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A waste of time based on Your needs. The 90% other users would argue you are wrong. Holiday releases etc are only a waste of time based on your expectations. We have no known understanding of what/if there are any limitations but to assume we/they are doomed based on a delay is a false assumption.
I challenge you to demonstrate any actual functional value of the holiday release features. The light show, screaming goat, etc are simply toys and contribute nothing to the function of the vehicle. In the past holiday releases have also contained software updates but those would have been released at some point independent of the holiday features so I exclude them) It may be that the teams responsible for these features are separate so their development has no direct impact on FSD but it still gives the impression that Tesla is wasting resources on frivolous projects.
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I challenge you to demonstrate any actual functional value of the holiday release features. The light show, screaming goat, etc are simply toys and contribute nothing to the function of the vehicle. In the past holiday releases have also contained software updates but those would have been released at some point independent of the holiday features so I exclude them) It may be that the teams responsible for these features are separate so their development has no direct impact on FSD but it still gives the impression that Tesla is wasting resources on frivolous projects.
There are plenty people that don't care at all about FSD, so they would enjoy the holiday update(s) far more than any FSD updates. I don't think the teams are the same, but those people probably feel the opposite (that FSD is a waste of resources and more time should be spent on addressing other bugs and improving features that affect everyday usage of the car).

It wasn't specifically in a Holiday update, but some features I enjoy in the more recent updates was the font size toggle (only criticism is the exit number is still too small), the UI update on the charging screen (finally it's now much easier to choose an exact percentage), the update on Energy screen to show more details, etc.
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I challenge you to demonstrate any actual functional value of the holiday release features. The light show, screaming goat, etc are simply toys and contribute nothing to the function of the vehicle. In the past holiday releases have also contained software updates but those would have been released at some point independent of the holiday features so I exclude them) It may be that the teams responsible for these features are separate so their development has no direct impact on FSD but it still gives the impression that Tesla is wasting resources on frivolous projects.
While I agree as FSD is a priority to me. There are Hundreds of post threads barking about Holiday updates etc. it is clearly important to Them which I can’t argue. Is it a great use of resources? If it was only about Me, no.
There are plenty people that don't care at all about FSD, so they would enjoy the holiday update(s) far more than any FSD updates. I don't think the teams are the same, but those people probably feel the opposite (that FSD is a waste of resources and more time should be spent on addressing other bugs and improving features that affect everyday usage of the car).

It wasn't specifically in a Holiday update, but some features I enjoy in the more recent updates was the font size toggle (only criticism is the exit number is still too small), the UI update on the charging screen (finally it's now much easier to choose an exact percentage), the update on Energy screen to show more details, etc.

While I agree as FSD is a priority to me. There are Hundreds of post threads barking about Holiday updates etc. it is clearly important to Them which I can’t argue. Is it a great use of resources? If it was only about Me, no.
I'm not saying no one enjoys them, rather I'm talking about functional benefit. A key difference between cowbells and FSD is people paid significant sums for FSD with the expectation promised features being delivered. Please don't tell me you can't appreciate that distinction.
As expected, this next release should get the first 9, with a bit of luck perhaps. I would (optimistically) bet on success here, per the rules. Just need to add a bit of pep and it will be fine. That is the key. 🚀 across. 100% go pedal.

Heavy traffic conditions not so sure. Moderate traffic looks likely easily handled now.

Unfortunately @Daniel in SD would never bet against Elon so I have no one to bet a 🍺 with.
Can't wait, got some road trips starting Thursday!
When you say it will be out "soon", are you talking about only for employees and YouTubers like they did with 14.1? Or 14.2 is going to everyone on FSD?
They’ll roll it out to everyone but the employees and influencers first, followed by the influencers and employees.
I actually love the new light show each year and with the new USB support, have dozens of shows. It has become a Holiday tradition at Wayne Manor... everyone loves them.
We turn off all the outside lights and crank it to 11.
So like 30 to 40 people watching a Tesla do it's thing.

Okay, not everyone likes the shows. One person stays inside and rolls their eyes while we are all outside. Mrs. Batman.... "Really, you guys are going outside to watch that again this year?"

Makes the shows even better when they all come back inside and say how wonderful Tesla's are!!

I have been promised things to not do the annual show, multiple years...
Turn down any offer, every time.
Looking at v12.4.1's timeline.

May 8 - Elon reports almost all models are completely retrained in v12.4 and 12.5 and 12.6 are in various stages of test.
Jun 5 - after much delay v12.4.1 was released internally to employees with one employee calling it unusable.
Jun 11 - released to the usual few select customers.

Today, about 3 weeks later and there's no sign of a pending v12.4.x release. And aside from a magic bullet, there's probably no sense releasing new features (12.5) if v12.4.x remains a can of worms.

Gotta wonder why training/testing remains so challenged if Dojo/H100 hardware isn't the limiting factor. Did HW3 reach max capability? Is training/testing all nets beyond the industry and/or team's current capability?
Jun 5- "Unusable" was retracted when the employee (or relative to employee) did a camera recalibration and reported FSD worked fine.
My impression from watching videos and following on-line is the majority of OG testers are happy with v12.4.1. The notable exception is AI Driver. Not sure calling v12.4.1 a "can of worms" is accurate.
To highlight just how ridiculous this entire driver monitoring system is, and how utterly screwed Tesla is in the courts and with NHTSA

Right. 🤣 Remind me to check in a year: "has FSD been sued and regulated out of existence by NHTSA?"

What I find particularly laughable about this is normal cars have literally no driver monitoring and people text and drive all the time. You seem to have this notion that Tesla has to have perfect, untrickable 100% accurate driver monitoring or they're totally screwed -but that's just not true. We've already have NHTSA look into FSD driver monitoring and the result is the current system.

But keep believing Tesla is "utterly screwed".
I did the 3000 foot skydive yesterday, aka I80 coming into Salt Lake City up and down the mountainside.
FSDs was scarily competent. It was fun watch all the ICE cars going brake, coast, brake, coast all the way down.
Of course after managing that perfectly, it then failed a simple left turn and tried to turn through a construction zone, complete with road rollers, crew and big trucks.
FSD is quite good on steep mountain roads! Even really curvy and tight hairpins. I'd use it more if those were the funnest to drive manually.

That reminds of a mildly amusing, but baffling, interaction I had once. I'm loading up my bike in the Model 3 at a trailhead in Colorado. A guy with an F150 parked nearby starts talking to me - friendly, asks about the car. For whatever reason he ends up telling me about the F150 and how he dislikes how (apparently) cruise control can't hold speed on the steep downhills and wondered if the Tesla can.

Of course I say yup no problem and mention regen. Seems like he's never heard of regen (pretty normal).

We keep talking for a bit.

After a while he mentions his wife already owns a Model S. Lol wat? I have no idea how one has a Model S in the family but never... considers taking it for a drive? I suggested he should try the cruise control on the downhills :D . I can't imagine have any EV really parked in my garage and not taking it for a spin but each to their own I guess.
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