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Wiki Model S Delivery Update

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Simply amazing!!! Want to drive all night but need to charge. Put 100 miles on already (giving test rides and going to dinner). The Boss is happy with her new ride (and so am I because I get to drive it)!!!


MS has been delivered!!!! :biggrin: Pics later as now I need to finally drive one!
85kWh, Black/Black, Tech, Pano, Twin Chargers.

VIN 11,3* - Ordered 4/13, Final 4/26, Vin 5/14, MVPA 5/20, Delivered (in NC) 6/8.

Edit: Hmm, mine didn't have a license plate frame. Gonna have to talk to my DS about that on Monday. :)
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Simply amazing!!! Want to drive all night but need to charge. Put 100 miles on already (giving test rides and going to dinner). The Boss is happy with her new ride (and so am I because I get to drive it)!!!

View attachment 23418

Awesome, awesome !!! Congrats.

We've had ours out at least 6 times today, starting with the Wife and daughter for a joy ride in the morning, then me on to the monthly PDX Tesla meet up, 19 Model S and 1 Roadster in attendance a recital, a couple if errands, dinner out, and I capped the night off just driving through the neighborhoods. Fun, fun, fun.
Congrats to all who took delivery this past week! It's now been a month I've had mine and nearly 2,000 miles already. I still love everything about ths car, and I feel so lucky to be able to have it. It has been a very freeing experience not having to stop for gas once a week, and I can't prevent a small smile every day as I'm plugging her in.

Enjoy the interactions with strangers who seem so intrigued by it they can't help but take pics, stop and ask about it, or just openly gawk.

And last, don't get any speeding tickets!
Simply amazing!!! Want to drive all night but need to charge. Put 100 miles on already (giving test rides and going to dinner). The Boss is happy with her new ride (and so am I because I get to drive it)!!!

Congrats... I heard you saw my car as it was getting tint done..

Also -- interesting that yours has a license plate frame. Mine didn't come with one. Will need to mention it to service...
There seems to be a recent change in when VIN numbers are generated. Browsing through this thread indicates that recently reported VIN numbers are lagging by about 1 to 1.5 months the date of the release to the factory, and are generated about two weeks after the appearance of delivery button.

My VIN, however, appeared on My Tesla page 2 days after the order was released to the factory. Does anybody has any explanation/background info on this apparent change in assigning VIN numbers?
Got my VIN today! Super excited!

You got your VIN only two days after you finalized options?
I did my options almost a week ago, told them not to wait the two weeks, still no VIN.
My page did change to say, "Your Model S order has been confirmed". Also lady at local Tesla store confirmed i am locked and gave me an end of line date and window of deliver 7/10-7/20. BUT STILL NO VIN!!! I am checking the website 3 times per day. :cursing:
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You got your VIN only two days after you finalized options?
I did my options almost a week ago, told them not to wait the two weeks, still no VIN.
My page did change to say, "Your Model S order has been confirmed". Also lady at local Tesla store confirmed i am locked and gave me an end of line date and window of deliver 7/10-7/20. BUT STILL NO VIN!!! I am checking the website 3 times per day. :cursing:

Just to clarify, I've finalized my options on the day of entering my order, on May 26. The status changed to "Your Order has been confirmed" two weeks later on June 08. The VIN appeared on My Tesla page one day later, i.e. today. I do not have a delivery window yet.

See my previous post (#5130), I am wondering if a change in the Tesla Motors procedures have just happened and what it means.
Mine was quick as well. I also have a P85+ ln order. I think we just lucked out and caught the latter end of a P85+ production run.

That is interesting, I apparently just caught the tail end of the P85+ batch. Would you mind sharing your VIN #? I am going on vacation starting last week of June, and Always assumed that will get my car after returning from vacation in July, but judging by your delivery window, it actually could happen before my vacation, in June!

i am also wondering whether delivery button just appears on My Tesla page, or I have to do something to get it displayed. I do not have delivery button yet.
That is interesting, I apparently just caught the tail end of the P85+ batch. Would you mind sharing your VIN #? I am going on vacation starting last week of June, and Always assumed that will get my car after returning from vacation in July, but judging by your delivery window, it actually could happen before my vacation, in June!

i am also wondering whether delivery button just appears on My Tesla page, or I have to do something to get it displayed. I do not have delivery button yet.

My VIN is 13201. I got the email before the button showed up on the webpage. I'm not sure what the normal experience is.

Does anyone know how many cars are in a normal run?

- - - Updated - - -

My VIN was the opposite experience. The webpage showed it a couple of days before I got the email.
Does anyone know how many cars are in a normal run?

I would think that it is at least the daily production volume, i.e. 80-100 cars. This way Tesla can finish a batch during the day, and then do line re-programming and/or some minor re-tooling during the second shift, so the next day they are ready to run next batch, with different options.
I would think that it is at least the daily production volume, i.e. 80-100 cars. This way Tesla can finish a batch during the day, and then do line re-programming and/or some minor re-tooling during the second shift, so the next day they are ready to run next batch, with different options.

I would assume they only want to retool every week or two. Would be rather inefficienct to do that nightly.
I would assume they only want to retool every week or two. Would be rather inefficienct to do that nightly.

That is probably right for 60kWh or 85kWh models, but there is presumably less demand for the P85+.

Assuming that P85+ is 10% of total incoming orders (as an example, it might be lower than that), if they wait until the total of week worth of P85+ accumulate to justify a week run for this batch, they will be running this batch once in 10 weeks. This is not consistent with the wait time for P85 cars - running about one month currently.

In conclusion, the size of the batch is probably determined by what fraction of incoming orders is linked with a particular "batch designation".
Let's see if useful information can be extracted from these reference points...

Looks like Denarius, AMN and me ordered within the same week: the earliest reservation on 5/20, the latest on 5/25. The difference between the highest and the lowest VIN # is 13812-13,201=611. The maximum difference between the finalization/release to the factory dates is 11 days (5/27 v.s. 6/7). Would it be correct then to assume that in 11 days approximately 611 cars were released to the factory for and average of 611/11 = 55.54 cars/day (20,274 cars on an yearly basis). This kind of confirms what Elon now mentioned several times - the NA reservation rate is above 20K cars/year.
In case you guys are interested...

P85+ pearl white/grey/piano with everything except 3rd row seats:

Reserved 5/23
Finalized 5/27
VIN 1330* 6/7
Delivery window 6/24-7/7

Interesting. I finalized just before selling some of my TSLA, but the order didn't go to the factory until May 29th (~2 weeks later). After that date, I got a delivery window of June 21-July 5. I don't know if my delivery window is before your's because of the options, or the fact that my delivery doesn't have to go as far as yours.