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  1. A

    Beware of time limited parking

    Thought I'd share my experience since I had no idea this could happen and others should take note to avoid an unpleasant surprise. Parked in a 2 hour restricted area this morning. Returned to the car after 1.5 hours and drove to my local gym. After leaving the gym, I had to briefly return to my...
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    AZ Superchargering Woes?

    Hey Arizonians, Over here in CA we've been having a terrible time supercharging beginning earlier this summer: Some California Superchargers not providing maximum charging rates Personally, I've not experienced normal charging rates in over 8 months, despite having no such difficulties in my...
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    90 kWh owners: Temp log a supercharge session

    Would be great if someone with a 90 pack (X or S) can share a battery temperature profile of a supercharge session (preferably one where you start out without much SOC). Basically, you should try to replicate this graph: Reason for the interest is that the cells used in the 90 kWh packs...
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    Firmware 8.0 User Agent

    can someone with 8.0 please post the user agent string of the Qt Browser?
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    Looking for some more CAN decodes

    Been a while since I've seen any update on this front. I'd like to see more on the thermal controller (cooling and heating target, coolant loop data, pump speeds, etc) to better replicate diagnostic screen functionality. Also, do we know anything about SpC messages? Like max amps requested by...
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    Battery thermal management

    So the past couple days have been pretty warm here in SoCal and my Model S has been conditioning the battery. I hear the fans spin up and this is further confirmed by my diagnostic logs. The DC/DC converter outputs anywhere between 300-600 watts compared to the usual 50 watts while the car is in...
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    Bricking protection trigger voltage

    Apologies if this has been reported, but a quick search did not turn anything up. Anyone know the precise voltage that is programmed into the BMS whereby the contactors open and further power is not delivered until the battery is charged? Does it vary by model? Model X vs S? 90 kWh vs 85?
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    Battery coolant replacement

    I just had my 5 year 62 K mile annual service earlier this month. I noticed that the owners manual recommends replacement of the battery coolant at this interval: Battery coolant. Every 5 years or 62,500 miles (100,000 km) Source...
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    $170 per TPMS sensor?

    Car is in for annual service at Van Nuys. Service advisor called me and quoted $170 per tire for TPMS sensor replacement since I have been having issues. Lots of folks on the forum have been quoted $50-100 per tire. Why am I quoted so much more?
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    Anomalous 12 V maintenance?

    I've been keeping tabs on my car's sleeping behavior and found some interesting data today (see graph). I have sleep enabled and always connected off. 1. Why does the DCDC converter voltage begin at 14.3 V and decline to 14.1 V? I thought the voltage should start at ~13 V for a partially...
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    FWD revisited: Worth it?

    Just curious now that we've seen a bunch of issues crop up with the FWD on the Model X. Please only answer if you have had your MX for at least 1 week.
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    Using a Raspberry Pi 3 to interface with powertrain bus CAN3

    At this point, there are several CAN loggers available (TM-Spy, lolachampcar’s logger, obrien28’s Beaglebone Black, and CANtact to name a few). None of them provided quite what I was looking for so I created my own. I’ll be documenting the project here so others can follow along. Features...
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    Thermal controller CAN3?

    Is the thermal controller on CAN3? Has anyone managed to decipher its messages?
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    Cold charging

    Didn't want to further derail discussion in wk's thread so I created a new one. Following off of a linked PDF, I found this text: Why does cold charging induce pack imbalance? And how do cell imbalances contribute to reduced life? Imbalances are correctable, I thought, by a single range...
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    Product sales through TMC

    It has come to my attention that some of our well respected and talented forum members feel hindered by TMC rules and regulations applying to new product advertisement and sales. Case in point - the CAN logger discussion over in wk's thread. What exactly do these rules stipulate? IMO, if...
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    CAN vs other network infrastructure

    Edit: protocol rather than infrastructure is what I meant Been reading lots on what CAN means and what it does in our cars. Not sure I understand why it's the industry standard, tho. What are the primary advantages of a CAN bus over connecting car components to a simple Ethernet hub and operate...
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    Classic Model S: Toy car?

