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New Tesla APP 4.x. Released for iOS and Android

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Has anyone noticed that the max charge rate for the app version 4.1.1 and 4.2.0-693 is 1 amp less than the max? Maybe it’s just me, but charging at night, I checked the charge rate and it’s always charging at 47 amps (instead of my max at 48). I know it’s not much of a difference, but I have it set at 48 and wondered why it keeps dropping to 47.
I just got 4.2.0 app on iOS. It says Powerwall Time-Based Control supports multiple peaks. I could not configure more than one though. Gateway is on 2021.35.0.


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I just got 4.2.0 app on iOS. It says Powerwall Time-Based Control supports multiple peaks. I could not configure more than one though. Gateway is on 2021.35.0.

Tesla added instructions on their website on how to setup this new rate utility plan: Utility Rate Plans | Tesla Support.

I still don't see the 'Utility Rate Plan' under Settings on my app though. Probably this will be rolled out soon.
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I've had similar experience with Proton VPN. What I suspect is not that the app does not work with VPN, it does, but it cant negotiate or check login credentials while VPN is active.

For instance, with VPN on, the app wont login - it just times out. Once VPN is off, the Tesla app can login and continues to work even if VPN is turned back on. Once logged in, the Tesla app continues to work for a while with VPN on but after it either gets into deep sleep, or shutdown by phone memory management, and, upon awakening attempts to check login token/credentials, fails if VPN is on - it just shows timeout error without giving an option to re-login. But, once VPN is off, the Tesla app will force you to re-login again.
So, the solution: disable VPN before re/launching the Tesla app, once Tesla app is up, switch back to the VPN app to turn it on, then back to Tesla.

Annoying AF. Previous version always worked just fine with VPN. I'll revert back to v3 as v4 has 0 new functionality if this behavior will not be fixed in the next update
Same experience from my side with proton VPN, any solutions, other than the given work around found?
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Has anyone noticed that the max charge rate for the app version 4.1.1 and 4.2.0-693 is 1 amp less than the max? Maybe it’s just me, but charging at night, I checked the charge rate and it’s always charging at 47 amps (instead of my max at 48). I know it’s not much of a difference, but I have it set at 48 and wondered why it keeps dropping to 47.
I have the same experience with 4.2.0-693 on iOS. In my 2015 P85D with dual chargers, I'll park the car, connect an 80A HPWC and the dash will light up the correct 0/80A and waiting for the scheduled charge time. If I never open the app thereafter, it'll charge at 80A.

If I open the iOS app once, I'll see that the car is connected and will charge at an 80A rate. If I return to the app later, I will find the rate is capped at 32A and I am unable to increase the limit. If I get in the car to look, it'll read that it's actually waiting to charge at 31A, with no adjustment possible but down. I have to disconnect the port, reconnect and keep the app closed for it to go back to working at 80A.
I have not been able to find a way to turn on the electric windshield wiper heater (not the defroster). Has that been removed?
I did a couple of searches (for the words "defrost" and "defroster" and neither one had any hits in this thread, so it looks as if no one else has raised this issue, so perhaps I am just not seeing the control....
Is the charge rate bug cosmetic. I get a cosmetic issue setting the scheduled start time. After scrolling through the minutes to 12:30, a few seconds they revert to 12:00 - it seems to be cosmetic as car screen correctly shows 12:30 and likewise change as I scroll through different times. But this only occurs under certain conditions.

In addition, if I hit the charge port on the large iOS widget and the car has a charge cable plugged in, a few seconds after it opens the app it gives an error saying it was unable to close the charge port due to a cable plugged in. It would be more useful if it unlocked the charge port.
I have not been able to find a way to turn on the electric windshield wiper heater (not the defroster). Has that been removed?
I did a couple of searches (for the words "defrost" and "defroster" and neither one had any hits in this thread, so it looks as if no one else has raised this issue, so perhaps I am just not seeing the control....
Did they combine the functionality of the windshield wiper heater and the defroster into one button? i.e. the defroster button? Maybe turn on the defroster and see if the windshield wipers heat up as well?
New widgets. Don't have to open the app anymore to see my charging status.
It's nice to finally have widgets but even the small one is 3 'squares' wide so on my phone with 5 'squares' across, I can only put one widget per line. It would be nice if they could remove all the empty space around the widget so that it would actually only be two 'squares' wide. This would allow those with multiple vehicles to actually fit them on the screen.
Did they combine the functionality of the windshield wiper heater and the defroster into one button? i.e. the defroster button? Maybe turn on the defroster and see if the windshield wipers heat up as well?
Excellent thought! I ran a test this morning (it was chilly out but there was not actually any need for the defroster). The windshield heater did indeed come on. But so did the steering wheel heater, which frankly I had not thought of.
On the one hand, it is nice that the functions are not entirely gone. But on the other hand, I would prefer to have separate controls and do not see why they were removed. I particularly wish the steering wheel heater could be separately operated. Sometimes on cold days I like to preheat the steering wheel, but there is often no need for the defroster. Since the defroster sets the heater temp to "HI," that wastes a lot of energy if you do not really need defrosting. Plus I worry a bit about the steering wheel leather (and yes, mine is old so it is really leather) getting dried out from excessive heating. So, i would prefer to actuate defrosting only when needed and have a separate control for at least the steering wheel heater.
I hate it when Tesla removes a feature they formerly had!
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Is the charge rate bug cosmetic. I get a cosmetic issue setting the scheduled start time. After scrolling through the minutes to 12:30, a few seconds they revert to 12:00 - it seems to be cosmetic as car screen correctly shows 12:30 and likewise change as I scroll through different times. But this only occurs under certain conditions.

In addition, if I hit the charge port on the large iOS widget and the car has a charge cable plugged in, a few seconds after it opens the app it gives an error saying it was unable to close the charge port due to a cable plugged in. It would be more useful if it unlocked the charge port.
I have this issue on Android. It takes a couple tries but it eventually accepts the time I put in.