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Anyone want to go on Twitter and call out Musk for making a short, 48 minute trip (and expelling climate-changing emissions) on his private jet? Caution, your account could be banned for exercising your free speech. :eek:

Twitter suspends Elon Musk jet tracker account, despite billionaire's 'free speech' pledge

The @ElonJet account, run by Jack Sweeney, a 20-year-old Florida college student, used publicly available flight tracking information to build a Twitter bot that tweeted every time Musk's Gulfstream took off and landed at an airport. The last post from the account prior to the suspension showed Musk's jet taking off from Oakland, California, on Monday and landing in Los Angeles 48 minutes later.
Couldn’t have anything to do with open threats of violence against him and some nutter (dressed in black bloc, no less) accosting the vehicle his son was in, could it?
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The one I showed you for sale is in Corona. Come on man….

As far as company you’ve never heard of it’s from Hyundai, this is their Luxury brand.

Thank you. No, I had never heard of it so didn't know it was actually Hyundai. Had I known that I would not have been so negative. I'm about two and a half thousand miles from Corona, and the L.A. zip code where my aunt used to live is not one that their website accepts. Too bad it wasn't identified in this thread as "Hyundai Genesis" for those of us who don't know every carmaker's luxury brand.

Lol Daniel is probably frantically reading stuff on line that shows the MYP is the far superior car. Probably going to load some Munro videos about the castings too. Since Tesla is "in fact ... far superior" anything to the contrary must be fake news and biased reporting. Probably some woke-ness?

Nope. I know nothing about the Model Y. I don't know who Munro is. I use YouTube to watch music videos, cat videos, gymnastics, parkour, etc. Your ad hominem in uncalled-for.

I went to the Genesis website and when I click on "Build" for the GV60 a box pops up saying that the car is only available in select Arizona, California, Connecticut, New Jersey, Nevada, New York, Utah, and Washington locations. Probably only major cities in those states.

At the moment it's limited availability. They are probably ramping production.

Thank you. So, very limited availability, in only a few locations, explains why I could not find one available. Therefore I was partly right: I said it didn't exist. In fact, it's not a car that an ordinary person can buy today. You have to be within a few miles of a very small number of dealerships.

That said, knowing it's Hyundai, it would not surprise me if it's a very nice car. If it's available here when the time comes for me to buy a new car I will take a look at it if it's a sedan, or I'll look at the sedan version. I have no use for an SUV. I anticipate buying a new car in ten years or so. I usually keep cars for twelve to fifteen years, and the Model 3, for all Elon's a$$holery, is the best car I've ever owned.
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The broad interpretations of “stochastic terrorism” help no one.

Elon questioning why it took him buying Twitter to clamp down on CSAM is 100% valid and deserved criticism/admonishment of the peanut gallery that ran the show prior.
wow.. you're hitting all the QAnon/Pizzagate triggers here... Elon buying Twitter to clamp down on CSAM is the biggest stretch so far. 🥜🥜
When it's going great
Screenshot 2022-12-15 at 9.42.35 AM.png
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$100,000 EVs aren’t going to revolutionize car travel, but $30K EVs before tax credits will. ...

Back when the Model S came out, Elon was saying that Tesla's business model was to break into the car market with the high-performance hand-build Roadster, because that was where a new car company could get a piece of the market, and the Roadster would show what an EV can really be. The next step would be an expensive and luxurious, high-performance sedan, the Model S. Eventually, Elon promised, his goal was to build an affordable electric family car. Before it actually came out, some of us assumed the Model 3 would be that. I don't know if Must ever said that, but he did promise that that was Tesla's ultimate goal. And the Model 3 was originally supposed to be $30K (maybe after tax breaks?).

The Model 3 is, in my opinion, the best car on the road, but it's not the "affordable" family car Elon promised, and as far as I am aware, Tesla has no intention of ever building a car that could really inundate the market. Tesla's cheapest car remains an expensive luxury car. Elon has gone from promising to make all cars electric, to just seeking profit.

Elon Musk Sells $3.6 Billion In Tesla Shares For Third Time Since Saying There Was No Plan To Sell More​



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