    Trying to get a sense how many folks like the toy car on the IC, seeing as Tesla retained it in 7.1. Borrowing Lump's photo:
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    Repair advice: TPMS Needs Service

    A couple days ago I started getting TPMS needs service. It was intermittent at first, but the error is now permanently displayed as soon as I press the brake to turn the car on. It's not practical for me to wait for an appointment with the SvC since it will probably be several weeks for the...
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    7.1 Beta Testers - constructive suggestions

    Hey beta testers, This thread is intended to be a compilation of feedback on changes we'd like to see implemented in 7.1. Let's try to keep this realistic and not too far fetched. And, please, no AP feedback. There's an abundance of existing threads where you can voice your gripes. These...
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    Redesigned energy app?

    Today, while searching for an unrelated issue I came across this screen grab presumably from a beta. Notice that the energy app shows real time HVAC usage and other ancillary loads. Whatever happened to this and why didn't it make the production version cut? Can't say I'm too crazy about the...
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    Poor experience using a Tesla Charging Partner

    Stayed last night at the Best Western Danville Sycamore Inn, which is listed as a Tesla charging partner. I notified the hotel that I was an EV driver when I made the reservation and that I planned on using their charging amenities. Well, low and behold, I checked in last night and they were...
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    Help: Trip planner woes

    Events unfolding quickly. Left. Harris Ranch 30 min ago and headed S to Tejon. Nav abruptly rerouted at this point back to Harris. No message to slow down or charging required to destination. Just abrupt U turn required. reset Nav to Tejon and removed all chargers. Says we will make it with 11%...
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    MCU Hardware Revisons

    Had my MCU replaced at Van Nuys SvC. Service invoice states the unit as being a Rev. M (1004777-00-M). Anyone know what's been changed since Rev. A? My guess would be lots of small things, but with the IC, one of the hardware revs beefed up the panel resolution. I'm wondering if anyone has...
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    Manufacturing (MFG) Plates

    Why do they exist? Why the need to discriminate between a consumer and a manufacturer on a license plate? Do they pay different registration fees?
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    HV Battery Emergency Cooling

    I'm wondering at what temp (if any) will the BMS forcibly wake the car from sleep and begin cooling the battery. In almost 3 years of ownership, I can tell you that the Model S only performs thermal management of the battery when: 1. The car is on. 2. The 12 V is actively being charged. 3. A...
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    Touchscreen: Mositure/Leak?

    (Edit: title should say Moisture) Just noticed this in two spots on my 17": I had annual service done a couple months ago and they "visually inspected cooling system for leaks" but found none. I just can't think of what else it could be. Thoughts?
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    Diagnostic data

    I think it would be super cool if Tesla allowed either of the following: 1. Read-only diag screen access via a separate access code. 2. The equivalent of "VDS logs" on the Roadster via USB download. Anyone know if Tesla's planning to release this for Model S? Would win them lots of goodwill...
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    Supercharging: Chill Mode

    As everyone whose experienced SpC very well knows, the taper is the killer. Very rarely is a rate of 100 kW maintained after 45% and after 50% the rate drops like a hot potato. Seeing a lot of variation as to when the taper begins on different cars under different conditions has me thinking as...
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    Sigs not compatible with battery swap

    Elon said the battery swap station at Harris has suffered from low demand so I figured I'd give them some business. Turns out they don't want it. Spoke to Mark Brooks of Tesla and he was very nice but politely explained that my VIN range has been flagged by engineering for one reason or another...
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    Service tech salary

    I noticed the hourly labor rate is $175 for Tesla Service per my annual service invoice. How much of that actually goes to pay for labor? I'd be pretty happy if the service techs see >= 50% of that, but I doubt this is the case. I understand that there's some overhead baked in there like paying...
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    Regional Service Manager in So Cal?

    Spent a little time googling and couldn't seem to find an answer. Anyone know who it is and where his contact info is posted?
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    PowerWall alternative

    So the Powerwall's got me thinking. I have an existing grid-tied solar system. I do not want to go off-grid, however, I would like to have a limited backup in case of emergencies or black outs. I don't need 7-10 kWh of storage or anything near that. All I need is to be able to power my fridge...
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    D owners: When does current limiting occur?

