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MASTER THREAD: FSD Subscription Available 16 Jul 2021

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October 20th, 2016 was the first sale of FSD. Coming up on 5 years.

The $100/$200 thing is exactly what they already have. If you have EAP (which was $5K), then you have auto lane change and summon, and your "FSD" subscription is $100 not $200.

Clearly they think they either:
1) Make more money from only having the $10k/$200 option, and know more of these people would drop to $5k/$100 than is made up from people that don't buy at all at the current prices.
2) Are so fixated on being "close" to "FSD" that they can't show any weakness towards that position, which selling "only" EAP would be.

Personally, I think it's #2. All their actions (even releasing subscriptions at all at the crazy price of $200) are pointed at the idea that real FSD is just around the corner, and backing up all the crazy things and timelines Elon is constantly saying.
I think the FSD subscription will hurt Tesla since it give most folks an opportunity to discover pretty quick that it is not worth $5 per month and cancel the subscription vs. the upfront $10k FSD Gofundme. If you can't transfer FSD VIN to VIN it is a waste. We will all be on our 4th Tesla by the time FSD is worth $10k.
I subscribed for a month, and I chose to cancel before it renewed.

I was excited to try it out, but what it has done is maze me realize how sufficient the standard autopilot features are. The fully automatic lane change is annoying (lane change without input), and the stop light operation needs work. NoAP is overrated. Smart summon and normal summon is neat, but I didn’t find a good daily use for it in my situation.

The only feature I’d pay for is input driven automatic lane change (via turn signal)…maybe $20/month.

If you find the additional FSD features useful for you, that’s great. It just didn’t ”wow” me enough to justify $200/mo, and I’m definitely not going to pay $10,000 now, or ever.

As soon as Toyota has an equivalent, sure-footed auto steer + radar cruise control system, I’m likely going to jump back on the Prius plug-in hybrid train (if they still offer it). I think a hybrid with 20-25 kWh battery with a gas tank for the long distances is the sweet spot for many. Daily full EV, and hybrid on the 60+ mile trips.
October 20th, 2016 was the first sale of FSD. Coming up on 5 years.

The $100/$200 thing is exactly what they already have. If you have EAP (which was $5K), then you have auto lane change and summon, and your "FSD" subscription is $100 not $200.

Clearly they think they either:
1) Make more money from only having the $10k/$200 option, and know more of these people would drop to $5k/$100 than is made up from people that don't buy at all at the current prices.
2) Are so fixated on being "close" to "FSD" that they can't show any weakness towards that position, which selling "only" EAP would be.

Personally, I think it's #2. All their actions (even releasing subscriptions at all at the crazy price of $200) are pointed at the idea that real FSD is just around the corner, and backing up all the crazy things and timelines Elon is constantly saying.
The $100 option is if you have enhanced AP to go to FSD. I don' know why anyone would pay that right now because you get nothing. It would be interesting to know the numbers of how many are paying $200 for FSD right now. I do think if they sold a $100 option for people that want the current enhanced AP features more people would do so. Hard to say how many would do so that aren't paying the $200 now. I think $200 a month is a lot to ask for what you currently get. I purchased FSD with my car so hoping they get auto Steer on city streets soon but I'm doubtful it will come this year like they are saying. My guess is something next year and it will need you to really pay attention.
Until another BEV comes with software that's as good as or better than Tesla FSD, Tesla will not lower the price of FSD. At even 13% uptake rate, FSD is a cash cow for Tesla.

Take rate in NA is still around 20% even in latest quarter, so it's decent. The numbers are dragged down by other countries (especially China) given those have all sorts of restrictions related to local laws (even AP functions different).
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The only thing in the package that I think would be helpful is the green light chime, since I live in Brooklyn and spend more time stopped than moving, and I don't think that is worth more than $5/mo. I only use the AP when I'm in stop and go traffic, and that gets annoying here too because the gap it leaves is always being filled. But NYC is a tough place to own a Tesla all around. Charging is an issue, on-street parking is an issue, driving is an issue. I'm lucky to be able to plug in at home but most can't. I have to pay for the parking if I want to use a supercharger, defeating the low cost. I'm lucky if I get up to 50mph on a highway and the street limit is 25mph with cameras everywhere now.

