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v11 software update SUCKS

Do you prefer v11 Tesla UI to v10.x, or want Tesla to go back to v10?

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New UI is Superb and a welcome improvement. I conclude that this is a horizontal user crabfest.
I too like the new UI, but I am also in favor of some of the simpler improvements posed by users, such as adding more options to the icon bar and improving the visibility of information icons that are displayed on the main screen.

What both Tesla and myself have misjudged is how much Tesla drivers like to interact with the UI. I rarely tap on the touchscreen while driving except to change media selections and volume. I do glance at the screen but the eye nags while on FSD beta discourage that.

If anything, constantly messing with the touchscreen while driving is a bigger safety hazard than having to do an extra click either to change the seat heater setting or to ogle at the tire pressure card.
If anything, constantly messing with the touchscreen while driving is a bigger safety hazard than having to do an extra click either to change the seat heater setting or to ogle at the tire pressure card.

Much as I like to periodically check my tire pressures, I have never ever ogled them 🤣

Constantly messing with the touch screen is what the new UI now requires, the quick buttons on the bottom for heated seats, defrost, etc were So Easy to get to and muscle memory made it as close as possible as a real button. A touch screen will never be eyes-off but making things menu driven like a computer or tablet device is going in the wrong direction in my view. And constantly moving things about makes each new update disorienting to folks who had the previous versions. Right there should be the option to avoid an update; my career is software and I know they could have/should have keep the UI independent of actual functions so bug fixes do not need to require a full update.

The layout could easily have been set up to allow users to pick and choose much of what they see from map size to bottom row of buttons. They just have to think it has value.
I think kids have a phrase today: double down on the derp.
Maybe the below will help you 'get it'...

Tesla's design center is in Hawthorne, CA. Virtually every car maker does a lot of automotive design in the Los Angeles area. Los Angeles has a vibrant car culture and the premiere car design college program in the world is at The Art Center college in Pasadena (my father's alma mater). People graduate from there and refuse to leave Los Angeles.
Fingers crossed that Austin will get similar programs one day...
I too like the new UI, but I am also in favor of some of the simpler improvements posed by users, such as adding more options to the icon bar and improving the visibility of information icons that are displayed on the main screen.

What both Tesla and myself have misjudged is how much Tesla drivers like to interact with the UI. I rarely tap on the touchscreen while driving except to change media selections and volume. I do glance at the screen but the eye nags while on FSD beta discourage that.

If anything, constantly messing with the touchscreen while driving is a bigger safety hazard than having to do an extra click either to change the seat heater setting or to ogle at the tire pressure card.
This is the whole point of the V11 hate. Ideally you should not need to interact with the touch screen while driving, but this update forces more (and far deeper) manual interaction than before. This is the entire problem.
Almost a casualty of V11 yesterday morning.
Am on a trip to southern Cal and stopped overnight in Santa Clarita. Car was at 48 miles, but was only about 7 miles to a supercharger. Decided to wait till morning as it was fairly late and had done a long detour around a closed Interstate 5.
Woke up nextmorning, checked car - it had 11 miles on it. Freaked out - but discovered the culprit. I shut everything off..... Upon going to turn off the seat heaters, the vents were turned on (as it now does). A very cold night, so the batteries went down keeping the car warm.
I limped slowly to the Supercharger and luckily got there with 6 miles left.

Even scarier was I had forgotten to take my wall charger with me.
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I have a 2018 X with of course the vertical screen.

New UI is Superb and a welcome improvement. I conclude that this is a horizontal user crabfest

btw: you are wrong in a couple of your points (it’s tiring correcting things that have been Mis-posted already so I just read a little of the post)
1- I have a charging slider (posted earlier in this OP)
2-My map zooms

btw: I’m sure Tesla will modify SW to meet most of the complaints.

Now, if they would go back to the old non-forward headrest and get rid of the new steering wheel I might buy my 3rd X. Massage seats would be nice too.

My car is older than yours, early 2016 refresh with AP1 and updated to MCU2 in the last year. The charging slider is missing on my car and others with cars of similar ages report the same.

The map will auto zoom as I drive to places where I zoomed in before, but there the controls to zoom the map are gone. With v 10 if you tapped the map, the controls would become visible such as showing traffic, satellite map vs graphic map, etc. There used to be a + and - control. That's gone.

On Friday I was somewhere where I must have zoomed way in the last time I was there. I tried to zoom back out to the normal level I use around town and found there is not way to do it.

Maybe these are bugs, but there are definitely missing.

