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Wiki Model S Delivery Update

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The latest member of our family is P1312. It was a long labor and at times the delivery seemed painful, but its all good! Arrived today about 11:30am. We have put her to bed and she appears to be sleeping quietly.


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If there were SuperChargers in San Luis Obispo (and perhaps Santa Barbara), then 101 could also be used, as an alternate/additional route to LA. Some prefer 101. Some prefer taking 5 one way, and 101 the other way, makes it more interesting (and usually the way back isn't as time sensitive). Would take load off Harris Ranch (and also Tejon Ranch). BTW, especially for the my-first-Model-S-long-trip, 101 seems more attractive than 5. And with a SuperCharger in San Luis Obispo, one can also take the scenic route Hwy 1 between Gilroy and San Luis Obispo!

++++1, but I am biased!!
++++1, but I am biased!!

YOU are not biased--you live in SLO and charge at home. WE, going through, need the SuperCharger!

Earlier this week I drove my son's Model S (SSL 261--3500 miles already in 2 months!) from Santa Barbara to Hillsborough. SB to Salinas is 220 miles. I arrived with 6 miles left on the clock. Yes, a little range anxiety, but I knew I'd make it. An hour charge for safety sake, and off to Gilroy. Wow, the SuperCharger was impressive! 1/2 hour charge and I got a gazillion miles!

A SuperCharger in SLO would be perfect--eliminating that hour in Salinas and would make the stop in Gilroy unnecessary. SB to SLO is 110 miles. SLO to Hillsborough --200 miles. Easy one hop. Charge in SLO and have a bite, empty the tank (No, not the car!)

On the way home if you want to go to LA, another 100 miles beyond SB so a total of 210 from SLO to LA--one hop without even needing a charger in SB!

I returned to Santa Barbara in my Roadster today--1 hour charge in Salinas, 2 hours in Atascadero. What a pain. The Model S is a much refined car compared to the Roadster. But--do I want to trade my Roadster for one? No way--I love that Roadster!!
I have no doubt there will be a supercharger in or near SLO (wherever they can find a suitable spot). The only question is how soon.

As much as I love my Roadster, the 3 hours charging driving from Santa Barbara to Hillsborough is a pain. If there were a charger in SLO, I could juice up there and make it to my son's place, 200 miles even, with one stop of less than an hour.

So I am waiting for Tesla to put in that SuperCharger--and will wait to get my own Model S until it is installed! Lloyd has found the perfect spot, so Telsa, get a move on!

I bet there are many like me, waiting for the SuperCharger to become more of a reality before we buy the car. So it would be worth Tesla's while economically to keep moving on the SuperCharger project (in my humble opinion!)