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Manual firmware update (for new charge port)

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@iamhtoo as per https://data.hackinn.com/ppt/BlackH...y-Bcm-And-Autopilot-Ecus-Of-Tesla-Cars-wp.pdf (page 8)

The command port supports many commands, such as install, auth, system, gostaged and m3-factory-deploy. Some commands can be executed directly without restrictions., some commands are privileged commands and cannot execute until elevating the privilege by executing the "auth" command. The others only can be executed on the specific system, CID or APE. In version 17.17.4, the unprivileged commands "install" and "m3-factory-deploy" is executable from CID without restrictions
Not sure what they do, didn't test which ones authorized or not. They reported findings to Tesla and they may have patched stuff. So not all commands mentioned may be unprivileged.
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Interesting. Not quite sure.

Are you inside your car or out? I'd give the car a good hour just in case, then, DON'T EVER PULL THE BATTERY AGAIN during a firmware update!

Once your car is back to usable condition, and if the software update did work, your charger should work.

If not, try this:

1) Reconnect your Ethernet to the APE cable
2) Telnet to 25956
3) issue command exactly like this:

factory-redeploy "modules_to_skip":"ic,sierra,ape"

*include the quote marks*

4) leave your laptop connected the whole time
5) watch MCU turn blue but do not touch it, ever. It'll even tell you a software update is ready. Don't touch it. It'll start on its own.
6) once software update is complete, reboot the MCU and you should be good.

I caveat all of the above with "at your own risk" - I'm an armchair Tesla enthusiast, not a trained technical mechanic.

telnet: connect to address Operation timed out
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host

@kdday (or anyone else), any idea how to get around this?

I'm hooked up with the ethernet to FSD cable, can see Wireshark running (and can see the packets from, but I cannot seem to get the telnet to take.
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What connection to the CiD are you utilizing? did you correctly self-assign your IP address?

"Then, plug the Ethernet cable into your laptop and set your laptop ip address on the Ethernet port to"

Yep, I've got the laptop's ethernet IP address set to (using DHCP w manual address).
My mac shows the ethernet is active and connected.

I'm trying the white ethernet FSD directly on the AP board (I had also tried the one directly beneath the 17" center screen).

The "telnet 25956" command continues to fail/times out.

Of note: when I disable my wifi, the return message when attempting the telnet command is different:

telnet: connect to address Network is unreachable
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host

I'm stumped!
Yep, I've got the laptop's ethernet IP address set to (using DHCP w manual address).
My mac shows the ethernet is active and connected.

I'm trying the white ethernet FSD directly on the AP board (I had also tried the one directly beneath the 17" center screen).

The "telnet 25956" command continues to fail/times out.

Of note: when I disable my wifi, the return message when attempting the telnet command is different:

telnet: connect to address Network is unreachable
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host

I'm stumped!

This is going to sound like a silly question but you are connected to the cable, not the AP board right?


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I have been stuck at the same point.

Set the ip manually to

Wireshark records lots of data so there’s a connection with the car. However the telnet session won’t start and keeps timing out. Any ideas? I’m using a Mac...
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Tried this on 2018.50.6 but get this: Unauthorized command: factory-redeploy
Anyone knows if this command has been disabled in this version?
(currently black screen/crippled emmc, no root (yet), cid does not fully start to ui, but some ports are open like cid updater)
edit: only commands I got tot work is auth (gives a long hex string, different each time I give the command) and install (needs a url)
Am I on the right path or should I abandon this entry point?
Tried this on 2018.50.6 but get this: Unauthorized command: factory-redeploy
Anyone knows if this command has been disabled in this version?
(currently black screen/crippled emmc, no root (yet), cid does not fully start to ui, but some ports are open like cid updater)
edit: only commands I got tot work is auth (gives a long hex string, different each time I give the command) and install (needs a url)
Am I on the right path or should I abandon this entry point?
What does "status" give you
Executable: /bin/cid-updater, personality: cid-updater, hash <redacted>, built for package version: develop-2018.50.6-36-4ec03ed8fb
uptime: 327.473561000s
/proc/uptime: 344.99 1224.47
current bootdata Contents: 0xef 0xbe 0xad 0xde 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00 0xff 0x00 0x1f 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x40 0x60 0x68 0x3d 0x78 0x30 0x36 0x00 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff
Pattern: 0xdeadbeef
Online boot bank: KERNEL_A
Online fail count: 0
Online dot-model-s size: 0
Offline boot bank: KERNEL_B
Offline fail count: 31
Offline dot-model-s size: 1030250560
MCU Board Revision: x06
Fused: 1
Override-version: 0
Online map bank: BANK_A
Online map package size: 0
Online map signature: NULL
Offline map bank: BANK_B
Offline map package size: 0
Offline map signature: NULL
running_in_recovery_partition = 0
installed_firmware_signature = NULL
offline_firmware_signature = <redacted>
ic_installed_firmware_signature = NULL
ic_offline_firmware_signature = NULL
ape_installed_firmware_signature = NULL
ape_offline_firmware_signature = NULL
ape_installed_firmware_signature = NULL
ape_offline_firmware_signature = NULL
vin = <redacted>
staged_update = yes
gateway_needs_update = yes
updating_maps = no

oh wow, just tried again (including the skip ic/ape/sierra) and now it says:
cid-updater:22004: factory_redeploy status=update_in_progress
It killed the telnet connections within minutes after i gave the redeploy command, so I have no clue if it succeeded or not. (probably not)
I waited over 1hr and pulled the mcu fuse to restart it.
Still black screen and nmap .100 shows very few open ports compared to a live system. The cid updater is still active though.
Any advise how to proceed? Is there a command to only redeploy the cid firmware?
edit: compared status and noticed these changed to no:
staged_update = no
gateway_needs_update = no