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Safety Score

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Doesn’t seem right. I got dinged for a couple of things I didn’t do. Unsafe following in particular. 99% .I cal BS. What’s your score and do you have any hope of ever getting FSD?
While in autopilot mode, my Safety Score is being lowered. Went from 98 to 93.
  1. There's ghost 'hard' braking at a stop sign on a side street that almost faces my direction and autopilot thinks it's a stop sign on my road.
  2. There's ghost forward collision warnings, at wall on a tight curve while traveling the speed limit gets mistaken for an object on the roadway.
I disable Autopilot at those places now, but, new 'ghost' braking and collision warnings will undoubtedly appear as I drive new locations.

Seems the driver, me, is not at fault here.

I know when I purchased FSD, that I am a beta tester, and happy to do so to contribute to autonomous driving.
But to be cheated out of a high Safety Score by the Autopilot messing up, doesn't seem fair.

Any others experiencing the same?
Totally agree. Same for me. It’s just not right.
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Autopilot with following distance set to 7. 60%, 47 minutes of unsafe following on a 79 minute drive.


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One can only hope. I do miss driving my Plaid in a more spirited way though, so if it doesn't happen this week I'll just opt out and have some fun with it again.

Sorry, I might not have been clear. I'm assuming my hit for hard breaking was during that 1% I wasn't on FSD. For sure there was jerkyness while engaged in FSD that would have affected my score much more if counted. I had to disengage FSD several times like when I got scared at a round about and probably inadvertently braked too hard. With such a small portion of the commute driven manually, it would only take 1 short hard brake event to bring my score down like that.

I'm so tired of gaming the score and making sure I stayed at 100 the past two weeks I'm not going to worry about it. I'll go back to driving "normal" and let the score go where it wants. :)
That is exactly what brought my score down to 99. Need advice: Do I park my model 3 with a 99 score and hope it won't be too long of a wait to get the beta...or do I try to improve the score? I could drive my Model S instead, and try to improve its score of 95. What do you guys think is best?
That is exactly what brought my score down to 99. Need advice: Do I park my model 3 with a 99 score and hope it won't be too long of a wait to get the beta...or do I try to improve the score? I could drive my Model S instead, and try to improve its score of 95. What do you guys think is best?

The more time you invest in playing a game without known rules, the more frustrated will you be when you lose.
You've had multiple people explain to you why it's useful beyond "entertainment"

Including myself.
Point me to a single quote of yourself explaining how it's useful beyond entertainment. Saying "I think it can drive me 20 miles to work" isn't beyond entertainment when it takes more attention than if you weren't using it.

now it's about game-changing.
@powertoold is the one that called it "game changing." I just asked why it was game changing, given how it was an L2 system that you can't take your eyes off for a second. I did not move the goal posts, other posters using hyperbolic words did.
Disagree. Tesla has stated that they do not factor in those things while autopilot is in use:

"Hard braking while on Autopilot is not factored into the Safety Score formula."
"Unsafe following while on Autopilot is not factored into the Safety Score formula."

Forward collisions and others, potentially as they are not called out specifically, but I'd be surprised if anything other than inattentiveness is considered while in auto pilot.

Still....I wouldn't put it past them to have a coding error. This is just software.
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FSD beta is game changing because of what it can do and has been done: drives 100% itself, no geofence, 1000+ new owners have it. Game has changed for FSD. Game-changing! FSD beta has changed the game. What are we arguing about again?

As for its usefulness, it's more fun than useful for me (not saying it's useless), but I don't know, I've used it for like 10 minutes. I'm actually surprised how fun it is to use it... when it works well I guess lol

Edit: Wowww, I still can't believe Tesla released the full fsd beta to 1000+ random people without NDA, paperwork, etc. I hope it turns out well for Tesla, lol. Still in disbelief about what happened today.
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As for its usefulness, it's more fun than useful for me (not saying it's useless), but I don't know, I've used it for like 10 minutes. I'm actually surprised how fun it is to use it... when it works well I guess lol
THANK YOU for properly using ITS versus IT'S in the right places - it's amazing how often people mess this up..
Point me to a single quote of yourself explaining how it's useful beyond entertainment. Saying "I think it can drive me 20 miles to work" isn't beyond entertainment

Of course it is.

Your ability to deny basic facts is quite remarkable.

when it takes more attention than if you weren't using it.

This, again, is outright untrue.

It requires LESS total attention.

It just requires more attention than the OBSERVATION part of driving. Less overall though.

Exactly the same way regular AP has always worked.

Again I have to wonder if you really own a Tesla at all since you continually seem unaware of this stuff.
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Actually, I think it is important to discuss how bad it may be. It could help some realize this is not in a great state and you must be super careful to use it. I think the biggest aspect to this going wider is safety and no accidents.
The good part of how rough it is is that I have a hard time believing anyone could relax and just be confident the car will do everything just fine. If the Beta has been driving like this or worse from the start of Beta, I really, really wonder at how guys like Mars and AIDrivr just sit there with their hands off the wheel with cars around them, especially when it’s clear the car is struggling.
Autopilot with following distance set to 7. 60%, 47 minutes of unsafe following on a 79 minute drive.

I have been dinged for unsafe following on drives where I used Autopilot for 80 out of 80 miles. I'm not really sure what the problem is but it doesn't seem to line up with what the documentation says.

This is exactly what you would expect.

Here's an example of 49.9% unsafe following. If you had done the rest of your drive on AP, you'd end up at 49.9%. So, obviously it's very easy to get to 60%.

Here's an explanation. Again, it's very fortunate and not a big deal at all because 1) Unsafe following doesn't really matter much to the score, just get it below 5-10%. 2) It's very easy, extremely easy, to get it below 1%. Just bank those safe following seconds.
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