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So SilkySmooth never happened now waithing on SomethingSpecial

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MS LR Blk/Blk 19”
May 1, 2015
Gainesville GA
So we all waited anxiously for Elon's "SilkySmooth" firmware update in a couple of days no more than next week. That was months ago and never happened. According to the last Q update Elon said the version of EAP he is using is "SomethingSpecial " Well we deserve a bit of that SomethingSpecial.

I have often scoffed at those that posted "My car almost killed me"..."My car slammed on the brakes"...yadda yadda yadda.

Carry forward to this morning: My wife routinely takes our S100D to a very early class were she leaves the house at 5:00am for a ~65 mile roundtrip and returns home in time for me to take it and drop the kids off at school and start my daily commute of ~95 miles. She take the Tesla ONLY because I encourage her to for its safety 1st and economy 2nd. She has stated many times that she refuses to use EAP because it is, in her words, a little scary the way it drives. She does use TACC regularly and usually likes the way it seems to behave. On her commute she travels almost 20 miles each way on GA 400. The last week there have been several bad accidents on this stretch including fatalities. The Forsyth Sheriff's department publicly said that they would be heavily enforcing this stretch of roads because of the increased accidents and as you can guess everyone is hyperaware of paying attention and driving safely.

This morning when approaching a bridge overpass traveling at 65mph the car very quickly decelerated to 45mph, throwing everything in the passenger seat into the floorboard BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY causing everyone behind her to start braking hard and almost caused a major accident. My wife would not have been part of it but our car would have been the cause of it. She was visibly shaken when she arrived home thinking of what she, our car, almost caused to happen. After us just having a discussion of how sad it was for a family to have lost their husband / father just 5 days ago in almost the same place.

My point in this post is to offer a bit of acknowledgement to those that have had similar experiences and say "I hear'ya" AND to ask publicly WHERE IS OUR SS. Either SilkySmooth from months ago or our SomethingSpecial mentioned over 2 weeks ago. As much as I HATE to say it, Tesla either needs to turn off TACC and EAP until they have something safer or put out an update to make it an order of magnitude safer. I pay great attention to my car and the road when using EAP and TACC and my wife is a really good driver and uses TACC only and as an added safety feature. I told her I keep my foot on the go pedal ready to push it when it does that and her response back was WTF kind of safety feature is that!!! I can't argue that response. We are becoming more and more disenchanted with the software portions of the safety features of our HW2 S100D and she is now said she won't use TACC any more either.

We have sent an expedited message through the "my Tesla" portal but if it is like others we have sent and said verbally to the folks at our Service Center.....I won't hold my breath.
Indeed! Most of us (AP2) have experienced this sudden slow down and/or lane departure when on AP. Its getting very tiring to always have to watch like a hawk and override brake/accelerator/steering when driving along in normal traffic/roads and the AP suddenly gets a wild hare in its 'brain' and does something dumb and dangerous.
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Indeed! Most of us (AP2) have experienced this sudden slow down and/or lane departure when on AP. Its getting very tiring to always have to watch like a hawk and override brake/accelerator/steering when driving along in normal traffic/roads and the AP suddenly gets a wild hare in its 'brain' and does something dumb and dangerous.

While I admit my AP2 is a long way from perfect or FSD, this statement bothers me. It has been made very clear, both by Tesla in many ways, as well as through our experience on this forum, and your own personal experience, that EAP is not FSD and requires the driver to maintain focus so people don't die. "Be ready to take over any time" It's very clear. And being ready to take over requires watching things carefully. Accidents happen VERY quickly. If you've ever been in one you'll really know that it only takes a split second. So please PLEASE watch it like a hawk so that you don't kill yourself, your family or others.
While I admit my AP2 is a long way from perfect or FSD, this statement bothers me. It has been made very clear, both by Tesla in many ways, as well as through our experience on this forum, and your own personal experience, that EAP is not FSD and requires the driver to maintain focus so people don't die. "Be ready to take over any time" It's very clear. And being ready to take over requires watching things carefully. Accidents happen VERY quickly. If you've ever been in one you'll really know that it only takes a split second. So please PLEASE watch it like a hawk so that you don't kill yourself, your family or others.

