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Active Member
Aug 26, 2017
Tea Gardens
I got 48.35.5 yesterday and had a couple of longish drives today.
Most of the update seems to have been about games: am I the only one who fondly imagined I was buying transport, not some sort of games box?. Anyway...
It may be my imagination but I think they have slightly increased the size of the speed and limit icons? It certainly appeared so and I didn't find myself squinting and leaning forward to read them.
Lane changes in auto are still too aggressive (Model S) - it's all very well for the driver, who is - or should be - aware of what's going to happen, but very scary for a passenger who suddenly finds the car taking a dive for another lane. Perhaps the beta version will address this, unless games have a higher priority....
Phantom braking is much the same - in 120Km I had two quite severe ones and several slowdowns - none for any obvious reason.
One particularly annoying thing is the way the car perhaps 30% of the time refuses to change lanes when the blinker is operated. I could see drivers in the rear view mirror getting quite agitated when I had to indicate left to get out of the passing lane three or four times before the car obeyed - and VERY agitated when it got halfway through the lane change and suddenly decided to swerve back into the right hand lane.
Very interesting. I've had no phantom braking in a long time, and like the lane change speed. Unfortunately you can never please everyone unless you make it configurable. It also changes lanes fine for me when I indicate. Perhaps you need to recalibrate your cameras? You can do that these days from the service menu. Won't hurt to try, you'll just miss autopilot for about 20km.
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I got 48.35.5 yesterday and had a couple of longish drives today.
Most of the update seems to have been about games: am I the only one who fondly imagined I was buying transport, not some sort of games box?. Anyway...
It may be my imagination but I think they have slightly increased the size of the speed and limit icons? It certainly appeared so and I didn't find myself squinting and leaning forward to read them.
Lane changes in auto are still too aggressive (Model S) - it's all very well for the driver, who is - or should be - aware of what's going to happen, but very scary for a passenger who suddenly finds the car taking a dive for another lane. Perhaps the beta version will address this, unless games have a higher priority....
Phantom braking is much the same - in 120Km I had two quite severe ones and several slowdowns - none for any obvious reason.
One particularly annoying thing is the way the car perhaps 30% of the time refuses to change lanes when the blinker is operated. I could see drivers in the rear view mirror getting quite agitated when I had to indicate left to get out of the passing lane three or four times before the car obeyed - and VERY agitated when it got halfway through the lane change and suddenly decided to swerve back into the right hand lane.
The speedometer cluster is now more than double the hideously small version introduced recently. I can now see what speed I’m doing.
Very interesting. I've had no phantom braking in a long time, and like the lane change speed. Unfortunately you can never please everyone unless you make it configurable. It also changes lanes fine for me when I indicate. Perhaps you need to recalibrate your cameras? You can do that these days from the service menu. Won't hurt to try, you'll just miss autopilot for about 20km.
With the AI / machine learning shouldn’t the car learn how long you like to take to change lanes?
>>Very interesting. I've had no phantom braking in a long time, and like the lane change speed. Unfortunately you can never please everyone unless you make it configurable. It also changes lanes fine for me when I indicate. Perhaps you need to recalibrate your cameras? You can do that these days from the service menu. Won't hurt to try, you'll just miss autopilot for about 20km. <<

Phantom braking is a bug, period.
Making anything configurable is no answer for a bug like that - it's not a video game but a whole bundle of momentum we're playing with.
From my own experience and that of others it's not one thing that makes it happen. It always happens in two places for me on the Pacific highway North of Raymond Terrace, for example - whether or not there's any traffic around.
>>Very interesting. I've had no phantom braking in a long time, and like the lane change speed. Unfortunately you can never please everyone unless you make it configurable. It also changes lanes fine for me when I indicate. Perhaps you need to recalibrate your cameras? You can do that these days from the service menu. Won't hurt to try, you'll just miss autopilot for about 20km. <<

Phantom braking is a bug, period.
Making anything configurable is no answer for a bug like that - it's not a video game but a whole bundle of momentum we're playing with.
From my own experience and that of others it's not one thing that makes it happen. It always happens in two places for me on the Pacific highway North of Raymond Terrace, for example - whether or not there's any traffic around.
I was not calling the phantom braking a feature, nor was I talking about it when configurable. When I had it in the past it was a horrible bug. I was talking about overtaking aggressiveness configurability.
It phantom brakes on cruise control.

There is one place near where I live where it (S, AP1) phantom brakes on CC occasionally. The road is twisty, up and down with poor visibility, and narrow with parked cars sometimes putting a wheel out over the line. The single camera is obviously being fooled, and tbh I'm amazed it works as well as it does. Otherwise phantom braking is very rare. If it's a lot worse on the newer non-MobilEye hardware then it probably should be called a bug.
I got 48.35.5 yesterday
Now that my car is back in Wi-Fi it downloaded this update (argh... forgot to turn the WiFi off in the garage) and it nags me to install it every time I drive. I’m currently on 48.12.1. Should I stay on that a bit longer, or have enough of the egregious mess-ups been fixed I can jump to this update and not be too annoyed?
>>Now that my car is back in Wi-Fi it downloaded this update (argh... forgot to turn the WiFi off in the garage) and it nags me to install it every time I drive. I’m currently on 48.12.1. Should I stay on that a bit longer, or have enough of the egregious mess-ups been fixed I can jump to this update and not be too annoyed?<<

I would install it, despite any introduced bugs. Tesla keep very tight lipped over what's under the hood and it wouldn't surprise me if they told someone after an incident that the driver was at fault because they didn't have an up to date car.
In any case, no-one is going to learn unless we all use the latest editions. The autopilot is an incredible bit of innovation, but the so-called "edge cases" are going to be a huge hurdle to get to the last nines.
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I get phantom braking (3LR) with TACC no matter whether I have the following distance set to 1 or 7 (or anything in between). I tried 7 the other day for about 30 minutes. It was hideous! The car would start to slow down sooo far back from the car in front so I'd have to change lanes way sooner that I should.