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General Discussion: 2018 Investor Roundtable

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The uniform outfits symbolize the herdlike thinking.
Correct, these numbers are specific to M3 line. The S and X lines are not represented in those totals. The numbers came directly from end of line board that is constantly updating 24/7 as M3’s come off line
That is impressive if true

are you the guy who said his friend works at the End of the line or something?

Like why dont these number leak more often? The CBS report made it look like it would be easy to see by anyone.
<Question from back of room>
"So Mr. Spiegel, how much have you made from shorting Tesla so far? I mean, I assume it must be a lot if you're giving a presentation on the topic."

<Answer> About $500 bucks + free lunch for myself and a couple hundred thousand for Kase Learning.



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So has he been up and down over time, or have his big bets only been suggestions for others and all talk?

I don't pay much attention to the clown but I'm sure he is down overall. I think he has made some public statements regarding his average price to borrow but unless he has been really good at timing the downs I don't see how he could possibly not be down substantially.
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Only the shorter knows his/her profit/loss situation.

True short thesis believers would certainly have been shorting/buying Puts when the stock approached $400 last year. Those positions would help offset any sales they made at lower prices.

Well sure but it depends what was the ratio. Most " true tesla shorts " were shorts for the last few years, and the bulk of their position was made those last few years before the 2017 run up. And a lot of them when the SP was a bit under 400 might have shorted a little bit more but a bigger part of them actually were scared that the SP would go past 400 and higher and so, on the contrary, they covered at this point.
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Only the shorter knows his/her profit/loss situation.

True short thesis believers would certainly have been shorting/buying Puts when the stock approached $400 last year. Those positions would help offset any sales they made at lower prices.

Yes, we keep hearing about these mythical "smart shorts" that enter at the highs and cover at the dips. However, the statistics on shorted number of stocks miraculously keep peeking at the time of dips and dropping to lower levels near the highs. So, something does not add up about these mythical creatures, if they exists they maybe more rare than unicorns.
Yes, we keep hearing about these mythical "smart shorts" that enter at the highs and cover at the dips. However, the statistics on shorted number of stocks miraculously keep peeking at the time of dips and dropping to lower levels near the highs. So, something does not add up about these mythical creatures, if they exists they maybe more rare than unicorns.
I suspect margin requirement limits how many shares the shorts can borrow and short when the price is high.
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Poll Du Jour: What percent of global miles will be traveled on a Tesla by the end of 2025?

Please consider: (i) Full Self-Driving, (ii) The Boring Company, and (iii) used Tesla’s.

ValueAnalyst on Twitter
Are you kidding with me?
There is about 2 billion vehicles in the world today and even with a very optimistic with I have hard to believe Tesla will reach 0,1% of that by 2025. If we says that Tesla is the only car company that gets full self driving then maybe they will travel 10 times as long as a normal car and therefor reach 1% of the total traveled miles on the globe, 30-70% is just ridiculous.
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