I have to agree AND disagree with this. Agree vigilance is always required, regardless of what you are driving, however, out of the blue rapid deceleration for no clear reason is Not Acceptable. This has been a problem on AP2, mine included, since day one. While it has gotten much better with each release, when the road ahead is wide open and the car slams on the brakes, for what, invisible hazards? Sorry, there is nothing to watch like a hawk in this case. It's very real, and still happens, although now not as severe as it used to be.

I too drive with my foot hovering over the go pedal, just in case.

If it's never happened to you, count your blessings.
While I admit my AP2 is a long way from perfect or FSD, this statement bothers me. It has been made very clear, both by Tesla in many ways, as well as through our experience on this forum, and your own personal experience, that EAP is not FSD and requires the driver to maintain focus so people don't die. "Be ready to take over any time" It's very clear. And being ready to take over requires watching things carefully. Accidents happen VERY quickly. If you've ever been in one you'll really know that it only takes a split second. So please PLEASE watch it like a hawk so that you don't kill yourself, your family or others.

Wait a sec. Why would I use EAP if I need to watch it like a hawk? I am vigilant when I'm driving myself but what's the point of a driver aid that needs you to be more vigilant?
Wait a sec. Why would I use EAP if I need to watch it like a hawk? I am vigilant when I'm driving myself but what's the point of a driver aid that needs you to be more vigilant?
+1 to this. We have a Classic MS so no driver aids of any kind. But honestly, I think driving myself is less stressful than constantly being on edge waiting for the car to do the wrong thing. When driving myself I only have to worry about everyone else doing something stupid, not everyone else AND my own car doing something stupid.
Yep. Happened to me dozens of small times and a couple of big times. Most bridges cause at least a little blip of slowdown and a couple of times it has been serious.

I tense when using TACC with bridges and use AP only to test it by myself after it tried to follow a dark line on the road to an adjacent concrete wall instead of following the straight roadmarking lines ahead...
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While it has gotten much better with each release, when the road ahead is wide open and the car slams on the brakes, for what, invisible hazards? Sorry, there is nothing to watch like a hawk in this case. It's very real, and still happens, although now not as severe as it used to be.

Sad as it is, but it is probably braking for decapitating truck trailers based on radar.
Yeah, I just don't use EAP or TACC anymore except for brief periods. Even plain old cruise would be better than TACC that does stuff totally by surprise.
Letting AP2 EAP drive is a lot like teaching a teenager to drive as they make noob mistakes.... except you are at least seated in the drivers position and don't have to reach so far to grab the wheel.....
It is getting very tiring of constitently having to be leery of overpasses or overhead signs. I understand keep hand on wheel for EAP but literally every car manufacturer in the world including tesla on ap1 had or has tacc function that doesn't try to get you in car accidents. I'm in the same boat with my wife not wajtijg to ever use eap or tacc because of this very reason.

