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Wiki Superchargers Visited

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More Info: Supercharging.Life database

This is a friendly contest for Tesla owners to track the number of unique public Superchargers where they have charged

- "Supercharger count" is the number of unique public Superchargers where you have charged (just being there does not count), whether or not you were the person plugging in the vehicle (such as a Valet Parking garage or a Passenger) and whether or not it was your own personal vehicle (such as a rental, a loaner, or a friend's Tesla) as long as you were the one who drove >50% of the distance to reach the charger(s).
- The list of chargers in the supercharging.life database are the ones included in the game. If you think one should be added or removed from the list, let us know.
- Only chargers available to the public without special permission are included in the game.
- Chargers not connected to the grid are not counted.
- Doublet locations like the North/South Supercharger 'pairs' in CT, ME, NH, etc. count as individual locations.
- More than 1 charger at the same address, such as Lenox Square Mall (Atlanta, GA) or Montgomery Mall (Bethesda, MD) count as individual locations when they appear as a separate location on the Tesla Nav screen.
- Inactive competitors will be archived and removed from the leaderboard. Just post an update to be reactivated.

See Supercharging.Life database for info on how to post your own visits to the database (preferred), or post your locations with date visited to this thread and one of the admins will update your list for you. All visits must be posted to this thread - not just entered in supercharging.life. If you are the first in the game to visit a supercharger location, please post to the thread as soon as you can so others know it has been visited.
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"Ipv 359km zoals aangeduid, hebben we in slechte omstandigheden bij regen en temperaturen tussen 5° en 9°C 430km gereden. En nóg 15 rated km over."

They started with 359 rated km, drove 430km and arrived with 15 rated km to spare.

At the start, the nav said they would arrive with -34% battery :eek: And I thought I was ballsy for attempting a couple legs where it said I would arrive with -5% and got the "Charging needed to reach destination" warning.
<snip> I have added the Mexican Superchargers to the Google Sheet, but only displayed them on Darren's map, since he added one.<snip>

Thanks again. For the Mexican superchargers, I only added "Ramos Arizpe, Coahuila" as the only viable location to visit based on a discussion back in April, https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/posts/2671176.

All the others are in the sort of "we don't advise traveling to this area" section so I didn't include them as possibilities.

So if you wanted to only list 1 of the Mexican locations for now it would probably be just fine since we've been advised to not even travel to some of the other locations thus they shouldn't be included (like the Mott St, NYC location for Leases only and other constraints).
Of course the Mexican ones should be included. They will be linked together soon enough and the Ramos Arizpe to Aguascalientes leg is actually possible under the right conditions with a hypermiling S100D. Just because one or all of us may not feel comfortable attempting such a trip doesn't mean that others couldn't. If I had a lot of experience traveling in Mexico and/or spoke fluent Spanish, I might feel comfortable making the trip myself so I'm sure there are people like that out there.
@PLUS EV, @Bighorn, @Darren, @NKYTA, @tes-s
I have brought the Google Sheet and maps up to date as of yesterday 6/10/2018
I have added tes-s to the second map at his request (he did his data entry)
I have added the Mexican Superchargers to the Google Sheet, but only displayed them on Darren's map, since he added one.

Here are the links:

Supercharger Locations

Visited Superchargers Plus EV version - Google My Maps

Visited Superchargers - Darren S & tes-s - Google My Maps

Can you let us know how to do our own map like that? I'd love to edit my own. I tried a little but really have no clue where to start.
<snip> Tesla’s Mexico SC guy made the drive from CA without any drama.

Meaning he is from Mexico or is he from CA and just supports the locations down there? Originating in / from Mexico and traveling into / out of Mexico are two very different scenarios.

Also, being somewhat familiar with the language is naturally a huge advantage. I know about 12 words that I could use down there and since I wasn't looking for the Airport or a beer or water or a bathroom that left me with very little useful skills. It was all part of the adventure and challenge of hitting that supercharger though.

I'm all for joining a caravan of others to venture to some of the other chargers.

I DID fail to remember until I got back to Texas that the Stabilus factory who supplies the trunk shocks / struts was just 15 km down the road from the supercharger and I wanted to get a pic of the car in front of their sign / factory.



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Of course the Mexican ones should be included. They will be linked together soon enough and the Ramos Arizpe to Aguascalientes leg is actually possible under the right conditions with a hypermiling S100D. Just because one or all of us may not feel comfortable attempting such a trip doesn't mean that others couldn't. If I had a lot of experience traveling in Mexico and/or spoke fluent Spanish, I might feel comfortable making the trip myself so I'm sure there are people like that out there.

So now all I need is to hit all the rest of the US and CAN ones that I'm missing and I'll be "1 louder" than you (until you hit Mexico as well). :) Game on.
The guy who drove down to the Mexican chargers is a Tesla employee from Mountain View I think. I imagine given that it's his territory that he's a Spanish speaker.

Gotcha (that is one heckuva big territory then). He was probably given an expense account and set up with hotels and meals and could enjoy the travel. I was trying to cover 175 miles there in 105 F temps and 3,600 ft elevation gain, then charge fully which took 1-3/4 hrs, and cover the 190 miles back out before nightfall.

I chose to charge fully in Laredo which took 2-1/3 hrs to give me 260 miles as I did NOT want to come up short of the charger and be in the middle of the desert. I didn't end up leaving Laredo until 12:00 pm but I started that day in Ozona so I was a little behind but that just added to the adventure as well.

If someone sets me up with a hotel with a charger a few hours south of the charger (midway to the next one) and it would have been an epic trip for sure but making the solo trek to the northern one was a good enough stab for me for now.
Can you let us know how to do our own map like that? I'd love to edit my own. I tried a little but really have no clue where to start.
I think I remember doing a summary. I'm not sure if I posted it on this thread or the other supercharger one. Suppose you can find it if you just page back through the posts. Probably more than a year ago.