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If a few here keep repeating this 10 times each day, doesn't mean that is true. From the videos I am seeing from Buttershrimp and others, I can see for all intents and purposes AP2 has reached parity and even forged ahead of AP1 in some scenarios.

AP2 may have forged ahead, possibly, in some driving scenarios, but the jury is still out whether or not it is as reliable. See e.g. here:

I've had my 90D AP2.5 w/ EAP (17.42) for the past week and a half, and had to take it into Tesla for some minor issues this morning and was given a AP1 car as my loaner. After a 40 minute commute this morning with AP1 (17.44), I have to say:

MAN IS AP1 Better

It follows cars with less-defined lanes, was able to turn on in instances where my AP2 car won't even give me the option, showed me cars in the other lanes (including truck graphics!), and seemed overall less likely to try to push me into other cars by hugging the lane edge.

Now, as an owner of an AP2 car, I am hoping we catch up soon - but based on timing I've seen on the forums, unless Tesla is running the better stuff in shadow mode and just not giving it to us at the moment, it seems we're a long time away.

Apart from the Autopilot - I will say my car has more comfortable seats (less bolstering?), the center console is better built, and I am sooo happy I have the glass roof instead of the pano sunroof - I love being able to see the sky from my seat as opposed to seeing a thick bar of plastic above my head.

As for feature parity, the test is pretty easy:

Where is AP1's speed-sign recognition in AP2?

Where is AP1's vehicle type identification/display in AP2?

And, arguably related, where are auto-wipers in AP2?

Does AP2 have some feature AP1 does not?
AP1 to AP2 parity is too convenient a straw man kind of argument that people with really negative world views love to foment doubt and a sense of entitlement in others. This kind of argument is not helpful, and it fails to recognize the complexity of the task and misses a bigger point.... that we are on the same team in terms of who actually put both AP1 and AP2 into the world..

Joshua Brown was killed in an AP1 car but that doesn't mean AP2 is superior. It just means that this stuff is really important to get right, and it's very difficult to actually do.

It's too easy to sit back and take pot shots at Tesla on TMC with a caricature of Tesla as an evil corporation trying to defraud people with a fake video without mentioning the larger fraud that is seen every day on television commercials from Mercedes, Lexus and others that are still selling inferior cars because they can.

With respect to the FSD video. Has no one pointed out yet that the video is pretty clearly intended to illustrate how Tesla envisions FSD to look when it's complete? Is the video a fake? Of course it is to some extent! Otherwise the software would have pushed the next day!

I want to see progress, just like the next person, but taking a consistently and never-ending negative stance on TMC without also providing useful information or insight (or even humor for god's sake) is just lame.
@buttershrimp Frankly, just as I was explaining to @ohmman in another instance yesterday, if there was a "potshot" in my message, it was a disagree on a view posted in the Tesla community, much more so than an argument against Tesla the company.

IMO the tendency to prematurely announce AP1 parity by Electrek in summer 2017 or by TMC member even today is harmful to the accurate analysis of Tesla's progress. That is what I felt compelled to respond to.

It was IMO simply premature to announce AP1 parity and I offered my "test" on when it might be proper to do so.
@buttershrimp Frankly, just as I was explaining to @ohmman in another instance yesterday, if there was a "potshot" in my message, it was a disagree on a view posted in the Tesla community, much more so than an argument against Tesla the company.

IMO the tendency to prematurely announce AP1 parity by Electrek in summer 2017 or by TMC member even today is harmful to the accurate analysis of Tesla's progress. That is what I felt compelled to respond to.

It was IMO simply premature to announce AP1 parity and I offered my "test" on when it might be proper to do so.
I often find myself rereading a post before I send it. More frequently than I’d like to admit, it says something I didn’t intend to say, so I either edit it or delete it.

If you find that you’re often misunderstood, I recommend trying the same tactic. It could be that you’re not saying what you think you’re saying.
With respect to the FSD video. Has no one pointed out yet that the video is pretty clearly intended to illustrate how Tesla envisions FSD to look when it's complete? Is the video a fake?
I hope not as the Tesla commentary that accompanied it via Elon’s statements and the local sales team was enough for them to convince many people (including me) to pay for it and reasonably expect to see it for a reasonable portion of the typical ownership/lease lifecycle of their vehicles. I can tell you with certainty that the local sales team were certainly not saying it was an illustration of a vision. Quite the opposite...
I hope not as the Tesla commentary that accompanied it via Elon’s statements and the local sales team was enough for them to convince many people (including me) to pay for it and reasonably expect to see it for a reasonable portion of the typical ownership/lease lifecycle of their vehicles. I can tell you with certainty that the local sales team were certainly not saying it was an illustration of a vision. Quite the opposite...