If I have passangers in the car I pretty much don't use it, seems like stuff that should have been fixed in 2013/2014 even after starting over from the divorce from Mobileye. I love my car but time frame for eap and fsd leaves a bit to be desired.
I'm sorry for you guys. Don't understand why after so much time AP2 is still hit and miss. How can Tesla even speak of FSD when they can't keep a decent upgrade valid for longer than a week or so before it's replaced by a downgrade?
I will not pretend to be a software engineer, but the way AP just crosses crossing into upcome traffic is beyond me. The first few lines of code should prevent that from happening, surely? I don't own a Tesla but have seen enough videos. Ignoring the AP>AP2 issues, from the outside it'ss just clear that the self driving capability is diminishing. What about that fleet machine learning? I'm sure that a road where 100's of Tesla's crossed NOT crossing a line, NOT freaking out, still tricks the next AP2 car to cross over and/or freak out.
We read on here all the time how Tesla is in the lead, but I see other brands doing better, demo'ing better autonomy than that one little demo Tesla put out.
Is Autopilot even worth the money at this point?
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I'm sorry for you guys. Don't understand why after so much time AP2 is still hit and miss. How can Tesla even speak of FSD when they can't keep a decent upgrade valid for longer than a week or so before it's replaced by a downgrade?
I will not pretend to be a software engineer, but the way AP just crosses crossing into upcome traffic is beyond me. The first few lines of code should prevent that from happening, surely? I don't own a Tesla but have seen enough videos. Ignoring the AP>AP2 issues, from the outside it'ss just clear that the self driving capability is diminishing. What about that fleet machine learning? I'm sure that a road where 100's of Tesla's crossed NOT crossing a line, NOT freaking out, still tricks the next AP2 car to cross over and/or freak out.
We read on here all the time how Tesla is in the lead, but I see other brands doing better, demo'ing better autonomy than that one little demo Tesla put out.
Is Autopilot even worth the money at this point?

Forget the AP stuff, let's just look at TACC. On my Audi, it's TACC equivalent has been 100% flawless in the 13 months I've owned it. Zero occasions where it has randomly decelerated, or failed to see a car in front of it. On the flip side, my AP2 has had issues with both; it randomly decelerates on the freeway, and has almost rear ended cars in front of me (didn't slow down at all when approaching). At this point i do not trust it at all. I'll engage it when I'm alone on a road to see if it's getting better, but it's a stress inducer instead of a stress reliever when i'm in any sort of traffic.

So to answer your question, no, it's not worth the money.
I don't think that anyone expected EAP to be perfect the day it was released, but the slow pace of improvement certainly is cause for concern. Tesla developers are working on 3 versions of AP (including the model 3) so you have to wonder if resources are spread a little thin. My big worry is that model 3 owners have had their expectations set pretty high and are not likely to be as tolerant as use early adopter types.
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What a perfect thread for me to vent my AP2.0 issues as of late. This coming from a Tesla self-professed fanboy and investor, I don't usually speak negatively of anything Tesla, but latest AP has impressed me and scared me since Silky Smooth.

First the good:

Overall on LA freeways and recent trip to Vegas (mostly long straightaways) it really does well as long as I'm in a well marked lane with no false lines (sometimes there are striations in the middle of the freeway lanes that AP2.0 mistakes for the edge of the lane).

In stop and go traffic it's been pretty decent, including city streets.

One last good review before the bad- I've recently done two trips up a windy single lane road to Mt Baldy and wow did it perform amazingly well, even on some really tight bends.

Now the bad-

Twice in the past two weeks I was cruising on the freeway in a well marked lane doing about 75mph, nobody around me, when suddenly for no good reason that I could ascertain, the AP2.0 did a violent hardover to the left. It was so bad that had I not had my hand on the wheel I'm pretty sure in one case I would have hit the center barricade, and the other I would have been in the other lane in an instant. Wow they made me frustrated!

Lately I've done a lot of driving on the 105 (the freeway that goes right past the Tesla design studio and SpaceX, so no doubt Tesla management and Elon have driven this stretch numerous times on AP) and had the worst experience while in the carpool (HOV) lane. Anytime the lane markings widen for the carpool entry/exit, the car aggressively seeks the center of the new wider lane, and sometimes overcorrects, essentially making a wild ride of hard left and right corrections. I've had so many manual disconnects I don't bother using AP in the carpool lane on the 105 now.

And this morning I was driving on the 60 East of LA, and there are those striations I alluded to earlier, and i could tell by looking at the IC lane representation that the AP thought the striations were lane edges, so the car wanted to sit on the far left edge of the lane. I must of kicked off AP with torque override maybe 25 times and left a frustrated voice "note". Ugh!!

Ok, sorry for the long venting post but seemed apropos when I came across this thread. And I agree with the OP, getting tired of this nonsense.