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Supercharger - Pasadena, CA (LIVE 26 Nov 2019, 24 urban stalls)

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DCFC conduit getting laid down...

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A meetup is a great idea. Keep in mind though that it probably makes sense to wait until the site is up and running prior to popping any champagne corks. As we will know, lots of things can delay a site opening so lets not cast any meetup dates in stone just yet. I would imaging we could meet somewhere in the connected mall. The Yard House there has a large outdoor seating area that could easily support a large group of foaming Tesla fanboys and fangirls...

My $0.02

A meetup is a great idea. Keep in mind though that it probably makes sense to wait until the site is up and running prior to popping any champagne corks. As we will know, lots of things can delay a site opening so lets not cast any meetup dates in stone just yet. I would imaging we could meet somewhere in the connected mall. The Yard House there has a large outdoor seating area that could easily support a large group of foaming Tesla fanboys and fangirls...

My $0.02

No reason we can’t meet up somewhere else like the Shell station at the 210 and 2 for a gas free drive up to mount Wilson. How cool would it be to see 20 Tesla’s cruising on the 2. We can head up for lunch at Newcomb’s Ranch.
Seeing some progress finally on the Tesla portion of the charging area. Looks like the 12 metal stands are in place, with a border now around where the wiring will enter the roof. The DCFC crew was putting more metal conduit up, not enough of a difference yet to warrant a picture. The two handicapped spots where they will put DCFCs had their handicapped posts and signage removed in preparation for putting in the posts and mounting hardware.

Glad they are making quick progress on this project! With the mess Burbank currently is and disabled/downed chargers there was nothing but constant lines.

We got out of a movie from AMC at almost midnight on Sat and walked over to look and still 2 cars waiting with 3 or 4 spots disabled.

Great pics Rubber!
RT has been slacking off the past few days and has given me the opportunity to once again contribute some progress pics of my own.

Some interesting changes/observations:
  • It appears that the conduit runs along the sidewalk will be buried in concrete based on the concrete forms and rebar arrangement seen below.
  • The Supercharger cabinets have been moved to the roof and installed at their final location.
  • The city chargers will each have their own electrical boxes and you can see that many of these have already been installed.
  • No cable has actually been run through any of the conduit yet.
  • The Superchargers will have a dramatically more elegant interconnection arrangement than the city chargers. Everything will be hidden in the chases that the equipment is installed on. The city equipment looks like quite a mess in comparison.
  • The Supercharger install potion of the project (and at this rate the city charger install as well) appears to be on track to finish long before the utility transformer is installed as no progress seems to have been made on the vault in quite a while.
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RT has been slacking off the past few days...

Hey, I resemble that remark! :D

Those cabinets were moved Monday. You would think they would have run the wiring to the pedestals first, since it seems like it would be pretty heavy gauge? The tops of the pedestals have two large openings. One says A/C and the other D/C.

Very good update. The lack of progress on the large hole is causing me to lose sleep at night. If any weather happens to roll in, they will have a nice jacuzzi to relax in after work.

Nothing contributes to a sense of permanence better than a few cubic yards of well placed concrete. Some additional metal guideways(?) placed around the Tesla cabinets. And our very motivated Bobcat operator managed to move his machine to the other side of the hole. Perhaps some dirt was even moved in the process!

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Anybody care to clue me in on the whole "let's put the transformer underground" meme? I always thought that water and power electronics were somewhat incompatible. Sitting on an above ground concrete pad is much easier to keep dry versus underground. What's up?

Underground transformers are certainly a thing. They could be used due to space constraints, or perhaps due to the High Decree of the city public works department to maintain a certain pristine look around that area of town.

The digging may also be to create space for a vault and/or the space below the transformer pad.
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Anybody care to clue me in on the whole "let's put the transformer underground" meme? I always thought that water and power electronics were somewhat incompatible. Sitting on an above ground concrete pad is much easier to keep dry versus underground. What's up?

Seems like an aesthetic decision to me. Once the replace some of the plants around the vault it shouldn't be obvious that there's anything there.
Progress in the hole today. Much more material moved out. So much that the three Tesla large white cabinets needed to be moved somewhere else. Not sure where they were whisked off to. And a closeup picture showing the details on the individual DCFC spaces. Stopping posts are now getting screwed down to the anchors that go through the roof. There is a single large power connection going from the conduit to the small electrical box on the newly installed post. And, there are two separate openings in the smaller conduit that are somehow also associated with each DCFC. Maybe for communication?

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