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Oh well, I guess I was just trying to kick the hornet's nest. @stopcrazypp single-handedly sprinkled it with sedatives.

Still, I'm amazed by what you can 'get away with' these days.

Now let's find other chickens to fry

Might I suggest you start a thread Titled what and when will we see AP3.0 hardware....

That should sufficiently start the gases flowing for a significant explosion...

Throw out words like Lidar, Corner Radars, more cameras? Bunk beds?
We are approaching the statute of limitations for many jurisdictions for Q4 buyers for some claims like common law fraud (good luck on that just throwing out an example). Discovery rule might extend that but getting down to the wire.

What is the statute of limitations? Short of filing a suit, is there anything I can instruct my attorney to do to preserve my "rights" in this fraud case?
EAP does not equal FSD. Two separate systems. This thread needs to stop.

Worst logic ever. You think I or anyone who paid for this cares about your artificial delination between AP/EAP/FSD - whatever!

Bottom line is AP2 works WORSE than AP1, and I paid an extra $100k for a car for that privilege solely for AP2. I could have been happily driving my CPO AP1 car that has a better autopilot. I was tricked by the promise of 8 cameras instead of 1 and the phony FSD video and Tesla's fraudulent claims on their website. Surely I deserve a refund?!
We obviously have different opinion on what is a decent treatment of ones customers. My ethics would demand that the FSD video, and ordering web page, had a clear statement that the video is a PoC showing a future state and a reasonable timeline.

The EAP ordering web page would list the features available now and timeline for those not delivered.

My ethics would demand this for me to sleep at night, but I don't sell cars...Some here are fine with intentional ambiguity. This is a question of honesty. How would you present EAP and FSD to your friend to get a referral?
How would you present EAP and FSD to your friend to get a referral?

Well, not like these:


Let’s see.... appears to be a real car in video. Car appears to be a Tesla. There is a live human in drivers seat. His hands are on his knees. Steering wheel appears to be moving. Movement follows road view. View through windshield appears real. Side camera views appear to correlate with front view. It’s a real video. It’s a demonstration of the future, nothing more.
I’d be surprised if it were otherwise, and never assumed it was. It was a marketing demo.... basically a commercial. They didn’t claim to have a functional system at that time. And at no point did they make any statements as to the techniques used to have th car drive the route.
I'm so very very reassured. Poor slobs that paid extra in advance for 'cheep full functionality' sometime in the distant future.
I'm so very very reassured. Poor slobs that paid extra in advance for 'cheep full functionality' sometime in the distant future.

I'm pretty sure that, at some point, Tesla will offer some features under the guise of being early rollout of FSD features, that aren't available to regular AP customers. Maybe they'll call it FSD alpha or something of the like. It may not be enough to make people happy, but it would be something.

I've recommended to a few buyers that they NOT buy FSD. And, Tesla fan that I am, their selling it makes me a little queasy.
I would like to propose two TMC "laws", corollaries of Godwin's Law.

Any thread about EAP or FSD that extends beyond 4 pages on TMC will have:

1. A screenshot of the EAP/FSD promises ("AnxietyRanger's Law"), and
2. An accusation of Tesla fraud ("Oktane's Law")

Godwin's Law, for those that don't know, is "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Hitler approaches 1".

Note to AnxietyRanger and Oktane: I love you both.

it's like those long car journeys where you get the kids to shout "Yellow Car!" when they see one.

Yellow Car!