    On my S, I start seeing the dashed yellow line appear on my power meter around ~50% SOC (when floored). Just curious where D owners start seeing this limitation and how much it affects acceleration. For instance, my S85 limits to ~285 kW at 50% SOC. I assume this is a pack imposed limitation...
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    Mission Viejo and La Habra SvC

    Anyone know their status? Seems like they've been stuck at "coming soon" for ages.
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    Excluded forums

    My usual TMC browsing routine beings with "What's New?" But I find it annoying that so many regional subforums are excluded. I've been digging around in settings and haven't found a way to manage these exclusions. I've missed replies in some threads that I've posted in because of these...
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    Ability to edit old posts expires

    Title says it all. May I ask why this parameter has been set in the forum config? Didn't used to be this way. There are many legitimate reasons why users may want to edit their old posts from several months back.
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    Wiki Main Battery Replacement

    Original thread: Main Battery Replacement I'm creating a wiki because the ability to edit my OP in the referenced thread has somehow been removed. The table won't transfer over nicely either so this is what we're left with: Signature SeriesGeneral...
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    Odd Pump Noise?

    Recently I starting noticing a terrible noise coming from underneath the front passenger side bumper. Often happens when I go to plug the car in at night. Here's a video grab I got of it last night. You'll hear it right off the bat: Tesla Model S Pump Noise? - YouTube The humming noise heard...
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    All too often on these forums I see people throwing around the vague, non-descriptive word "solenoid". Can someone please define what they mean by solenoids? A solenoid (per Wikipedia) is a metal coil. However, I know that it can also refer to valves/gauges/God knows what else. I would be very...
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    Sudden Loss of Range

    I've been puzzling over a sudden unexplained loss of 3 miles of rated range. I'm not talking about 'Decreasing rated range' as I am very familiar with that thread - this is something different. In over 2 years of ownership, I have never seen this behavior before. While 3 miles alone is not that...
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    Service Plan: Mileage Requirement Reinstated

    Attention service plan patrons: There has been a great deal of confusion surrounding the annual service interval for those who purchased the service contract. I decided to set the record straight and sent an email off to ownership. This is the response I got: A previous email posted on the...
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    Solar City PowerGuide : API Available?

    Anyone familiar with the Solar City remote energy monitoring box? Seems to grab data wirelessly from the inverter and then acts as an Ethernet bridge to connect to the internet. A network scan turned up the following open ports: 22 - SSH 80 - HTTP 443 - HTTPS Webserver access requires...
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    Self-Driving Car: Is it a big deal?

    Elon said Tesla will unveil a car next year capable of autonomous driving 90% of the time. Am I the only one that says, meh? Don't get me wrong. If I could drive my MS up to a restaurant and say, "Tesla, park yourself" and then walk away, that would be WAY cool! And then I could open the app...
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    Wh/mi increasing with age?

    Does anyone else notice a correlation between age of the battery pack and energy consumption? My MS exhibits a positive correlation - that is, Wh/mi as read on the dash has been steadily increasing. Does that make any sense? IIRC, resistive losses within the pack increase as cells degrade...
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    Tesla patent move - Real world obligations?

    So much for Tesla open sourcing the Model S IP. Tesla Goes Open Source: Elon Musk Releases Patents To 'Good Faith' Use - Forbes
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    Web Based Model S Interface

    A few weeks ago folks expressed interest in my PHP/MySQL based web app for the Model S. I created it mostly because I was tired of Tesla's refusal to cache data and make it available when the car sleeps. Thus, you only need to wake the car from the iOS app when you need real time feedback...
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    Supercharging Taper Curve for D+ Pack

    AFAIK, the bulk of supercharging data posted on the forums includes data comparing A vs. B packs. In fact, I don't think we have a single taper curve from a D pack. Is there anyone out there with a D (or better) battery pack that would care to collect a taper curve using Visible Tesla or some...
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    Poll: A pack owners: Refurbished Pack Upgrade?

    First off, this is NOT another thread to debate the merits of the ongoing 90/120 kW supercharging debate. If you do not feel that Tesla needs to do anything about the situation and have a "you get what you get" attitude, then please do not respond to this poll in any form. For those that are...
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    Chademo Experience

    So I know there are a lot of Chaedmo fans out there. I own a Nissan Leaf and decided to give it a try. Perhaps you can answer some of my questions: 1. Why is the plug so dang humongous? Seriously, it's like we're back at a gas station. 2. Why can't the charger split power between two bays...
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    Main Battery Replacement

    Unless you've been living under a rock the past few weeks, chances are you've heard of some recent high voltage battery pack failures. We have a bunch of scattered posts documenting these individual incidences, but I thought it would be nice to have a single thread in which we could keep track...