I respect the view that the video and tweets have made FSD and other breatkthroughs appear much more imminent than it was. The benefit of hindsight is intoxicating in that way. It's easy (and fair) to blame people for not nailing the execution of AP releases and progress. It is also fair to point out that I see no signs of them letting up.... The fact that I bought a car that was guaranteed to be capable of FSD once it is available does mean a lot to me because of the type of company Tesla is.... They plan to stand behind their product and are very much trying to achieve full autonomy. We will see what innovations are waiting around the corner. I'm excited to see...
I would like to propose two TMC "laws", corollaries of Godwin's Law.

Any thread about EAP or FSD that extends beyond 4 pages on TMC will have:

1. A screenshot of the EAP/FSD promises ("AnxietyRanger's Law"), and
2. An accusation of Tesla fraud ("Oktane's Law")

Godwin's Law, for those that don't know, is "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Hitler approaches 1".

Note to AnxietyRanger and Oktane: I love you both.

Are you saying Elon is Hitler?!
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AP2 may have forged ahead, possibly, in some driving scenarios, but the jury is still out whether or not it is as reliable. See e.g. here:

As for feature parity, the test is pretty easy:

Where is AP1's speed-sign recognition in AP2?

Where is AP1's vehicle type identification/display in AP2?

And, arguably related, where are auto-wipers in AP2?

Does AP2 have some feature AP1 does not?

Appreciate your continuing to keep those at bay who would spread the falsehood that AP2 is at collective parity with AP1.

Just because both may manage a vanilla use case most of the time does not parity make.

Lost in the debate are also a couple of salient points from 50,000 feet. Here’s just one:

*Neither* AP1 *nor* AP2 handle lane-shifting at all. Specifically, if I’m on a 2-lane state route with oncoming traffic, I’d prefer AP (AS, actually) to shift to the right (within the lane) to both increase safety margin and to decrease rock chips - especially with the refresh which seems to be a windshield magnet for rocks. As well, if I’m on some generic freeway overtaking a large truck (me on the left, them on the right), I’d prefer the car to shift to the left (within the lane) to do likewise (and to reduce truck lust).

So while you’ve got a small group ignoring the reality of all the things AP2 doesn’t have relative to AP1, no matter the countless examples given by those who have actually owned/driven both AP1 and AP2 (versus all of the armchair jockeys), I’d suggest the larger issue is that there’s room for improvement for AP in general.

Now pretend you’re Tesla. You’ve got your own board (SoC) under development, neural networks (plural) learning every day, and a need for many more miles driven to satisfy regulators (solved by having many more cars on the road, which is to say by selling more cars).

Well, they’re doing all of these things. And in time, AP3 will exceed AP1. And it won’t be a big deal to retrofit the relatively few AP2/FSD cars with a new board, exactly as Elon has said.

Doesn’t change the fact that *today*, AP2 is not at parity with AP1, nor the fact that it would still, without immediate intervention, drive into medians in Sepulveda and over lane markers on the 405 and 101.

The fact that it will drive 100 miles up the 5 without wandering off the road isn’t particularly compelling. It did that over 2 years ago. Well, after a couple of patches.

Anyone want to take a stab at when we’ll have stop sign reaction (versus recognition) as seen in the late 2016 video? I didn’t think so.

Also, here’s one for the apologists: a case could be made for AP2 cars never recognizing and reacting to speed limit signs. AP1 owners may relate - everyone else will have to play along. Imagine you’re on a freeway not in the right lane adjacent a speed limit sign. As you pass the sign, a big truck is tweenst your car and the sign. So no reading of the sign and no associated adjustment to speed/TACC.

Now pretend you’re a Tesla engineer and think, “Hey, let’s load a current database of geotagged speed limit signs and use that instead. Why, some people won’t notice the difference because it’ll just work.”

By and large, it’s a great idea *except* when there are errors. And boy, are there errors.

Back to Tesla Engineering: “We’ll just update the database, or better yet farm it out to a 3rd party, and periodically update it going forward. Still better than blocked cameras on the freeway.”

And there you have it. Now, rumor has it they’ll get back to reading speed limit signs, but perhaps with database backup for those times when there’s a big truck in the way.

