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Supercharger - Chemult, OR - US-97 (under construction April 2024, 8 V3 stalls)

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I always really liked the Big Sur chargers for scenic parking:

There's also a supercharger in Europe somewhere that's on a grass field, but I couldn't find it with a quick search.
I think the Tillamook supercharger just has a little asphalt pad that covers the actual charging stalls and little else. I assumed they were gonna do something similar for this one, but who knows? Maybe keep it gravel to feel more rustic lol

I charge at the Tillamook SC all the time and you are correct. It doesn't affect the operation of the site(obviously) but you really do need to watch your speed and watch for potholes after leaving the paved road. And it is several hundred yards/meters of gravel before getting to the chargers.

Where the chargers seem to be located for Chemult, even if they left them "rustic" you wouldn't have to drive as far on the gravel!

Anybody have any tricks to figure out what’s next on this one? Are they waiting for utility hookup? This site is especially impactful for me so I’m kind of impatient.
Usually the installation of the utility transformer is the main hold up. Can’t see one from the pictures yet. Even then there are several under construction that have transformers for several months. Maybe waiting on inspections or the Tesla sc team chaos to get sorted. I’m just hoping for a late summer trip I would like to take.
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So I guess we have our answer on the gravel/paving situation. Looks like those concrete pads will be the paving and the rest of the lot will stay as it is. Also, looks like all the stalls are pull-through then, judging by the concrete on both ends and what looks like arrows on the far set?
So I guess we have our answer on the gravel/paving situation. Looks like those concrete pads will be the paving and the rest of the lot will stay as it is. Also, looks like all the stalls are pull-through then, judging by the concrete on both ends and what looks like arrows on the far set?
Interesting observation. Assuming that these are V4s could they be the first pull-through V4s? Not sure I've seen any in the ones I've been to or seen pictures of.
Charger is on the same side as a Tesla, just towards the front. Direction of travel should be the same...
Yep, my bad. I was thinking how they pull in forward and use the opposite side charger now because of the shorter cables. With the pull through they’ll just stop farther back and with the open lot they won’t block the driving aisle. But to my point, vehicles with passenger side charge points will need to go backwards to not tie up multiple spots, especially the stalls adjacent to each of the cabinets.
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Yeah, hard to tell if this is a new prefab design, or just poured on-site in two batches. It seems very strange to see a new pre-fab design out in the middle of nowhere OR. You'd think we'd see one or two crop up near the NY factory first so they can troubleshoot any issues without all the travel.