The Hawthorne center may a have a few software(tool engineering) positions, the majority of the software team at Tesla are at the old HQ in Palo Alto and near the Fremont factory location. I believe that is what linux-works was referring to.

I think you're right. The Hawthorne locations is mostly for styling the physical car.
My car is older than yours, early 2016 refresh with AP1 and updated to MCU2 in the last year. The charging slider is missing on my car and others with cars of similar ages report the same.

The map will auto zoom as I drive to places where I zoomed in before, but there the controls to zoom the map are gone. With v 10 if you tapped the map, the controls would become visible such as showing traffic, satellite map vs graphic map, etc. There used to be a + and - control. That's gone.

On Friday I was somewhere where I must have zoomed way in the last time I was there. I tried to zoom back out to the normal level I use around town and found there is not way to do it.

Maybe these are bugs, but there are definitely missing.

I think you're right. The Hawthorne locations is mostly for styling the physical car.
Yup understand. I also have a early VIN 90d. That software hasn’t been updated in quite some time.
This thread gives me great entertainment. I see some users complain over and over that they can't get an update and haven't gotten one in many weeks, yet still want this update in spite of of the negative comments in this thread. Then they finally get V11 and get really upset about the UI, and want to go back to the old UI. I'm not saying the UI is good or bad. Just observing how upset people get when they finally get the update they beg for. Been going on for years now. :)
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I'm wondering how often any of us actually depend on the touch screen's map. I rarely go anywhere that requires it and yet it takes up so much space. Why not design the screen so that the map graphic is one touch away and instead leave all the things we all miss in this new version (seat heaters, wipers, etc) on the screen?
I see nothing wrong with the map but then I'm in UK with small roads, lots of junctions not massive freeways & straight roads lol. What pees me off is the poxy car graphic taking a third of the screen for no purpose (imo). I have these things in the front of my head (called eyes) I can see the lines on the road, I can see other cars in front and to the side (I certainly don't need to see every bloody traffic cone in UK (there's a lot). That part of the display is wasted imo, it could be used for the interfaces people use ie. heated seats, rear window defrost, lights (fog is not an auto function). Also the font for range, time etc could be made adjustable so those of us who use reading glasses only could see the buggering things.
The blind spot camera is a bad function too imo, why the hell is anyone looking at there centre display when changing lanes? Call me old fashioned but wing mirrors and turning the head work much better. The reason every other manufacturer has warnings in the wing mirror is because that's the direction everyone should be looking when changing lane, not at a tablet in the centre of the car.
Love the car so far in every other way other than the lack of access to what are important functions (heated seats excepted they're just a nice to have). this is from someone who has changed from a BMW 630D GT which was a bloody comfy car. My biggest worry with the change was would it be big enough for all my work gear (I work offshore 2 weeks at a time on windfarms). That has been no problem at all I get everything in & out of sight.

Apologies if already posted
that 'apple news' site is 100% useless to some of us. it suggests I buy an apple to see their site. not kidding.

yet another website for me to blacklist on my firewall. they wont show news to people who dont have a mac? screw that!


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.... and sir, do you know why I pulled you over..?


...well. you were using your phone while driving...

Well, you see officer, using my phone, while certainly dangerous, you see... I was just trying to adjust my heated seat, which takes about 47 less steps than if I try to do the hokey pokey, swipe, slide, poke blindly and then insert my appendages with my car's display.

... Ohh... ok then... carry on.

Ticket to service to go to v10 submitted.
Its too complicated to figure out the update. I cannot find the controls I need while I'm driving. Total disaster. It's making me hate my car. Why is everything we need while driving hidden?????
Your very first post was a doozy.....you really own a Tesla or just trolling (this reminds me of the early days when oil/auto mfg/dealers would post negative stories about Tesla until they were called out)?

If you do, take the time out BEFORE you drive learning the new SW changes. It's what I do when SW changes (on any product).
Your very first post was a doozy.....you really own a Tesla or just trolling (this reminds me of the early days when oil/auto mfg/dealers would post negative stories about Tesla until they were called out)?

If you do, take the time out BEFORE you drive learning the new SW changes. It's what I do when SW changes (on any product).

This is a good example of why v11 is a problem. It’s not a computer operating system where the user can be expected to poke around in sub-menus to find features. It’s an automotive UI—if there’s a learning curve for basic controls that is too steep to handle while driving, it’s a failure. I shouldn’t have to figure out in advance the series of controls I need to press to turn on the defroster.