I still take the subway whenever I can and would bike more if it weren't so hot lately. The car sits in the driveway all week and I have less than 5k miles after 6.5 months.
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The only thing in the package that I think would be helpful is the green light chime, since I live in Brooklyn and spend more time stopped than moving, and I don't think that is worth more than $5/mo.
The irony is the reports are that Tesla is moving to driver monitoring even when the car is stopped. People have gotten dings when they look at their phone while stopped. Which makes the green light chime pointless since it doesn't allow you to zone out at all even while fully stopped.
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The irony is the reports are that Tesla is moving to driver monitoring even when the car is stopped. People have gotten dings when they look at their phone while stopped. Which makes the green light chime pointless since it doesn't allow you to zone out at all even while fully stopped.
Given that a lot of states have laws that make it illegal to use your phone, even if you are stopped, I don't see the problem.
Given that a lot of states have laws that make it illegal to use your phone, even if you are stopped, I don't see the problem.
The "problem" is why would you pay $10 a month for a feature that only has value if you are breaking the law, and where that feature itself will make sure you aren't breaking the law.

It's implemented right. It's just that because of that, it doesn't have any value, so why would anyone pay $10 a month for it?
The "problem" is why would you pay $10 a month for a feature that only has value if you are breaking the law, and where that feature itself will make sure you aren't breaking the law.

It's implemented right. It's just that because of that, it doesn't have any value, so why would anyone pay $10 a month for it?
I'm pretty sure a bulk of the people that like the green light chime are not using their phones, but rather that it reminds them if they zone out at a light. Also it's active even when AP is off, so it has nothing to do with the driver monitoring.
I cancelled the FSD subscription and I have another week to go for the current subscription to end. How will know my car know if I my subscription is valid or not? Is my iPhone app sending that info to the car?
Your car has an LTE connection which it uses to check the monthly Premium Connectivity subscription status already. It's likely using the same mechanism to check the FSD subscription status to activate or deactivate it on the car.
I cancelled the FSD subscription and I have another week to go for the current subscription to end. How will know my car know if I my subscription is valid or not? Is my iPhone app sending that info to the car?
Your car has an LTE connection to "the internet." This is how your phone checks the charge state or anything with the app when you are miles away from your car.

This same connection can be used by Tesla to manage the config of your car.
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October 20th, 2016 was the first sale of FSD. Coming up on 5 years.

The $100/$200 thing is exactly what they already have. If you have EAP (which was $5K), then you have auto lane change and summon, and your "FSD" subscription is $100 not $200.

Clearly they think they either:
1) Make more money from only having the $10k/$200 option, and know more of these people would drop to $5k/$100 than is made up from people that don't buy at all at the current prices.
2) Are so fixated on being "close" to "FSD" that they can't show any weakness towards that position, which selling "only" EAP would be.

Personally, I think it's #2. All their actions (even releasing subscriptions at all at the crazy price of $200) are pointed at the idea that real FSD is just around the corner, and backing up all the crazy things and timelines Elon is constantly saying.
I think your assessment is spot on
Hello Tesla community,
We are about to go on our honeymoon after getting married on the 9th of next month and I thought the month of October would be the month I give the FSD subscription service a try.. for the long trip, and for testing some summons features at work too.. has anyone paid for the subscription yet to see how that works? I read somewhere you would want to have it don't a week or so before you intent to use it as the car may have to do some sort of "Tesla safety calculation" to make sure it's safe for you specifically to test out for them. I've made it a great habit while using AP on the highways to pay the utmost attention and it's been a really great fatigue relief on many occasions. Any info would be appreciated, and I hope that there's isn't already a thread discussion on this.. I tried the search but it didn't turn up anything.
Hello Tesla community,
We are about to go on our honeymoon after getting married on the 9th of next month and I thought the month of October would be the month I give the FSD subscription service a try.. for the long trip, and for testing some summons features at work too.. has anyone paid for the subscription yet to see how that works? I read somewhere you would want to have it don't a week or so before you intent to use it as the car may have to do some sort of "Tesla safety calculation" to make sure it's safe for you specifically to test out for them. I've made it a great habit while using AP on the highways to pay the utmost attention and it's been a really great fatigue relief on many occasions. Any info would be appreciated, and I hope that there's isn't already a thread discussion on this.. I tried the search but it didn't turn up anything.
The safety score is only for FSD Beta access, which is basically the car being able to make left/right turns in the city.
Tesla adds FSD Beta button in 2021.32.22
Safety Score Beta

If you just want to use the regular FSD features, you don't need to worry about that.
Full Self-Driving Capability Subscriptions
Autopilot and Full Self-Driving Capability
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