the criteria at the time was keeping a safe following distance. This was hard to do, since you had to (from memory) keep around 3 seconds of distance and be at 50 or 60 mph for it to be counting towards the safe following distance metric. Well, I picked her up and then drove home. Woke up the next day and checked my app, and my score was now 100%. I said to myself, "I am not driving 1 foot until they end the scoring phase". Little did I know that day (Friday) that the safety scores all disappeared from the apps of certain users. It freaked me out at first, and then realized that I happened to get to 100% less than 24 hours before Tesla scraped the data and granted Version 10.2 to the first safety score testers.
Here is their original email and yes, the misspelling at the end is the way it came from Tesla. (Thank instead of Thanks!) The Quality Assurance folks with FSD apparently also were also the ones sending emails.

We will be pushing FSD Beta Version 10.2 to your vehicle shortly!

Full Self-Driving is in limited early access Beta and must be used with additional caution. It may do the wrong thing at the worst time, so you must always keep your hands on the wheel and pay extra attention to the road. Do not become complacent. When Full Self-Driving Beta is enabled, your vehicle will make lane changes off highway, select forks to follow your navigation route, navigate around other vehicles and objects, and make left and right turns. Use Full Self-Driving Beta only if you will pay constant attention to the road, and be prepared to act immediately, especially around blind corners, crossing intersections, and in narrow driving situations. Every driver is responsible for remaining alert and active when using Autopilot and must be prepared to take action at any time.

As part of receiving FSD Beta, your vehicle has automatically opted into VIN associated telemetry sharing with Tesla, including Autopilot usage data, images and/or video. If you wish to be removed from the limited early access FSD Beta please email [email protected]

Your vehicle is running on Tesla Vision! Note that Tesla Vision also includes some temporary limitations, as noted below:

  • Follow distance is limited to 2-7.
  • Autopilot top speed is 80 mph.
How to provide feedback:

  • Press the "Video Record" button on the top bar UI to send an Autopilot Snapshot video clip.
    • Clips are automatically sent to the engineering team. You will not be able to view the clip.
  • You can email your feedback to [email protected].
    • In your email please include date, time, location, and if you took an Autopilot Snapshot. This helps us investigate issues, and better understand your feedback.


The Tesla Team
I got one of those in the first week of November '21, by that time it was the dreaded 10.3 which lasted a whole day or so before I got 10.3.1
I got one of those in the first week of November '21, by that time it was the dreaded 10.3 which last a day or so before I got 10.3.1
I had 1 car with 10.2 and the other I tried so hard to get 100% before the deadline, but was stuck at 99% and eventually got it for 10.3, but it was pulled before I could download it and then got 10.3.

I do not miss those safety score days, especially because I learned my wife was terrible at following the instructions. I'd have to take drives to negate her terrible scores.
Seems like our old friend Omar is pissed off.
Elon probably kept him up late last night partying and didn't leave much room on his floor for Omar to get a good night's sleep 😴!
Nope, Omar appears to be back in Elon's good graces. After all it was Elon who responded with "btw" when he didn't have too and gave his first insight into versions v12.4/5.
Omar is just telling like it is. Regular customers won't see v12.4 as quickly as previous v12.3 point releases. No surprise.
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BTW, i am seeing consistent edge cases when crossing a miss aligned intersection without lane lines, happened again today, diff location
intersections like this should not even be allowed to exist, let alone designed
not sure why FSD does not use the map data to cross the intersection, 12.3.6 consistently fails crossing miss aligned intersections when there is no lead car to follow or or drive lane lines
a robotaxi could not cross this
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