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This is blatantly false.

At no time during either video’s release was it made obvious that NONE of the demonstrated capabilities were going to be available. Parity was promised by the end of 2016, and significant EAP differentiation within 3-6 months. Based upon the video, that included managing stop signs - functionality that has been referenced since late 2014 at the AP1 event.

It’s now a year later and three years after the October 2014 event, and it is painfully obvious what happened. And what didn’t happen.

Revisionist history serves nobody except blatant fanbois/gurls who should, as I’ve noted elsewhere, have “Rah RAH sis boom BAH” tattooed across their foreheads and sigs.
The Video was FSD (says so right in both of the titles), not EAP. You can argue over EAP, but the video was never supposed to be a representation of EAP, nor do I think most people took it that way. For FSD Tesla never promised nor suggested an explicit release date on their website.
The Video was FSD (says so right in both of the titles), not EAP. You can argue over EAP, but the video was never supposed to be a representation of EAP, nor do I think most people took it that way. For FSD Tesla never promised nor suggested an explicit release date on their website.

Completely agree, but the EAP was very clear on their website to be delivered in Dec 2016...
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The Video was FSD (says so right in both of the titles), not EAP. You can argue over EAP, but the video was never supposed to be a representation of EAP, nor do I think most people took it that way. For FSD Tesla never promised nor suggested an explicit release date on their website.

What does "FSD in 3 months, 6 months definitely" mean to you??
What does "FSD in 3 months, 6 months definitely" mean to you??
Nope, he didn't say that (and what he said was a short remark on twitter, not anywhere the same as something posted on order page). The question is when will the feature set for those with FSD option and EAP option noticeably depart. Elon didn't say there would be FSD in that time frame.

Direct quote:
"At what point will "Full Self-Driving Capability" features noticeably depart from "Enhanced Autopilot" features?"
"3 months maybe, 6 months definitely"
Tom Randall on Twitter
Nope, he didn't say that (and what he said was a short remark on twitter, not anywhere the same as something posted on order page). The question is when will the feature set for those with FSD option and EAP option noticeably depart. Elon didn't say there would be FSD in that time frame.

Direct quote:
"At what point will "Full Self-Driving Capability" features noticeably depart from "Enhanced Autopilot" features?"
"3 months maybe, 6 months definitely"
Tom Randall on Twitter

Parse, parse, parse. Apologists unite!
Rah RAH sis boom BAH! GoooOOOOOOO TEAM|

Parse, parse, parse. Apologists unite!
Seriously? Ad Hominem is the only the only retort you can come up with?

And the take on the tweet was not mine either (nor done in hindsight), it's how most reasonable people took it too back when it came out (comment from someone else in January):
That's not what Elon said (or tweeted, rather). Elon was asked on twitter when we could expect to see differences between EAP and FSD and he responded "3 months maybe, 6 months definitely" He did not say we would see Full Self Driving in 3 to 6 months.

View attachment 212044

It seems that "the media" interpreted that to mean FSD in 3 to 6 months. I certainly do not interpret it that way.
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Seriously? Ad Hominem is the only the only retort you can come up with?

And the take on the tweet was not mine either (nor done in hindsight), it's how most reasonable people took it too back when it came out (comment from some else in January):

You're defending the indefensible. Again. It's laughable, and not a good look. Circle the wagons, fanbois.
You're defending the indefensible. Again. It's laughable, and not a good look. Circle the wagons, fanbois.
What? I'm trying to point out what you are talking about is not on topic. We are talking about FSD here and not the EAP promises (which have been beaten to death elsewhere). You seemed to be suggesting the videos had to do with the EAP promise, which they don't. They are about achieving level 4 / level 5 FSD, which the only milestone Tesla promised so far is a cross country demo by the end of this year.
What? I'm trying to point out what you are talking about is not on topic. We are talking about FSD here and not the EAP promises (which have been beaten to death elsewhere). You seemed to be suggesting the videos had to do with the EAP promise, which they don't. They are about achieving level 4 / level 5 FSD, which the only milestone Tesla promised so far is a cross country demo by the end of this year.

Parse, parse, parse. Rah, RAH sis boom BAH! GooOOOOOOO Team!

Tangentially, the cross country demo is no longer promised by the end of *this* year, per Elon. Nor would any credible, non-fanboi think that such a feat would actually happen by year end in the first place.

Hint: Seen any snake chargers in the wild? With or without Barry White music? I didn't think so.
Hint: Seen any Teslas exit the freeway unprompted? I didn't think so.

Back to the main point - the 12/2016 video was crap, people based purchases upon it, and we STILL do not have AP2, let along EAP at parity with AP1, and FSD remains a pipe dream.

That's great if you're in the pipe-selling business, or even the pipe-smoking business. It's not so great if you're watching an asset depreciate that has less functionality than the one previously owned.

But by all mean, keep the apologist fanboi myopia going. GoooOOOOO Team!
Hint: Seen any snake chargers in the wild? With or without Barry White music? I didn't think so.
You just ruined my example. This was my shining example of "nobody on the planet interpreted the snake demo as a product expected to be seen in the near future." I've used this for about a year now as "the way Tesla should talk about future possibilities". Way to ruin it. :( Apparently there are people that are destined to misinterpret no matter how clearly something is positioned.
For those who have not noticed, Tesla is under a Coordinated and sustained attack from all ends.

There is a hostile administration that wants us to burn more fossil fuel's then we ever have before.
There is an entire fossil fuel industry that wants to slip to die.
There is a labor union who is pissed that Tesla has managed to do what they have done with nonunion workers.

As a result we are seeing news stories emphasizing the delays, floating conspiracy theories about people being fired, claiming racism in the factory, claiming the Tesla is the most dangerous work place in America, and now basically accusing Elon musk of perpetrating a fraud.

We have seen this before as every hiccup, accident or fire that the model S had during its original roll out was magnified times 10,000 by in the fossil fuel industry's PR division who wanted to kill Tesla in its crib.

I strongly believe the Tesla needs to get with the program and start fighting back because these types of attacks can begin to take hold and where down confidence in the company, as well as magnify existing biases that may already exist. That being said, I will never believe a story like this one until it is proven and the original poster of the story reveals how little he actually knows. He claims to have a super Duper secret inside source but then goes on to ask a question that one would presume the super Duper secret inside source would have had the answer to.

I was completely blown away by a post over at reddit yesterday.

A guy called PM_YOUR_NIPS_PAPER - who says he is / was training Tesla's computer vision network - claimed:

I don't know if this guy's for real or not. Nevertheless, I find what he's saying a bit scary. Could it be true? What pieces of evidence or indications do we have either way?

A quick Google search tells me there are several software tools out there that could be used for object tracking / annotation. Even YouTube seems to have a tool for this.

YouTube-BB Dataset | Google Research
ViTBAT - Video annotation tool

Random video:

I really hope this isn't the case. Unfortunately that dude's post got me thinking ...


Tesla Self-Driving Demonstration