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How much UV would get in an X. The new ones have a lot of tinting from the factory except for the windshield and front windows? Also I'm not really keen about leaving it outside in an industrial area. I haven't set up the cameras yet.
do you even need sun? Shouldn't letting any surface sit for three days kill the virus?
Yeah from what I gather. I'm only basing my opinion on the fact that heat, UV and time destroy viruses. Any of the three will work, no idea how much. Just saying what I would do based on my limited understanding. :p
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Okay guys, I need some help here. My X is in getting PPF, but not tint because the tint person now has a fever (don't know if it's the virus or not). He hasn't come to the shop this week, but there's a good chance he's infected the shop last week. When I took the car in I wore a mask and disinfected myself before getting back in the second car to go home, so I'm sure I'm okay now. I need a plan to pick up the car. My current thought is:
1. Don't go in the building.
2. Spray/wipe don the touch screen, seat and steering wheel.
3. Turn on bio defense and let it run for several minutes before getting in.
4. Sanitize myself during and after all the previous procedures.

Anything I've missed?

Virus is embedded in the PPF. Going to have to rip it all off. :D
What do these people do in Summer ? And what has the second part got to do with the first ?

South Korea allowed just under 10,000 schools to act as daycare centers to watch children.

Juveniles without supervision are a leading cause of property crime. It's why it always spikes in the summer and long holidays. I can't speak for others, but we never left our kids alone in the summer, but many parents do out of necessity. The expression is latchkey children IIRC.
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South Korea allowed just under 10,000 schools to act as daycare centers to watch children.

Juveniles without supervision are a leading cause of property crime. It's why it always spikes in the summer and long holidays. I can't speak for others, but we never left our kids alone in the summer, but many parents do out of necessity. The expression is latchkey children IIRC.
It might be worthwhile to run some schools as day cares in some areas.

I was mainly talking about smaller kids, though.
ZERO studies to date fit this criteria. ZERO. Governments are approving use of this medication out of fear, not out of any reasonable basis of scientific evidence. It would be clear to you this is the case if you actually read the posts you asked me to link where other scientists express great doubt about the effectiveness of HCQ and the LACK OF DATA. But apparently you didn't, and just want to work from a standpoint of hope and continue to post scientific "noise".

Let me ask you then, why was the French study discontinued days into the controlled study and the government shortly thereafter approved the drug's use for COVID19? One study in France as well as Dr. Zelenko's experience suggests a massive fall in viral counts of users within 6 days. I think this is the reason for the test's discontinuation. Talking down to other members of this forum is a cop out. So is explaining these governmental actions as solely fear. Defend your position with data and stronger explanations than mine, if they exist.
How much UV would get in an X. The new ones have a lot of tinting from the factory except for the windshield and front windows? Also I'm not really keen about leaving it outside in an industrial area. I haven't set up the cameras yet.

Can you pay them to drive it to your house and then park it in front? Then you just leave it there for four days before you come out with disinfectant blazing.
Usually you have to start the conversation yourself, which you've just done.

GF3 already had LG and CATL identified as the suppliers, with CATL's LiFePo4 chemistry used for the SR model 3. They were planned (don't recall where I saw this) to come online by June, but those plans could've been sped up.

There's also the possibility of battery packs still being onboard some ships still enroute to GF3. GF Nevada didn't go offline until the 23rd/24th. Assuming a 25 day ship transit time, there's still 1.5 weeks of battery packs still available, before being completely dependent on LG and CATL.

Why is that? Like others that have aired their grievances, I feel the quality of this thread is getting exponentially worse. I used to rely on it for insights absent in mainstream media and was willing to read through ten pages to find a couple gems. Now, it’s devolved into pissing matches between doctors, sniping, and political arguments. Need I remind everyone that this is nested inside “Tsla investor discussions”. I can’t recall the last time someone mentioned Tsla here or investing. If you just want to talk to other doctors, pretend to be a doctor, or discuss zinc, isn’t there better forums elsewhere?

Without moderation, we’ve lost most of those who made following this thread worthwhile. (@Papafox posted similar sentiment awhile back). How does one become a moderator? If this thread is a lost cause, I’d be happy to moderate a new thread that focuses on how the virus actually relates to Tesla.

My first post would be:

Doesn’t Giga Shanghai get their battery packs from Nevada? With minimal staffing there, won’t production in China grind to a halt if they can’t ramp local battery production before they exhaust their inventory. With Fremont likely to be closed through April, Shanghai is the only bright spot left right now. If lost, Q2 could be disastrous and an sp drop back into 200/300s seems plausible.

I want to keep hearing from the valuable contributors here. Let’s find a way to make that happen.

At this point it is important to figure out how Tesla is managing their wellbeing and production, how supply chains are working, and of course how the delivery chain is working.
Most important is actually how the world is working, can we fight down this virus? What is the latest information of significance regarding precautions, behavior and treatment? Which vaccines has the better prospects?
Some members think that this is only a flu - If you think so, no need to comment in the Coronavirus tread.
If you think Coronavirus has something to do with politics, go to that tread, and post there.