In the end, it’s a better solution than *either* AP1 *or* AP2 offers today.

And that’s my point. I and others have proven that AP2 isn’t at the level of AP1 over and over again (see above). But would you trust EITHER in the hands of a younger or older family member driver?

Bring on AP3, I say. And if that includes FSD, great. If not, just deliver the stop sign reaction first referenced at the AP1 event 10/2014 and we’ll call it even.

Until then, my next car will be an AP1 car because AP2 simply has not delivered.

Notwithstanding the above, let the record show that I am still rooting for csnow’s 3 bets (all for charity) concerning AP2 functionality. And remain (greatly) thankful that not a one of them involves a tattoo upon a certain glaringly bright (nether) region.

Edit: And for anyone who doesn’t think a sense of urgency is helpful (Tesla’s global infrastructure lead and unmatched scalability notwithstanding), have a look at this, and the number of cameras and sensors and such:

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And that’s my point. I and others have proven that AP2 isn’t at the level of AP1 over and over again (see above). But would you trust EITHER in the hands of a younger or older family member driver?

Bring on AP3, I say. And if that includes FSD, great. If not, just deliver the stop sign reaction first referenced at the AP1 event 10/2014 and we’ll call it even.

Until then, my next car will be an AP1 car because AP2 simply has not delivered.

Who cares if AP1 is > AP2? You can't buy a new car with AP1 today. The FSD video was not filmed with an AP1 car. The comparision is so tedious and irrelevant to this thread.
If you find that you’re often misunderstood, I recommend trying the same tactic. It could be that you’re not saying what you think you’re saying.

That is fair. I am fully aware of the fact that certain types of messages of mine get misunderstood - and the common factor in those messages is myself.

There are other factors contributing to this, but I am aware of and take responsibility for my own role in it. I have a certain personal style and personal way of expressing myself that is somewhat different than expectations of many. It is not just a language barrier (though that can play some role), nor just a cultural barrier (though again that may play some role), it is definitely a lot of the time: me.

It is a constant struggle between what I want to say (I do moderate myself) and how I am perceived. Sometimes I have to simply stop sending some message, because I can't seem to manage to combine what I want to say in a way that would be received. That's certainly often my bad.

I am perfectly willing to accept the message you responded to belongs to the above group.

Then there are, of course, times when I speak unpleasant truths. I seem to have a lower than usual threshold for that. And sometimes people just don't like to guy who says the emperor has no clothes. :) That has happened too.
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Who cares if AP1 is > AP2? You can't buy a new car with AP1 today. The FSD video was not filmed with an AP1 car. The comparision is so tedious and irrelevant to this thread.

People care when false claims of AP2 ability (i.e. AP1 parity) are expressed. Hence the pushback in this thread.

My recommendation is to people: just stop prematurely announcing AP1 parity for AP2. That's not helpful until we actually get there.
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I didn't bring up AP1 parity. Maybe you should take your case to those who did?

Oh the double standard. You even liked when @mkjayakumar discussed AP1 parity.

You are right, and whilst I do agree with what @mkjayakumar posted, it was indeed the start of another tedious digression into a purely subjective discussion that has nothing to do with this thread, so - please, everyone - can we get back on the topic of the FSD demo?!
You are right, and whilst I do agree with what @mkjayakumar posted, it was indeed the start of another tedious digression into a purely subjective discussion that has nothing to do with this thread, so - please, everyone - can we get back on the topic of the FSD demo?!

OH please.. cool it. The one that started AP2 is crap over AP1 is this post, under the guise of FSD discussion:

2. Current state of EAP. Can't even drive along a highway reliably yet. Hasn't even reached AP1 parity.

Conclusion: FSD is a long way off, and AP2 may have been a mistake. At the very least, AP2 has set them back over a year now.

This is a typical tactic: Take a fact - FSD is nowhere in sight. And then use that fact to spin and weave other half truths - AP2 has not reached parity, Can't even drive along a highway reliably yet, FSD video is fake, yada yada

The comment that prompted me to jump in , was this : Can't even drive along a highway reliably yet

Oh really? give me a break..
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Out of respect for @J1mbo's request I will refrain re-arguing the AP1 parity angle, but I do wish @mkjayakumar would refrain stuff like calling disagreement on that "half-truth".

IMO even if one opines differently on whether or not AP2 has reached AP1 parity, that should at the very least be sufficiently unclear topic to warrant "agree to disagree" instead of calling one side a half-truth.