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Discussion: Model 3 and Y price drop Jan 2023 / April 2023 / Oct 2023 and All other Pricing Speculation going forward

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How about this.

Give us "in the past 90 days" purchasers EAP as a gesture of "sorry we screwed your car value overnight" kindness?

BAHA! Yea... I know... here I go thinking out loud again!

I think this would be fine as it's no cash out of pocket for Tesla, however, they are under no obligation to do anything and really they shouldn't.

I have a 2023 on order, my trade-in is going to take a huge hit now. I'm butt hurt about it like many others but I don't blame Tesla.

On the flip side, those who are buying now are getting a much better value proposition, as far as a car can be such.
Several posts have stated that their undelivered price now reflects the latest pricing. I got a new email last night on my MYP show the exact same price as before.

Has anyone gotten as explicit confirmation from tesla showing a drive drop for an existing order yet to be delivered.

I emailed the sales associate I’ve been dealing with and have no answer.

I also texted the person I’ve been dealing with

I can’t find a phone number to call. Tesla sales processes don’t seem to allow direct phone calls. What am I missing.
Cars have also had features removed like USS and the rear brakes on the P are no longer brembo.

The Model Y never really was a deluxe class vehicle IMO (55-85k). The tech is amazing for sure but the vehicle is not on par with others in terms of quality and luxury at this price point.

I thought they would decrease cost if 7 seat option but they increased it to $4,000 and they are back to charging $1,000 extra for MSM paint.

It seems desperate to me to cut prices like this. I still feel they would have been better to make the 7 seat option free or standard.

These price cuts along with the federal credit will surely crash used values and cause resale to tank.

It's a very bold move by Tesla for sure.
Deluxe Class:
I think this would be fine as it's no cash out of pocket for Tesla, however, they are under no obligation to do anything and really they shouldn't.

I have a 2023 on order, my trade-in is going to take a huge hit now. I'm butt hurt about it like many others but I don't blame Tesla.

On the flip side, those who are buying now are getting a much better value proposition, as far as a car can be such.

Exactly. Its something Tesla could do as a kind gesture for recent buyers. I did my trade in via Tesla a week ago and it was middle offered at 55k. Today, its now 42k when I just ran it again. MYP with 2,500 miles on it took a 27k depreciation overall, 13k overnight. Thats tough. I feel EAP would be a fair trade off for us few in this boat. But.... youre right. Tesla isnt obligated, nor should pull that trigger.

I hope Rivian drops their prices too. My R1S reservation would like that a lot
Reality kicking in. Mercedes, BMW and Ford (and others) are catching up very quickly. I love many things about my Tesla but they simply are not the only game in town for EVs anymore. Their battery technology is still superior to others - for now. The supercharger network is a huge advantage - for now.

I’m still bullish on Tesla’s future prospects however Musk needs to STFU and stop being such a liability, and Tesla needs to do much better at fixing their reputation for overpromising / under-delivering.

They need to get Cybertruck out ASAP. Ford is eating their lunch right now in the electric light truck market because Elon ran his mouth about how wonderful Cybertruck would be - three years ago. As of today there’s still not a single production Cybertruck in existence. The new Roadster is a joke. $250,000 for maybe vapor? I’m skeptical at this point that it’ll ever come to reality as the economy craters and we slide into an era of stagflation. There aren’t many rich people willing to throw $250,000 on a science fair project, and Tesla probably doesn’t have the resources to really push it and remain competitive in their other, money-making sectors. IMO they should kill that project immediately, cool and fun as it is.