I hope that we can manage to get the Coronavirus tread to be informative and accurate both regarding to Tesla, and to the development of Corona.
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Okay guys, I need some help here. My X is in getting PPF, but not tint because the tint person now has a fever (don't know if it's the virus or not). He hasn't come to the shop this week, but there's a good chance he's infected the shop last week. When I took the car in I wore a mask and disinfected myself before getting back in the second car to go home, so I'm sure I'm okay now. I need a plan to pick up the car. My current thought is:
1. Don't go in the building.
2. Spray/wipe don the touch screen, seat and steering wheel.
3. Turn on bio defense and let it run for several minutes before getting in.
4. Sanitize myself during and after all the previous procedures.

Anything I've missed?
Don't forget to wipe door handles, inside and out. When you wipe the screen it may go into phantom touch mode: unresponsive due to repeated phantom touches. This happened to me after a brief Tesla mobile service visit earlier this week. Fixed when I did a reboot.
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Let me ask you then, why was the French study discontinued days into the controlled study and the government shortly thereafter approved the drug's use for COVID19? One study in France as well as Dr. Zelenko's experience suggests a massive fall in viral counts of users within 6 days. I think this is the reason for the test's discontinuation. Talking down to other members of this forum is a cop out. So is explaining these governmental actions as solely fear. Defend your position with data and stronger explanations than mine, if they exist.

Your premise is that the French are acting out of a rational mind. I disagree with that premise. I posted an article where the French study's SEVERE limitations were outlined by other researchers and doctors:

This is the THIRD TIME I have told you to look at the above post for a STRONG refutation of the French data. Are you intentionally ignoring that?

And as I've said previously, my colleagues at Cornel in NYC do NOT regard Dr. Zelenko as . . . well respected and there is a big question of if he is being truthful. Notice how he just posted he has treated 669 patients with this combination? No publishing of his data (and 669 is a CRAP ton of patients to prescribe this to in just 2 short weeks, if you were doing proper follow up). Is he dolling it out like candy? Did he have a positive SARS-CoV-2 test on each one first? If he did, he's certainly getting testing results back MUCH faster than the approximate week turn-around time for the rest of NYC that my colleagues are reporting. This dataset . . . isn't even a dataset. It's a guy posting on a blog that he did something and not providing any proof for peer review. Sounds like click bait to me, pure and simple. He should share the data with everyone, like ANY peer review process requires, or retract his statements (and likely lose his medical license).

I just did a pubmed search on the guy - he's never published any peer reviewed journal articles that I could find.

You keep ascribing hope in place of facts. Plain and simple.
Back to the actual science, my wife (a veternarian) sent this to me. The vet world is all up in a tizzy b/c Coronaviruses are well known to them in pets.

Susceptibility of ferrets, cats, dogs, and different domestic animals to SARS-coronavirus-2
Susceptibility of ferrets, cats, dogs, and different domestic animals to SARS-coronavirus-2

Usually caveats apply - this is not yet peer reviewed, and it from a small sample size of each grouping of animal, and some of it is test-tube data (in vitro). It's from a single site in China as well, and has not been duplicated by other labs.

Basically, none of these animals get sick from the virus (i.e. they are carriers only). Dogs, pigs, chickens, and ducks do NOT act as good carriers (with poor replication of the virus). Cats and ferrets are good carriers, with cats transmitting the virus from cat to cat via respiratory droplets.

Glad we don't have any cats and are a dog household. :D

Nothing practical can be drawn from this paper, I just thought it was interesting and demonstrates different animal resevoirs for SARS-CoV-2
Does this pose risk to humans from cats and ferrets?

In my mind, that is a fine topic for the Investment Thread and similar discussions often occur there. The reason THIS thread was spun off was because rather than discuss the effect of CV on TSLA in that thread, people wanted to: discuss construction of masks, discuss sterilization of masks, discuss expiration of masks, discuss construction of ventilators, discuss construction of UV mud rooms, debate the chemical composition of aquarium cleaner, display their medical prowess (or lack thereof), have death count contests, wallow in Trump-bashing and generally freak out.

The reason I created THIS tread the 27th of January, when Coronavirus was at a few thousands in China. Was to find out if Corona was a treat to the Shanghai factory. At the time I did not know what was coming. I’m thankful to all the serious contributors to this tread.
Why is that? Like others that have aired their grievances, I feel the quality of this thread is getting exponentially worse. I used to rely on it for insights absent in mainstream media and was willing to read through ten pages to find a couple gems. Now, it’s devolved into pissing matches between doctors, sniping, and political arguments. Need I remind everyone that this is nested inside “Tsla investor discussions”. I can’t recall the last time someone mentioned Tsla here or investing. If you just want to talk to other doctors, pretend to be a doctor, or discuss zinc, isn’t there better forums elsewhere?

Without moderation, we’ve lost most of those who made following this thread worthwhile. (@Papafox posted similar sentiment awhile back). How does one become a moderator? If this thread is a lost cause, I’d be happy to moderate a new thread that focuses on how the virus actually relates to Tesla.

My first post would be:

Doesn’t Giga Shanghai get their battery packs from Nevada? With minimal staffing there, won’t production in China grind to a halt if they can’t ramp local battery production before they exhaust their inventory. With Fremont likely to be closed through April, Shanghai is the only bright spot left right now. If lost, Q2 could be disastrous and an sp drop back into 200/300s seems plausible.

I want to keep hearing from the valuable contributors here. Let’s find a way to make that happen.

Did your post get moved here by an admin, or are you really suggesting that we discuss supply chain issues in the Coronavirus thread?
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