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Supercharger - Enfield, NS

As per the title

  • HWY 2 location just off the 102 (Irving Big Stop)

    Votes: 21 72.4%
  • Bell Blvd location at the airport (simply Irving)

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • Somewhere else in Nova Scotia

    Votes: 3 10.3%
  • Somewhere in Canada

    Votes: 4 13.8%

  • Total voters
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so I'm confident we are approaching 60 Tesla's on the east coast, best case scenario maybe 100 by the end of 2018 if AWD Model 3's start rolling out here??? Still minuscule numbers compared to Ontario and Quebec.

I have vaguely considered buying my Model 3 reservation and "selling" it to my mother in Moncton (i.e. lending it to her if she pays the monthly loan payment).
Electric Vehicle Sales In Canada, 2017 according to FleetCarma, 34 Model S's and 3 model X's have been sold in NS, 7 Model S's and 2 Model X's In NB, 2 Model S's in PEI and 1 Model S and 2 Model X's in NL from 2011 to end of 2017.

Intriguing. I am surprised to hear there are ~37 Teslas in NS. That's way lower than my (artificially low) estimate of GTA ownership rates (which, of course, is the only important thing--I love being right), but still surprisingly high. None of my family ever tell me they saw one on the road, while my friends and acquaintances in Toronto told me all the time when I first got mine.

Anyway, I'm impressed that many bluenosers have bought.
Intriguing. I am surprised to hear there are ~37 Teslas in NS. That's way lower than my (artificially low) estimate of GTA ownership rates (which, of course, is the only important thing--I love being right), but still surprisingly high. None of my family ever tell me they saw one on the road, while my friends and acquaintances in Toronto told me all the time when I first got mine.

Anyway, I'm impressed that many bluenosers have bought.

I agree and thought the numbers were high too. Hopefully they all come out of the woodwork once we have a Supercharger in Enfield :)
Intriguing. I am surprised to hear there are ~37 Teslas in NS. That's way lower than my (artificially low) estimate of GTA ownership rates (which, of course, is the only important thing--I love being right), but still surprisingly high. None of my family ever tell me they saw one on the road, while my friends and acquaintances in Toronto told me all the time when I first got mine.

Anyway, I'm impressed that many bluenosers have bought.
i know the Model X numbers for NS are a little low. There were three in province last year (mine was #2, and #3 was on the same truck), and I know that at least two more X’s were delivered within the last month. A Model 3 owner I met has confirmed 5 Model 3s already, and more coming. There’s probably more Tesla’s here than we realize, although it’s hard to get exact numbers.


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I just got back from a week in Moncton, and was there a few weeks before that. (I flew both times, sadly.)

After the flood of Model 3s arriving recently in Toronto (I saw 10 on the roads in a week!), and the general ubiquity of Model S and Xs in Toronto, it is... discouraging to say the least to visit a place like Moncton where electric cars are very rare. I didn't see a Tesla even once during the times I was there. I'm not sure I've ever seen a local Tesla in Moncton.

I know there are a few owners in the Maritimes, but either through lack of education, lack of supercharging, or lack of wealth, I think it will be a long time before we see significant Tesla ownership in the Maritimes.

The GTA has about 5.5 million people. There was reportedly a shipment of 1,000 Model 3s alone in the past few months to the GTA. Let's be conservative and say there are only 1,000 Teslas of all varieties in the GTA (even though I'd wager there are probably 2x that amount of all Tesla models in the GTA, if there are 1,000 Model 3s). That's 1 Tesla per 5,500 people.

There are about 1.8 million people in the Maritimes (not the Atlantic provinces--we'll leave NFLD out of this for geographic reasons).

If there were 1 Tesla for every 5,500 people in the Maritimes, there would be 327 Tesla owners there. I don't think you could drive around Halifax or Moncton without seeing some of them, if that was the ownership rate.

I think I saw one (other than me) in Halifax once but it was not local. I know there are a few owners south of Halifax. Someone posts here with a username Moncton S85 so...

But Presumably the HRM, with a population of about 415,000, should have 75 Teslas if it were tracking GTA ownership rates. Moncton, with a population of about 70,000 should have 12 or 13.

Could Moncton have 12 or 13 Tesla owners and I just missed them all being there for weeks at a time? Maybe.

Could Halifax have 75 Tesla owners and I've never seen a local one there? Less likely.

This is all just a very long winded prologue to me pointing out that, sadly, I think that the superchargers planned in the Maritimes are for:

1. enabling visitors to the Maritimes

2. PR (so Tesla can say they have electrified another country, coast to coast, and can ease potential buyers' range anxiety by removing another limit to where they can vacation, whether they ever plan to go there or not) and

3. encouraging people in the Maritimes to buy Teslas

in that order.

