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random chitchat

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I know the S & X themselves are fairly impressive on their own and I get more looks from women than men. But how do you get the ladies attention when you want to show off and get that testosterone fix like a gear head?

You can’t rev the engine
You can do a quick loud start with squealing tires

The car is always quiet. A fast launch, from the outside, is not that impressive. And that is if they are even looking. The car is so quiet a quick launch makes no noise.

Do we get out and show the trunks?
Do we try and use summons?

But you can’t really do any of those at a red light or on the road when the gear head in you really want to show off.

I believe you are looking at this from the wrong perspective.

With it's near-silent operation, your cat-calls and wolf-whistles are much less likely to be drown out by engine rumble, and therefore more appreciated(obviously) by the young ladies whom you wish to compliment in such a chivalrous manner.
It got my attention when it broke Consumer Reports rating system. Safety first! Oh, but then I found out about Ludicrous speed...

But why are you trying to get the attention of the ladies if you already have one?

Tbh, I love the fact that it doesn't get any attention, yet I know without a doubt that I am driving the best car on the road (along with all the other Tesla owners in my neck of the woods).
Well, for whatever it is worth, I have had women approach me at least twice in supermarket parking loots and ask me if my car is a Ferrari! I guess because it is a bright, sexy red they think it is Italian.

So there you are -- supermarket parking lots, parked, not even moving!
"Who me? Him? Me? Ok.. call me... "


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When one uses materialistic items in the pursuit of "attention" from the opposite sex it often doesn't work out as planned.

There was a time not so long ago where I had an unintentional one night stand (minus the sex) due in part by the Tesla. Within mere hours of meeting her online I met her IRL for dinner. Yeah, sometimes I'm a little fast on the throttle and I don't really vet the girls I meet.

Anyways, everything was going great during dinner and I was learning all about her obsession with environmentalism and biodiversity. She loved that I had a Tesla and that I was activity DOING something. I made sure I was clear that I mostly had it because of my obsession with technology, and it wasn't so much an environmental statement. Essentially the Tesla was a nice alignment of a lot of things I like (upgradability, sustainability, vision computing, alternative transportation).

After we got done eating I invited her over to my house. She didn't have a car though so I drove her. During the drive is really when I should have clued into her "anger". At first it started off with the usual comments about how smooth/quiet it was, but then she started expressing anger at semi's that was passed by (for polluting). It went beyond being funny, and into some other realm.

She wanted to get some wine, but then we somehow ended up getting some hard liquor. As an aside it was at this point I should have used my head and gotten wine. I'm not a big drinker, and I hardly ever drink. I'm also not around people who drink that often. All sorts of alarms should have gone off in my head.

Fast forward a bit to back at my house and she is drinking it straight, and not mixed like planned. She's all of 100 pounds so at that moment I knew exactly where it was going.

We tried watching a movie, but then she kept talking. At first it was "I was such a great guy" to "your guilty of everything white man has every done", and hitting me. I kept pushing her off, and then I went upstairs to get away from her.

Then she threw up right exactly in between two sections of my sectional couch. So I took the thing apart to clean it.

After that episode I made her sleep in the guestbedroom since I didn't want to be around her. I didn't want her anywhere near my car either.

The next day I had to work so I went into work until lunch and I took her home during my lunch break.

Things I didn't realize at the time

1.) She messed up the cables going to my TV. I had to redo the entire thing.
2.) There was a lot more mess that I didn't see the night before. I ended up getting a carpet cleaner for it
3.) She stole my Canon 6D camera and my really nice glass for it. I didn't notice this cause she left the camera bag exactly like it was.
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When one uses materialistic items in the pursuit of "attention" from the opposite sex it often doesn't work out as planned.

There was a time not so long ago...

Ohhhh man, that must have been one hell of a night! :biggrin: Especially sucks that she stole your camera though.

I've found that cars tend to attract men more than women, in general. Whether it was my old fart can muffler-equipped Civic, a top down convertible, or my Model S, it's usually dudes that start gawking or approach me. My girlfriend is far more interested in me rather than the type of car I drive!
I generally go the Putin route and just drive my S shirtless, letting the rippling pecs and biceps speak for themselves.

But seriously, if you want to attract high school and early twenties guys, a car might do it. Most ladies are into other things, like devotion, intelligence, romance, and other junk. Or so my wife tells me. :)
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