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Texas Hold Up!

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I configured on 1/18, no VIN yet (Owner, San Antonio). I was looking at the sheet last night and noticed that TX was glaringly missing any VINs, so I was wondering if something was amiss. It's good to hear someone was told that it looked good for the 4 week thing, though... that's heartening!

And did I misread the spreadsheet, or are we (TX) the second in terms of volume of reservation holders on that spreadsheet? If we're second in volume and have literally zero VINs, much less deliveries, I'm feeling neglected :D But then again, I'm being defeated by Google, so I may have done some filter/sort thing wrong, or maybe there's a selection bias in who fills out the spreadsheet or something...

I would honestly be shocked if anyone saw 5-6 Model 3s anywhere outside CA... there's just not that dense yet! Maybe the same one 5-6 times if they live or work close to 1 of the 10 likely owners in Austin (ask them if all the Model 3s they've seen are the same color :D )...
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I configured on 1/18, no VIN yet (Owner, San Antonio). I was looking at the sheet last night and noticed that TX was glaringly missing any VINs, so I was wondering if something was amiss. It's good to hear someone was told that it looked good for the 4 week thing, though... that's heartening!

And did I misread the spreadsheet, or are we (TX) the second in terms of volume of reservation holders on that spreadsheet? If we're second in volume and have literally zero VINs, much less deliveries, I'm feeling neglected :D But then again, I'm being defeated by Google, so I may have done some filter/sort thing wrong, or maybe there's a selection bias in who fills out the spreadsheet or something...

I would honestly be shocked if anyone saw 5-6 Model 3s anywhere outside CA... there's just not that dense yet! Maybe the same one 5-6 times if they live or work close to 1 of the 10 likely owners in Austin (ask them if all the Model 3s they've seen are the same color :D )...
Already asked. Allegedly, they were different colors/configs. In the update email that many received tonight, Tesla specifically mentioned deliveries in 20 states. I wonder if that includes Texas. I'm going to call my ISA tomorrow and see if I can get a straight answer about the "Texas issue".
Non-employees have only reported deliveries in 21 states in the spreadsheet, so this is inline with Tesla's statement.
That's what I was thinking, but it doesn't jive with the assertion by some that they have taken delivery, or talked to someone who has taken delivery or talked to Tesla service center employees who claims they have delivered multiple of them. Something is not adding up.
With the screaming fans, pitchforks, and torches of the a lot of non-owners reservations being pushed back, I am wondering what impact that may have on overall delays in general.

I was curious and went back to the reservation page even though I configured, and it now says "design now delivery in 3-6 weeks"...not the previous 4 week timeframe.

I have a concern we are going to miss the 4 week timeframe by a wide margin in our case and I sold my S way too early and we are suffering with 1 car as a family. :(
Really concerned we are in this hodge podge mess of the current reservations being delayed and seeing the time frame extended from 4 weeks to 3-6 weeks makes me think Late March or even April having configured on 1/25. :(

Trying to stay positive I really am. Hard to tell, I know. lol
Has anyone tried to ask Tesla directly about why deliveries are obviously being avoided in Texas? Or at least try to draw larger attention to it than just this forum?

I know the question has been asked about deliveries in Texas at the centers, but they sound like they are referencing employee deliveries/non-open existing owner invites.

The discussion about no-sale states is plausible.
If anyone thinks it’s because of the California delivery due to Texas laws, please contact the preliminary candidates in your area and ask their view on the Texas auto dealer laws. Now is the time to make a difference. At the general elections it’s too late. (Ok, probably too late now too... but it’s really the only chance).
Has anyone tried to ask Tesla directly about why deliveries are obviously being avoided in Texas? Or at least try to draw larger attention to it than just this forum?

I know the question has been asked about deliveries in Texas at the centers, but they sound like they are referencing employee deliveries/non-open existing owner invites.

The discussion about no-sale states is plausible.
I asked my ISA last week and he claimed location had nothing to do with it.
First, is it true?

There have been no reported non-employee delivery to the spreadsheet. Has any one here from Texas not an employee or family member received their invites?

Secondly, does any one here knows why?
First, is it true?

There have been no reported non-employee delivery to the spreadsheet. Has any one here from Texas not an employee or family member received their invites?

Secondly, does any one here knows why?


My brother (jimmie_d) stood in line in California and ordered my Tesla 3. He is a model S owner. He had it delivered to Texas and we picked it up at the Tesla service center. It was a bit confusing when we wanted it delivered here - at first they said they would deliver it to my house and then said the service center. When we picked it up on 1/18 they said 12 other Tesla’s had been delivered to Austin in total but I don’t know if they were for employees or non employees and when each one was delivered - I am sure some have been in 2017. So there are 13 model 3’s with mine in Austin unless the other 12 drove out of Austin!


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Yes, non-employee Texans have received invites to configure. No need for conspiracy theories. There is no reason that Model 3 deliveries will be handled any differently than Model S and X deliveries which happen every day in Texas.