If Tesla was basing supercharger build decisions on potential sales in the Maritimes, I predict we would not see superchargers there in any predictable time frame.

I think we will never see local charging at the chargers planned in the Enfield area.

I think the chance of more than 3 or 4 people--even travellers--hitting these charges simultaneously is quite low and will likely only happen occasionally.

I doubt 8 chargers are needed.
BREAKING NEWS! There are more Teslas per capita in Toronto than in the Maritimes.
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I flew out of the Halifax airport yesterday and checked out the location of the permit for the supercharger while there. It's located at the large gas station. There's no signs of construction yet, but tons of space is available in the large lot around the location.

On a side note, I drive 3,000 KM around Nova Scotia and saw ONE Tesla the entire time. It was an X with PEI plates. Another side note, I did not see any other electric cars in the entire province. It's quite the EV desert there.
I flew out of the Halifax airport yesterday and checked out the location of the permit for the supercharger while there. It's located at the large gas station. There's no signs of construction yet, but tons of space is available in the large lot around the location.

On a side note, I drive 3,000 KM around Nova Scotia and saw ONE Tesla the entire time. It was an X with PEI plates. Another side note, I did not see any other electric cars in the entire province. It's quite the EV desert there.
That honestly baffles me, of the two sites the airport is definitely smaller.
You didn’t see me buzzing around? Dangit, I drive my X all over the place. The first and second place finishers in NS Powers little contest to visit all 12 DCFC locations were both black Teslas (3 in first, my X in second :p)
That honestly baffles me, of the two sites the airport is definitely smaller.
You didn’t see me buzzing around? Dangit, I drive my X all over the place. The first and second place finishers in NS Powers little contest to visit all 12 DCFC locations were both black Teslas (3 in first, my X in second :p)

Once we have a Supercharger in Enfield (wherever they decide to put one in Enfield) we really need to have a get together for local owners.
Once we have a Supercharger in Enfield (wherever they decide to put one in Enfield) we really need to have a get together for local owners.
I’m kinda thinking about trying to setup a cruz from Bedford to the SC once it’s confirmed operational. Maybe make it a weekend kinda thing. Still trying to sort it out in my head, though I’m open to ideas.
I’m kinda thinking about trying to setup a cruz from Bedford to the SC once it’s confirmed operational. Maybe make it a weekend kinda thing. Still trying to sort it out in my head, though I’m open to ideas.

I'm down for anything and that sounds like a great idea. My workplace in Bedford is not a bad place to meet/start. Right off the 102 and the parking lot is empty on weekends and there are a dozen Level 2 chargers (and soon to be more) I'm not sure everyone knows about.

15 Western Parkway (old BlackBerry building)

I’m kinda thinking about trying to setup a cruz from Bedford to the SC once it’s confirmed operational. Maybe make it a weekend kinda thing. Still trying to sort it out in my head, though I’m open to ideas.

I'm down for anything and that sounds like a great idea. My workplace in Bedford is not a bad place to meet/start. Right off the 102 and the parking lot is empty on weekends and there are a dozen Level 2 chargers (and soon to be more) I'm not sure everyone knows about.

15 Western Parkway (old BlackBerry building)

View attachment 316331
I'm down for anything and that sounds like a great idea. My workplace in Bedford is not a bad place to meet/start. Right off the 102 and the parking lot is empty on weekends and there are a dozen Level 2 chargers (and soon to be more) I'm not sure everyone knows about.

15 Western Parkway (old BlackBerry building)

View attachment 316331
I was thinking the Sunnyside mall parking lot, but that could work too.
Oh! I wonder if the Subway could do a party sub if we let them know ahead of time. A bbq would be fun, but I don’t think we could get one setup in the parking lot.
I was thinking the Sunnyside mall parking lot, but that could work too.
Oh! I wonder if the Subway could do a party sub if we let them know ahead of time. A bbq would be fun, but I don’t think we could get one setup in the parking lot.

I like your thinking (food) and starting/ending where there is more foot traffic so more people can see, ask questions and learn about EV's. We need to show off these babies!
I like your thinking (food) and starting/ending where there is more foot traffic so more people can see, ask questions and learn about EV's. We need to show off these babies!
Hmmm.........how does this sound:
Start at your workplace so people can top up their charge if they need to. Go to the Enfield SC and whoever wants to charge there can do so (and maybe pickup a party sub). Stay there for a bit, then head down to Sunnyside mall and occupy a part of their parking lot for sandwich’s, drinks (no beer) and public questions.
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Hmmm.........how does this sound:
Start at your workplace so people can top up their charge if they need to. Go to the Enfield SC and whoever wants to charge there can do so (and maybe pickup a party sub). Stay there for a bit, then head down to Sunnyside mall and occupy a part of their parking lot for sandwich’s, drinks (no beer) and public questions.
I'd be game with my Model 3!