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PowerWall and "The Missing Piece..." Event

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Could it be load shifting using the car battery? ie. car to grid. It would only work where there were TOU rates that created arbitrage opportunities. Also your car would have to be wherever this was used.

No. Tesla is not pursuing V2G. Tesla is pursuing cheap batteries.

Stationary storage. I think (and really hope) Tesla will be sensible about pricing. So I think that either, as Robert suggested, they'll be able to use derated cells (like derated processors and memory) at lower cost, or at the very least use marginal pricing. At this point Tesla's most important market is the suppliers they need to invest in the Gigafactory, and to get them in, they need to build demand for the cells.
It was a separate tweet on a separate day that was not the 1st. Actually I think the Model W was not a tweet but an announcement of some sort.

I guess they probably took the W photos, wrote the blog entry and filmed the ticket avoidance feature before April 1 too, so it is not beyond all comprehension that Elon might send a warm-up tweet out before April 1 as a part of the joke.

We will have to wait until more info comes out to know for sure, however, I notice that someone from Vancouver pre-emptively registered the teslastorage.com domain on March 7 this year. Insider info, coincidence, or just normal domain squatting?
I'm sticking with my prediction of the Tesla Motorcycle. According to some sources, Elon has been looking at motorcycles and this would be a perfect fit into the product line. I think many Tesla owners would buy one to compliment their Model S or Roadster.

Well done going against the stream. But you do know it's been more or less officially confirmed that the announcement is about Tesla Stationary Storage products, that have been in beta mode for more than 1,5 years with over 100 Solar City customers?
Another Option (longshot) - Electric Motorcycle or e-Bike. From Yahoo Finance:

Weekly Tech Highlights: Tesla's Battery Tests Revealed, Apple Dominated Samsung And More - Yahoo Finance

If Not A Battery, Tesla Might Be Building A Motorcycle
Analysts think they have figured out what Tesla plans to announce this month. "He's been looking at motorcycles," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at Enderle Group, told Benzinga, referring to Tesla co-founder Elon Musk. "There's been a lot of people that have met with him [to discuss the matter]. Motorcycles would be a natural extension. They'd go right into the stores without any trouble at all."

Video: Steve Jurvetson - Keynote at TMC Connect 2014

See from 25:00-28:00. Brand entree into some markets.
April 30th Event Discussion and Prediction Thread

So if it is not a car (as per Elon's tweet) nor a stationary battery storage device (already presented bij JB), then what?
Could it be a Vehicle-to-Grid device, or even better, that combined with a Vehicle-to-Vehicle DC charging device?
Folks, it is stationary storage. This is not a theory. In the Q4 call they said it was coming. JB said it was coming in the vail talk.

And there will not be "and another thing". They throw giant hooplas for small things, they have zero history of bonusing-up announcements.

Remember, it is always the most boring possibility.

Also, prepare for it to just be storage for industrial/commercial. As much as I would love to buy a storage solution for myself it makes way more sense to address the industrial market first.
What I love about Tesla is how far they are moving us into the future making announcements that are always the "most boring possibility." But yeah I completely agree with AustinEV there is no reason to expect anything but a new version of their current stationary storage line. This version will be sold in higher volume, however.
austinEV, you're probably right. Still, "Tesla announces batteries for sale" is about as dull a headline as I can imagine!

re: motorbikes & Mr Enderle. Nope, not believing that.

If I had my dream "not a car" announcement it would be a truck something like the F150, which is somehow America's #1 vehicle. A lot of people like or need trucks, so that would get a percentage moving over to EV who currently can't. Doubt that's this announcement though. At best, coincidental with the 3.
Folks, it is stationary storage.

No doubt in my mind. Pacific Crest published a note saying they saw preparations for new storage product at Fremont:

With the company having telegraphed the announcement several times over the past few quarters, we expect the new product announcement on April 30 to be a residential storage product. We’d note that factory preparations for this part of the business were evident on our last visit to Fremont in mid-January, so the timing of this is not a surprise to us.

Tesla’s Rising Transparency A Good Sign: Pacific Crest - Stocks to Watch - Barrons.com

However, from what I read it will be also for consumers. I know Chowdry doesn´t have the best reputation here and some of the note reads a bit funny, but on the other hand I don´t think he made all the details up:

Tesla's New Product Secretly Tested By 330 Consumers - Tesla Motors, Inc. (NASDAQ:TSLA), Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) | Benzinga
Battery packs to store electricity cheaper during off-peak hours will not work.

Two reasons...
1. If enough people start using this system to store during current 'off-peak' hours, 'off-peak will no longer be considered 'off-peak'.
2. Take enough revenue from the electric companies and they will simply convert to a 'flat rate' system. Arguments by then to Public Utility Commissions will simply be "Power usage has shifted to hours previously 'off-peak' therefore no incentive is needed to be offered during that period".