Then there’s autonomous driving. Mercedes is the new leader. Tesla is getting left in the dust here. “Tesla Vision” is a complete mistake. Perhaps they can recapture the throne as the autonomous driving leader, but I doubt it. Mercedes has Level 3 working well and reliably now, today. Tesla is probably a good 2-3 years away if they’re lucky, if they abandon Tesla Vision as the “path forward” (which it’s not) and Musk’s ego and stupid antics don’t get in the way. I recently got a “boring” Toyota Camry as a rental on a business trip but found its version of autopilot (adaptive cruise control plus lane-hold auto steer) to be really, really good. It didn’t have the cool screen visualization that my Tesla has, but it worked reliably, didn’t do anything too dumb / unpredictable while I was using it (had a little difficulty in one location identifying an off-ramp). It’s wasn’t nearly as naggy about telling me to keep my hands on the wheel (and when it did, I literally had to just tap it with my finger to make the message go away) and was quite easy to trust. So once again, that which formerly only belonged to Tesla no longer does.

On a positive note, Semi looks great and can potentially be a game changer for that industry. That’s a big milestone. Cybertruck will be huge if they can ever get it out. Every week that slips is a colossal embarrassment, more angry customers seething in line, more sales going to electric F150s and the like.

Plaid is cool but nobody is buying them. $160k for a luxury sedan is just not a big market. I think the days of the flagship “S” are numbered, unfortunately. The battleground is in mid-size, affordable cars, SUVs and light trucks. Tesla would do well to exploring a hot hatch, lower cost model too - something that’d compete with the likes of the STIs out there. Electric performance would be amazing and it could very well dominate that market - but could they get something in production in less than 5-10 years? I’m sure the major automakers are well along with something in mind to attack that market already…

So is Tesla done? No. They’re still solid, make great stuff and are selling like mad. But they’re no longer the only player in the EV world, they’re not even going to be top dog in the EV world for too much longer, but they do have some amazing things out with a couple more coming. Models 3 and Y will still do very well. Cybertruck will be big. But we are also careening towards a recession and anti-EV hate out there is still high. Many people see a push by government to force them into EVs and are being passive-aggressive. It’s not a good time to be making durable goods. But Tesla will endure and continue to be a force to be reckoned with, and a major innovator.

The charging infrastructure is still the best out there. The battery tech though...not so sure parity isn't here or close enough to it, which is surprising given the head start Tesla had.

At this point it feels like Musk needs to step down as the face/CEO of the company. The biggest thing that so many Founders fail at is realizing when they've taken a company has far as they can before they need to hire people with more experience leading companies of that size and step aside. What was the last real innovative thing that has come out from Tesla in the last 3 years? FSD has been an unmitigated disaster. As you mention the CyberTruck and Roadster have been basically vapourware. I guess the Model Y...but really that was just a Model 3 in a small SUV form. Quality control continues to be questionable, and customer service almost non-existent, and they don't really seem to care about anything customers seem to be asking for, so they're not doing the basics right either.

Yes, they're still selling like crazy, but they've gone from the only game in town to one of many. I'm pretty sure my next EV will likely not be a Tesla, unless something really interesting comes out. I've had the Model Y for a year now, and can't really think of any upgrade/update on it where I said "wow that's really, really cool". Straight-line speed is cool (cooler if I went with the P I guess), handling is pretty decent. Interior is somewhat boring, quality of materials not the greatest. Seem to have constant "small" glitches with the tech (needing to open phone app several times to open door, screen flickering black when I first get in, once or twice a blue moon the screen literally goes black and resets itself ...).

At the higher end, BMW, Mercedes, Audi and Porsche are coming out with some interesting offerings. Infinity as well. BMW's upcoming battery tech sounds really interesting. At the cheaper end. VW, Hyundai, Kia. Tesla is in for a real dog fight, and lowering the prices significantly is the first sign to me that they realize they are no longer the automatic "go to" brand for EV anymore, and Musk's Twitter exploits and in general, public persona doesn't help the mainstream customer.
And that's about it?

Pretty much. Unless you need the car now, I'd just wait til Q2 imo. The only reason I bought it 2 weeks ago is because I didn't qualify for 2023 tax incentives and felt that it was a good discount incentive at the time. If I did, I would have waited, not because of potential price cuts like this but because of the rumored new hardware. I didn't think the new radar would be worth 7.5k so I pulled the trigger but it sorta backfired lol. Oh well, I'm enjoying the car so far while I work on my other cars to sell.
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