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IMHO missteps have been irrelevant.


Elon Musk Net worth $21B. Morons shorting Elon Musk companies billions in the red.
I think that your yardstick is a few inches short. FSD, silky smooth, 5k m3 a week, even a $35k ms are just a few missteps. people buying a vehicle aren't part of the investment wars, they want what they were led to believe they were buying.
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I think that your yardstick is a few inches short. FSD, silky smooth, 5k m3 a week, even a $35k ms are just a few missteps. people buying a vehicle aren't part of the investment wars, they want what they were led to believe they were buying.

I think your yardstick is a few miles long.

257k Tesla vehicles sold. Highest percentage of buyers that say they will buy again.

Over 500k Model 3 reservations

This is reflected in the stock price. And Elon's networth.

Elon never promised a $35k Model S. Tesla owners and fans don't give a rats arse about the nitpickers.
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From Star Trek: Discovery.
that's a very nice promotion for elon, however IMHO there have been many missteps along the way

One must fail to succeed. Missteps shouldn’t be given any significant weight as long as the lesson was learned from the mistake. You don’t get really good at something unless you try and fail now and again. If you never fail or have missteps then you will never excel.

Who cares about the one/few/many/multitude of missteps? Only those who want to criticize for the sake of criticism care. Or those who feel inadequate/deficient. Or those who are jealous. Take your pick.

We’re all aware nobody is perfect. Let’s not dwell on that aspect of humanity but rather on the positives, the outcomes, the stuff that’s important.

But hey, always feel free to walk a mile in his shoes and let us know how that worked out for you.
that's a very nice promotion for elon, however IMHO there have been many missteps along the way
The way to succeed at a high risk enterprise is by first failing, often multiple times, and continuing working towards your goal. Elon understands that. Some people have difficulty grasping that concept and focus on the failures while minimizing the successes. They are welcome to do so, and their pessimism has no effect on those who continue to work towards the goal.
One must fail to succeed. Missteps shouldn’t be given any significant weight as long as the lesson was learned from the mistake. You don’t get really good at something unless you try and fail now and again. If you never fail or have missteps then you will never excel.

Who cares about the one/few/many/multitude of missteps? Only those who want to criticize for the sake of criticism care. Or those who feel inadequate/deficient. Or those who are jealous. Take your pick.

We’re all aware nobody is perfect. Let’s not dwell on that aspect of humanity but rather on the positives, the outcomes, the stuff that’s important.

But hey, always feel free to walk a mile in his shoes and let us know how that worked out for you.
The way to succeed at a high risk enterprise is by first failing, often multiple times, and continuing working towards your goal. Elon understands that. Some people have difficulty grasping that concept and focus on the failures while minimizing the successes. They are welcome to do so, and their pessimism has no effect on those who continue to work towards the goal.
there is failing and there is misrepresentation. at what point does he go from failing to misrepresentation? failing to deliver cars with functions that he promised or misleading investors with inflated production claims. maybe in some fantasyland someone would accept his level of missing goals, in the real world there are consequences.
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For most people, when they invest a lot of effort into something and it doesn't turn out well, they don't want to admit they were wrong and have to start over. One of Elon's strengths is while he sees sometimes it isn't feasible to start over, he lacks that thing most people have and if he's wrong, he's brutally honest with himself and abandons anything that didn't work for a better way the next time.

Elon doesn't play mind games or politics. It's all about doing the best job possible at all times. He accepts mistakes happen, but all he wants is to make sure the lessons are learned and the mistakes don't happen again. He's almost Vulcan in that way. Don't let emotion get in the way, it's done right or it's not and then it's fixed. I'm sure he throws a lot of people off balance who are used to the politics of working in an organization.
there is failing and there is misrepresentation. at what point does he go from failing to misrepresentation? failing to deliver cars with functions that he promised or misleading investors with inflated production claims. maybe in some fantasyland someone would accept his level of missing goals, in the real world there are consequences.

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I did tell you exactly how I felt. First that you’re off base with your criticism of him and then that
let me help you out, I am not off base with my criticism, my criticism just doesn't conform to your preconceived views. the facts are the same the difference is how we interpret the facts. In your mind elon is infallible and his missteps are excusable and people shouldn't keep him to his word. My view is that actions and statements have consequences, especially when you are taking people's money based on those actions and statements.
you are bored because you didn't get your way so "you're taking your ball and going home".
a typical response from the so called enlightened/progressive thinking crowd.
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let me help you out, I am not off base with my criticism, my criticism just doesn't conform to your preconceived views. the facts are the same the difference is how we interpret the facts. In your mind elon is infallible and his missteps are excusable and people shouldn't keep him to his word. My view is that actions and statements have consequences, especially when you are taking people's money based on those actions and statements.
you are bored because you didn't get your way so "you're taking your ball and going home".
a typical response from the so called enlightened/progressive thinking crowd.

Thanks, but don’t need your help. Your criticism just doesn’t conform to reality in terms of how people become very good at what they do and successful; which was quite clearly and specifically my point of discussion.

I said no such thing (nor am I or was I thinking it in my mind) as believing Elon is infallible. In fact I quite specifically said that we all know people are not perfect.

I also never said anything about not holding anyone to their word. And I never said actions don’t have consequences.

It’s apparent that the one here who needs help is you, particularly in reading and comprehension.

I’m bored because I find your particular discussion tactics boring. There’s nothing subtle about them or interesting. Like your need to make assumptions about me then giving me a label and put me in a particular box - boring.
Thanks, but don’t need your help. Your criticism just doesn’t conform to reality in terms of how people become very good at what they do and successful; which was quite clearly and specifically my point of discussion.
this has zero to do with any success he has attained this has to do with some of his bloated, misleading claims. you are quite hung up on his level of success. but just like in sports you're only as good as your last play or how about bernie madoff? he was wildly successful until he decided to cross over into running a ponzi scheme. sure elon has seen great successes in his life but there have been numerous missteps regarding tesla and solarcity to name two.
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