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Model 3 Range decreased again...

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I'm under the impression that deep discharges will do nothing. 90% charge or more, leaving the car for a day or two, will help balancing cells if they are unbalanced. Otherwise it's just an estimate number, don't fret it. The important thing is how many kWh you can store in that battery. Alternatively driving from full to empty will tell you what range you really have, if it's that important to know.
I'm under the impression that deep discharges will do nothing. 90% charge or more, leaving the car for a day or two, will help balancing cells if they are unbalanced. Otherwise it's just an estimate number, don't fret it. The important thing is how many kWh you can store in that battery. Alternatively driving from full to empty will tell you what range you really have, if it's that important to know.

I don't think it's an urban myth. Tesla itself recommends it as well as many others who have had good luck with it.
The biggest problem now is how long it takes to do a deep discharge. Maybe the BMS struggles with a severe lack of use?
It seems there are nobody have a worse battery degradation than me, at least from users using Teslafi.

My M3 long range AWD OCT 2019, range at 100% down to 255.3 from 310 with only 11K miles on it.


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It seems there are nobody have a worse battery degradation than me, at least from users using Teslafi.

My M3 long range AWD OCT 2019, range at 100% down to 255.3 from 310 with only 11K miles on it.
100% charge to 5% x3 times, quickest to try this at a Supercharger. If this doesn’t reset your battery then for sure you need to set up a service call. At this rate you will be getting a new battery under warranty.

It seems there are nobody have a worse battery degradation than me, at least from users using Teslafi.

My M3 long range AWD OCT 2019, range at 100% down to 255.3 from 310 with only 11K miles on it.

Please try the rebalancing tips as others have suggested and report back to us. I suspect your displayed range is off due to lack of use lately and that your actual range is fine. However, if this is actual range loss your car is an extreme outlier and we’d all like to hear about how Tesla resolves this.
My LR RWD last charged to 324 miles at 99% back in the summer of 2019. I did notice a projected range decrease beginning with one of the fall updates and it's gotten lower ever since.

Now it estimates 285 miles at 100% in the app. I've only charged it over 90% less than a handful of times ever. I drive about 60-80 miles a day and usually charge to 80% daily.

I'm not worried though and I may charge to close to 100% and let the cells balance to see if there's any change.

I have the exact same observations with my Oct 2018 LR RWD and my driving habits are exactly like yours (prior to shelter in place), about 60mi a day and I charged to 80% daily. Prior to the range drop last August/September 2019, my 100% range was 322mi. I haven't charged to 100% since, but extrapolating from a 90% charge, starting Fall 2019, I had somewhere around 300-305 miles at 100%.

During the past couple months, my projected 100% has dropped even more to somewhere between 290-295. I presume this is because of shelter in place and working from home; I only drive maybe at most 40 miles per week now and only charge once, maybe twice, per week. I've also decreased my charge to 70% since it's sitting in my garage a lot more now. I know this isn't really necessary, but I'm in the "do everything possibly to maximize the longevity of the battery" camp and not as concerned about the displayed 100% range.

I experienced a similar drop in reported range in my 2018 LR RWD, and my commute and charging habits are similar to yours. The drop didn’t happen until after I had HW 3.0 installed in January, though, so when I reported it to the service center, they told me to increase my depth of discharge. So I started charging every 3rd day, and lo and behold, my estimated range at 100% did go back up. Not to the full ~325 miles I used to see, but 312-315 miles, so I think maybe there is something about charging habits that affect the estimate.

Anyway, I’ve gone back to daily charging, because I have solar and powerwalls, and the Q3 day charging is way less efficient. I’m just going to ignore the reported range from now on.
So how deep did you discharge before you started getting the estimated 100% to start creeping back up? I'm trying to get a better idea of how deep I need to discharge if I do decide to try and get my 100% range back up again someday.
What I read, from someone who should know at tesla, is that a lot of cars that aren't getting driven as much as they did previously are showing range loss. And that the best way to fix this is to break one of the cardinal rules - don't plug in all the time. The suggestion was that you should set the charge to 90%, and then not charge again until you're below 40%. Even if that's several days later. And an added suggestion was to wait an hour or more after the last drive before starting to charge - this lets the battery cells level somewhat.

Back in March, when I started quarantining, you can see below how my estimated range tanked down to 295. That was a bit alarming, so I tried running it down to nearly 0% and then charging all the way up, and also tried the mountainpass style complete battery reset. Those helped a little, but didn't make a huge difference. A few weeks later I heard the info above, and started doing this; and you can see how my range has been creeping back up. Caveats - there may be other factors involved - software changes, overall ambient temperature changes, and I'm not completely sure I trust teslafi and the numbers they use. And another thing to consider when looking at the graph below - the X axis is mileage, not time - so that peak area above 320, I did a long road trip during that, so it looks longer than it really was; and the dump down to 295, I've hardly been driving, so it has lasted much longer than it looks.
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Yeah, I started experiencing the same "degredation". Turns our the car had issues estimating the correct rated range being charged to 50% everyday since I've been WFH for the past few months.

Started doing deeper cycles, and only charging once the car hits 25% back up to 90%.

Rated range is slowly improving.

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Yeah, I started experiencing the same "degredation". Turns our the car had issues estimating the correct rated range being charged to 50% everyday since I've been WFH for the past few months.

Started doing deeper cycles, and only charging once the car hits 25% back up to 90%.

Rated range is slowly improving.

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I only charge to 50-60% as I don't commute to work. But I go on a 2000km roadtrip around once a month where the battery usually gets a lot of deep discharges (no superchargers here, just 43kw DC charging) and I have around 1% more range at any given time than the average teslafi fleet car.
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There's no hard and fast rule on what works and what doesn't. I've been charging to 60% since last Fall, and have driven very little since the Spring, and always keep my car plugged in. The last couple data points are around 311miles Rated Range. I live in a cold clime and my car is not garaged.
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The suggestion was that you should set the charge to 90%, and then not charge again until you're below 40%. Even if that's several days later. And an added suggestion was to wait an hour or more after the last drive before starting to charge - this lets the battery cells level somewhat.
I’m tempted to try this, but the way I’m driving nowadays, it will probably take me 2 or 3 weeks to run the battery from 90% to 40%. When I used to commute before the pandemic, it would have only taken 2 or 3 days.
100% charge to 5% x3 times, quickest to try this at a Supercharger. If this doesn’t reset your battery then for sure you need to set up a service call. At this rate you will be getting a new battery under warranty.

We usually never use the battery lower than 20%, probably only got down once under 10%. I just did one SuperCharge session while intentionally bring down the battery to 10%, but not seeing any change of the trend.
What % do you keep you car battery charged to?
How often do you supercharge ?
We usually charge to 70% by the morning when my wife start her 40miles(one way) commute. When she came back, it usually about 30%. Well, this is before the COVID and we are WFH for the past months and we typically only have one long trip per week, charge up to 80% some times 90% depends on where we going.

For SuperCharger, we only used about 600/1000 miles for the free supercharging credit. Probably about 5-6 times? usually just charge to around 70% or some time close to 80%, since it getting much slower after that.
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